Re: Custom model field data type

2018-05-07 Thread JAGADESH M
if you read this page you will get an idea. get the link below On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 3:31 PM, 'Berry' via Django users <> wrote: > I created a custom PositiveBigInteg

copy schema when user register for login.

2018-11-08 Thread JAGADESH M
we are doing SAAS model product. here we need to maintain one database with multiple tables this will be the constant and my main database. since we are doing it as SAAS we need to replicate the same for n number of users. so when new user comes to registration, i need to make copy of main data

Re: copy schema when user register for login.

2018-11-08 Thread JAGADESH M
command line. I’m assuming you > don’t want to migrate every single model for every single user, but I know > there are ways to only migrate specific models though I forget exactly how. > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Nov 8, 2018, at 3:26 AM, JAGADESH M wrote: > > we are doi

want to convert Django REST APIs from http to https in production

2018-12-15 Thread JAGADESH M
Hi, I am new to django when i run Django REST API by default it is showing ** that's fine. But when i go deployment when i run APIs, even there it's running in insecure(http) only like *http://myproductionip *. so can anyone help me to resolve this problem. thank you --