templatetag processing order

2010-05-25 Thread Jason Persampieri
(cross-posted to StackOverflow) I am trying to write a set of template tags that allow you to easily specify js and css files from within the template files themselves. Something along the lines of {% requires global.css %}, and later in the request, {% get_required_css %}. I have this mostly wor

my first (public) app: django-requires_js_css

2010-10-20 Thread Jason Persampieri
http://github.com/pappy74/django-requires_js_css Howdy folks, I was hoping to get some feedback on my first public app, django- requires_js_css. The app's purpose is to allow 'sane' JavaScript and CSS requirements. That is, require from within templates, but still load using 'best practices'.

Re: my first (public) app: django-requires_js_css

2010-10-24 Thread Jason Persampieri
Just a quick note, I changed the name to django-requires_assets. I could imagine a future where this is used to pre-load images or other assets. The name seemed a bit more future-proof. http://github.com/pappy74/django-require_assets On Oct 20, 10:01 pm, Jason Persampieri wrote: > h

Re: my first (public) app: django-requires_js_css

2010-10-25 Thread Jason Persampieri
ead if the templatetags aren't used at all. I've recently added same-server absolute path requirements and am considering re-working to the SETTINGS dict to be less stupid. Anything else that would be useful right off the bat? On Oct 24, 3:30 pm, Sam Lai wrote: > On 21 October 2010