On 3/29/07, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't think of a way to account for "up to last 3 years" and "up to
> the next 5 years" or variation thereof.
paid_up_until = models.DateField()
Then use Python's standard 'datetime.timedelta' to handle offets;
e.g., if a member pays up for t
On 3/29/07, Jeremy Dunck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eh, it depends what you're doing. Entering CC numbers? You probably want
> SSL.
I'd want much more than SSL ;)
I guess I'm not sure what's meant by "securing" here; accessing
anything in the admin app requires the user to be authenticated
On 3/30/07, IvanK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I come from the rails camp (obviously deserting :)) and I've been
> wondering does Django has anything like capistrano for automated
> deployment, cause it's really easy with rails to just write "rake
> deploy" and have your production be in sync
On 3/30/07, drackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ('more', { 'classes': 'collapse', 'fields' :
> ('entry_date') }),
This line is the culprit; change it to
('more', { 'classes': 'collapse', 'fields' : ('entry_date',) }),
Take note of the comma after 'entry_date'.
The er
On 3/30/07, drackett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see.. if there were more than one item in there, the last comma
> isn't necessary anymore, correct?
Correct. The comma is needed on a single-element tuple so that Python
can distinguish between something that's in parentheses for grouping
> Why do I need this? I want the user profile and user account to be
> created by user on the same page. Any solutions how can I do it?
Display a single form with all the fields, and have your view create
both objects.
"Bureaucrat Conr
On 3/31/07, mediumgrade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a model with charfield's with choices attached to them. In my
> templates, however, I would like to be able to display the values from
> the dictionary list in my models, not just the value stored in the
> database.
This is covered in th
On 4/2/07, Michael Lake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll probably have to look at extending Markdown and potter back here and ask
> questions when I get stuck.
If you want to use ReST, remember that the Django template filter is
not the only way to use it -- you could easily write your own filte
> Just wondering what app you're using for gathering Web Statistics with Django?
I'm actually experimenting a bit right now. I've been using Mint[1] on
my blog for a while and I like it, but on another site I've been
playing with Google Anal
On 4/2/07, johncock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> would like to use the development version in creating life websites
> So if i make svn update does this affect my projects
It's pretty safe to use the development version, but if you do it's
important to keep an eye on the development timeline and
On 4/3/07, Grupo Django <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Inside the custom template tag, I don't get the request object since
> it's not a view.
Look into using RequestContext[1] in your views (generic views all use
it automatically), and enabling the "request" context processor[2].
This will make th
On 4/4/07, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What would be more efficient would be if I could get all responses for a
> particular user, then pluck the particular variables out of that data
> set as/when I need them. 1 SQL call. Is that possible? Are there
> memory tradeoffs? There could
On 4/4/07, Joshua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The specific task I have in front of me is to build a CMS that can be
> customized for different sites and different "views" (templates) while
> allowing a CMS admin user to add pages to a site - much like the
> radiantCMS built with Rails (http://ra
On 4/5/07, Gilhad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What do you think about the "spawning another Admin with (select) button" ?
> Is it the right way of doing things?
That's what 'raw_id_admin' does -- it turns that part of the form into
an input for the ID, and adds an icon next to it you can click t
On 4/5/07, johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is simple question. When you send xml over http, do you just
> pass string varible containing the xml document, as a variable to the
> template?
For XML it's best not to use a template at all; while you may be used
to using the 'render_to_respo
On 4/6/07, Henrik Lied <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this removed without a substitute?
* auto_now_add is best done by overriding 'save' to fill in the date
* auto_now can easily be handled by a callable default value that
fills in datetime.datetime.now or datetime.date.today.
* LazyDate is be
On 4/8/07, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, I can't figure out how Django handles it. I can't see anything
> in the documentation or the settings that would allow writes to be
> handled by a different host to the reads.
The idea with both load balancing and DB replication is t
On 4/9/07, checco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then, these really basic statements give me this error:
> >>> from django.db import models
> >>> class Person(models.Model):
> pass
This is somewhat counterintuitive unless you know a bit about how
Django's model system works; 'app_label' i
On 4/9/07, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The official documentation on MySQL 5.1 "Using Replication for
> ScaleOut" is explicit and states that it is the application (Django)
> that needs to send the writes to the Master and the Reads to the
> Slaves.Unless I'm wrong this would r
On 4/9/07, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The issue with Cluster is that it is designed to work synchronously.
> This is fine when the all the DB is on a fast, local network but not
> when the DB needs to be replicated to geographically different networks,
> where latency becomes a maj
On 4/9/07, johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At a particular url, my view is looking for XML document to be sent
> over http, by post. If a request come in without post, I want to
> raise an error "405 Method Not Allowed". How do I do this?
response = HttpResponse('some output here')
On 4/10/07, erdong ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do not know if a decision has been made on the ajax framework in 1.0.
Django will not bundle any JavaScript library or provide integration
hooks with any specific library; Django will continue to make it easy
to receive AJAX requests and send s
> I'm pretty new to Django... At the moment, I'm trying to get all of
> the information stored in a database table into a format acceptable
> for some javascript I plan to run (using the YUI libraries).
django.core.serializers contains seri
On 4/10/07, Steve Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even after the developer decides upon a javascript library to use,
> there is still a lot of boilerplate involved to do common things like
> populating one widget based upon what the user selects in another
> widget. I often need to populate
On 4/10/07, Udi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can create a custom context processor that fetches the base media
> url from your settings file and makes it available to the templates.
I haven't yet officially "released" it, but I've been working on a
small application which bundles a lot of use
On 4/11/07, jeffhg58 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only problem I am having is when I log out and either hit the back
> button or go to my home
> page from the browser it does not give me the login prompt window.
This is kind of tricky and exposes a pseudo-bug in Django.
What's happening is t
On 4/15/07, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What kind of server setup are you using? I'm not very educated on the
> various types, but I believe FCGI, for instance, will kill all the
> Python processes after awhile, if the site hasn't been hit, and will
> respawn them again once a new conn
On 4/16/07, M Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to Django, but am familiar with python. I am also familiar
> with
> joomla (formerly mambo), and I would like someone to provide a comparison /
> contrast between Django and joomla please, no hype, just the facts. I am
> int
On 4/17/07, gnijholt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could there be a bug in PyTextile that's currently 'shipped' with
> Django? (textile-2.0.11)
Django does not "ship with" Textile; PyTextile is a third-party
download, and bugs in it should be reported to its developer.
"Bureaucrat Conrad, you
On 4/17/07, Mark Engelberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In other words, is there something called get_application_name() or
> something similar?
Every model class, and every instance of every model, has an attribute
called '_meta' which stores useful information about the model; given
a model ins
> I even tried just returning datetime.datetime.now() from within the
> view, and that worked. But when I try to save it to the database, it's
> null.
This is a tricky one to spot, but I think it has to do with the format
the manipulator sy
On 4/17/07, Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales
> I'm a newcomer to this list, so be patient if this is a dumb
> question. I'd like to know how does DJango handle Model Inheritance.
Model inheritance is not currently supported in Django. It will be at
some as-yet-
On 4/18/07, SlavaSh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is wrong "intentional design decision".
> There few more web clients in the world besides the IE and Firefox.
> Part of them does not support cookies.
Django provides a sessions framework in 'django.contrib.sessions'
(note the "contrib" in tha
On 4/19/07, mojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this might be a bug. Unexpected behaviour at least.
> When I delete default Site object ('example.com'), generic login view raises
> exception, as it is looking for Site with pk=1.
We really need to document this a little better; if you delete
On 4/19/07, Gábor Farkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i do not want this. i'd like to find a way,
> which TRIES to delete the object, and if not possible
> (foreign-key-restrictions), then raises an exception.
This really isn't possible right now without doing a lot of hacking
around; the problem
On 4/19/07, Nicola Larosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the dream of the Semantic Web: a way of mixing data and metadata so
> that you have an array of relations (like those in Dublin Core) that relate
> subject and object (the RDF triple). And every object is defined by a set
> of relation
On 4/24/07, Moses Ting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone run into errors with the paginator.has_next_page function?
> It seems to be returning false even though I am certain that there's a
> next page.
Could you post some more details about the situation you're
encountering? Without knowing
On 4/28/07, Roboto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using Piotr Diamanda MyghtyBoard and I keep running into this
> error when I try this 1 particular view... I've asked Piotr directly
> and he indicated it could be a django/server issue. Any thoughts?
If you search on the Django ticket tracker
On 4/29/07, Bryan Veloso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, if I'm trying to use the development server... it doesn't
> recognize any of the applications without relative names and the only
> way to fix that is to move those apps inside "applications/" then add
> the prefix.
All of the manage.py u
On 4/29/07, Sat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a recommended editor or IDE for windows that is django savvy?
> Ideally, I am looking for one that handles bundles/snippets for django
> as well as syntax highlighting and code completion for django and
> python.
I believe ActiveState's Komodo
On 4/30/07, Pythoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Julio,Thank you for your reply.
> But can you provide some more details, please?
> How can be a focus set in frames with anchors?
> Thanks for reply.
You might want to start with something like this to find tutorials on
how to use frames in HTML:
On 4/30/07, Bryan Veloso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a blog, and I have 3 post types, regular posts (Entry),
> videocasts and tutorials. Now, I want to be able to have all of these
> grouped in chronological order and then spit out to the user as such.
> (Hopefully that makes sense). I'm g
On 5/1/07, Eugene Morozov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Building such site on Zope platform is more or less straightforward.
> As underlying storage is an object oriented database, every page is an
> object.
> On the other hand, Django uses ORM and this means that each site
> section m
On 5/4/07, Andrés Martín <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This mail, is for proposing that in tha all e-mail's that send to the
> group, contain the [django] subject. First, because the client mail can
> detect spam en it, and Second, for recognize each mail of mail-list. is a
> form of have mail org
On 5/4/07, Forest Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Every mailing list I've ever seen that uses prefixed subjects adds the prefix
> automatically. Users shouldn't be bothered to add a repetitive prefix to
> their
> emails. We have machines to do that sort of stuff.
Adding prefixes to list mail
On 5/4/07, Martin Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> admin section: should be ok - except for M2M relationships - at least in
> auth.User edit-screen, because the group-area is dependent on
> JavaScript. As far as I know, everything has to work without javascript
> to conform to the specs, but I
On 5/4/07, *San* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> but, when I tried to view it, I got an error:
> Cannot resolve keyword 'user' into field
The field on your profile model **must** be named "user".
So, for example, this will work:
class MyProfile(models.Model):
mailing_address = models.TextFiel
On 5/4/07, Grupo Django <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I get very often an error from modpython, and I have no idea
> about what I should check, does anybody know it?
You're seeing this particular traceback because an internal error
occurred and you don't have a template for displaying the "
On 5/7/07, Paul Rauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if you take a look at the first line of
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/sitemaps/
> there is written: "New in Django development version"
> meaning: No, not even in 0.96
That's incorrect. The sitemaps app was part of Django 0.96. It
On 5/7/07, johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a python script that runs in a multi threaded manner for
> backend to update certain flags in the table. I want to use django
> models to do this. I was wondering if I import the django models just
> like any other python, would that work?
On 5/8/07, Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> keeping logic out of templates. I'm fine with that, so my next
> thought was to build a dictionary of every attribute of a product and
> reference that, but {{ object.attributes["brightness"] }} gets me a
> "Could not parse the remainder" error.
On 5/8/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2. If that doesn't work, try to access it as a normal Python attribute.
> 3. If that doesn't work, try to call it: foo.bar().
(and to be completely honest, it actually does a 'callable' check on
the attribute
On 5/8/07, gsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't understand what [\w-]{1,100} and [\w-]+ are doing. Can you
> please explain?
Your best bet is to consult a good reference on regular expressions;
they're among the topics that "every programmer needs to understand".
Jeffrey Friedl's book "Ma
> '[-\w-]' is character class combining '\w' and a hyphen
Had a typo there; should be '[-\w]'
"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog
On 5/8/07, gsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> by using the following html ' However, this contains the string 'c:/django/site_media/image.jpg'.
The "get_FIELDNAME_url" method will return the URL of the file
relative to MEDIA_ROOT, while just printing out the field value will
return the fi
On 5/9/07, bear330 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anyone try to use django model independently?
> How to do that?
Yes, it's a fairly frequently asked question on this list, and in fact
I think it's been asked and answered at least once in the last week. I
don't mean to go after anyone in partic
On 5/9/07, walterbyrd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks to all who replied. BTW: I have programmed professionally in
> about a dozen different languages, and have a degree in math with a
> concentration in comp sci. But, I'm new to Python. I've been reading
> up, and writing a few simple progra
On 5/11/07, Thomas Guettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First I missing a way to sync the database with the model. The command
> syncdb has a bad name. It should be called initdb. But you can live
> without autosync: Redirect the output of sqlall to a file. Update model,
> redirect the output aga
On 5/11/07, Nic James Ferrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something needs to be done though... or ongoing maintenance of Django
> apps is going to be really hard.
I haven't found it terribly hard with a little coding discipline; the
way we've handled it is to write the necessary SQL and commit i
On 5/11/07, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't speak for others, but I'd like to see a little more than that.
> The Wiki page about schema evolution [1] has a decent set of ideas.
> From that document, specifying raw SQL for model transforms is a
> necessary, but not sufficie
On 5/11/07, Bram - Smartelectronix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> there should be a clear way to trigger exceptions when non-existing
> variables are added to the templates.
Again, the reasoning is that it's better to have an empty string (or
TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID, if set) come back than to th
On 5/11/07, Christian M Hoeppner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just what I needed. Still... I have to handle this in a custom admin view, do
> I? Even after reading that chapter in the django book I'm unsure about those
> custom views. Where do I tell it to show that text input if it's not in the
On 5/11/07, Christian M Hoeppner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How would one handle this?
> * Display text input instead of default multi-select.
> * Handle the input and save it to the right places.
You might want to have a look at Jonathan Buchanan's Django tagging
application, which seems lik
On 5/11/07, akonsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the tags_list field that you propose is an extra field that is stored
> in the database. i want to avoid this because tags are stored in their
> own tables and this field is only used for conveniency. the contents
> of this field is not needed at all
On 5/12/07, checco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> into a QuerySet? Or maybe there is a way to pass to the object_list
> view directly the list of objects as returned by the SQL statement
> (with cursor.fetchall())?
If you've got the list of ids, you can use an 'id__in' lookup to get a
QuerySet out
On 5/14/07, Olivier Guilyardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this the expected behaviour?
Yes; tag libraries don't persist across blocks or into child
templates. You can make a particular tag library "global" by using the
(undocumented) function django.template.add_to_builtins, however;
On 5/14/07, Bram - Smartelectronix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyway, where do I "listen" to backwards incompatible changes? Is there
> an RSS feed? Is there a mailinglist (django dev??)?
Watch this wiki page:
"Bureaucrat Con
On 5/14/07, Jimmy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a templatetag that basically fetches archive information for a
> specific model, the only thing is I cannot figure out how to convert the
> model parameter which is passed in as a string to an actual django Model
You want the function 'get_mod
On 5/14/07, Sven Herzing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> and I like to get the Products for a specific group and for a specific
> company.
Given a specific company name and a specific product group name, the
following retrieves all the products which belong to that company and
that group:
>>> acme_
On 5/15/07, Tipan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When rendered to the template, it produces a bullet point alongside
> each radio button.
In your template -- not in Python code -- add an HTML 'id' to your
form, and then put a rule like this in your site's stylesheet:
#my_form_id ul li {
On 5/15/07, Vertigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could build a custom method (get_public_documents) on model Project.
> But the documentation suggests that model methods are 'row-level'
> oriented.
And yet the methods which fetch the set of related objects are
instance methods, not class-level
Howdy, folks!
Since a recent change in Django's development trunk caught a few
people unawares (see the thread today on 'clean_data' versus
'cleaned_data' in newforms), I thought I'd take this opportunity to
put on my release-manager hat and remind everybody that if you're
working from a Subversi
On 5/15/07, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I put up the form for order, I don't want the Customer (foreign
> key) to appear. I've not seen anything on the forum that shows you
> can easily eliminate a field from the form?
In general, form_for_model and form_for_instance are for when yo
On 5/15/07, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wish the custom form option would allow me to bind to a data object,
> based on field names being the same, that way I could have fields in
> the form that aren't bound and ones that are, without a lot of hassle.
To do that you want to get a dicti
On 5/16/07, Renato Lipi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using FORLOOP built-in tag. There is a time that I need to restart this
> count, setting forloop.counter=0. How can I do something like that?
The plain template language (deliberately) cannot perform variable
assignments; custom template t
On 5/16/07, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for info, but what happens when the form.save() is called,
> since the FK isn't part of the clean_data, it will fail no?
Form.save accepts a 'commit' keyword argument, which default to True;
when it's True the form will try to actually save t
On 5/16/07, Andreas Ahlenstorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've some models where the strings returned by __str__() are unicode
> strings and contain non-ascii characters, especially umlauts. With a
> recent Django version, this causes UnicodeEncodeErrors all over the
> place. Could anybody give
On 5/16/07, John Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, assuming my commit=false works, i should be able to say something like:
> form.clean_data['fk_id'] = fkobjid
No; you want your form to not have any field at all for the foreign
key, because you want the form to completely ignore the fact
On 5/16/07, Ray Dookie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm interested to know how much load can a django box say with 512MB
> ram handle.
The biggest question to ask here is what level of traffic you're
expecting, and how quickly you expect that traffic to go; there are
lots of things you can do to
On 5/16/07, John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> portfolio = Portfolio.objects.get(pk=portid)
> obj.portfolio = portfolio
Somewhat undocumented, but you should be able to do
obj.portfolio_id = portid
Instead of doing the lookup and assigning the object, if you're
concerned abou
On 5/17/07, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So how would i extend the markdown filter?
> Would this be better handled in another place, better way or different
> module?
Shameless self-promotion: I wrote a little app a while back which is
designed to make this sort of thing much easie
On 5/19/07, ivan_d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I read that newform admin was merged to trunk
I don't see anything in that thread which says it's been merged, and
it hasn't been merged; it's still a separate branch. If you want, you
can look at the code here:
On 5/20/07, Marc Fargas Esteve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Both cases are really really bad depending on what you are trying to achieve.
> You could simply run a cronjob that dispatches different signals like:
> "hourly_signal", "daily_signal" and listen for them anywhere.
The idea of some sor
On 5/21/07, Sebastjan Trepca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just started to use generic relations and I was wondering why are the
> default field names "object_id" and "content_type" and not "object_id" and
> "object_type"?
> Seems better that way and more logical ... or is it?
I would guess that
On 5/22/07, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm curious if there are others who could use this functionality but
> for Django. If so, perhaps we can all collaborate and come up with a
> solution that runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Data syncing would be
> nice but can come later.
I'd b
On 5/23/07, Thomas Ashelford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm hoping that setup.py is just a convenience file that does
> something I can do manually (I'm a python newbie, so when I took a
> look inside I was a bit bamboozled. I could probably figure it out
> given a spare hour or two!)
In order
> Rather than going to every function I am displaying items ( 99% of the
> time I'm using .filter then some filter ), is there a way to tell it
> in the model to always append delete_flag=0 to any of the .filter
> parameters I am passing in,
On 5/24/07, wesman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just don't want to have to write this stuff all again and
> maintain two copies of it - can I use multi-inheritance and create a
> model that is sub-classed from my "job" class and the models class?
Sure. The only time you'll run into problems is
On 5/27/07, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, Django is not designed like that. All connections to the database
> are done as the user you specify in the settings file. You would need to
> reimplement connection and cursor management inside the
> django/db/backends/* if you wante
On 5/28/07, flyaflya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a url, its length is 201.
I'm not trying to be mean here, but...
1. We have a public bug-tracking system for bug reports:
2. Please search the bug-tracking system before reporting an issue;
odds are i
On 5/28/07, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought I had the lock on the grumpy old man role in this list.
I'm grumpy but not old; what prize do I get?
Dang kids these days with their user profiles...
"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of cor
On 5/29/07, hotani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> in the model, I changed to:
> models.ForeignKey(Client,raw_id_admin=True)
To be fair, the official model docs do recommend using raw_id_admin
when the related table contains large numbers of records; otherwise,
building a drop-down form of all of th
On 5/30/07, Luper Rouch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2. import bar.module
> the application is more portable, but its path has to be included in
> PYTHON_PATH (at least under mod_python)
I generally opt for this one, but with one caveat: I almost *never*
place applications directly inside the pro
> As said in the docs http://www.lawrence.com/about/staph/ is a flatpage
> but it contains extra date like that calendar and the latest news. So
> I actually just want to know how to get this additional dynamic
> content on my flatpage.
On 6/3/07, Evan H. Carmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know how to pass the context processor with HttpResponse so my
> template can do the ifequal. If someone can send me in the right
> direction it would be glorious.
Have a look at the documentation, which covers the fact that you need
On 6/4/07, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are some ballpark memory figures (memory vs requests/sec or
> concurrent connections) for people running django on Apache prefork w/
> mod_python? Would, say, 150 requests/sec for a 2GB memory allocation
> seem reasonable?
As always: it depends.
On 9/12/07, Ken Kuhlman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the state of SQLAlchemy integration with Django? I saw somewhere
> that it was possible to use them together, but the author didn't provide any
> details, and the SQLAlchemy branch of Django hasn't had any commits since
> late last year
> Which makes me putting all templates of all apps in my project into this
> directory (resp. subdirectories of this dir)
> How can I decouple my templates to an app specific directoy? The way that my
> apps are self contained also regarding their templates?
On 9/12/07, z_axis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the past, we use dreamwaver to design HTML visually. What i want to know
> is how to design django template visually ?
You can quite easily build out your design using placeholder content
(e.g., "lorem ipsum"), and then add in the appropriate Dj
On 9/13/07, Martin Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Obviously the first folder in the folder tree, or any top level
> folder, will not have a Parent. I don't really want to create an
> artificial top level Parent like "root". Any explanation of why this
> is happening and what to do to fix it
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