Re: Django deployments

2021-11-17 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
I you use wamp, you have apache, so just must set other site in your setting of apache. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] [image: snake]*Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django

Re: Django tutor.

2022-07-27 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
馃寢 馃憠 #Ruta #Aprendizaje #Desarrollo #Web con #Python 馃悕 y #Django馃憟 Desde 馃挵 USD 9.99 | 馃毇 V谩lido hasta el 04 de Agosto 馃憞 馃憠 馃憟 馃挭Te dejo la lista de los cursos. 馃挜Cup贸n JULIO-2022-2 y JULIO-2022-3 馃敼Desarrollo Web con Sistema de Compra y Facturaci贸n usando D

Re: Installed Python 3.7; installed Django 2.1.5. Django folder open, now what?

2019-01-16 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
If you could understand spanish, you could take my course... Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.1 Para Principiantes*

Re: REST Framework alternatives

2019-02-07 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Hi everyone. Tastypie is a good alternative, but it is too old, just look this date in it's website ( [image: imagen.png] and the requirements ( [image: imagen.png] I want to know, what kind of validation do you want to

Re: drf - change Foreign key to another field in a serializer using modelviewset

2019-02-07 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Hi. You can customize the queryset. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Domina el ORM Django* *Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.1 Para Princip

Re: the name of Django package

2019-02-25 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
I think it is not advisable to allow this type of action, better to work as a CMS as the one recommended in the other answer. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web

Re: Font Awesome does not work locally

2019-03-11 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Try to see the console output of your web browser. There you can see the url where want to load fontawesome_all.css file. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web con

Re: how can i get current username in model field ??

2019-04-01 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Here I let you how I do. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando D

Re: Static image not getting displayed.

2019-04-02 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
See the development tools and look what path is it? So, put STATIC_URL = '/static/' in your and {% load static %} in the first link of your template. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://]

Re: How to run ORM commands in Javascript DOM?

2019-04-09 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
[image: image.png] I hope be useful for you. In this tutorial (in spanish) I work with bootstrap modal window. May be give you ideas. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://]

Re: Mostrar datos en un formulario (inputs) en un template.

2019-04-25 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Cuando te refieres al inicial, es cuando se cargue el formulario? Disculpa no entiendo bien tu consulta. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Dj

Re: Django App - Database connection

2019-06-14 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
You can use psycopg2 then in your settings must have something like this: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': DATABASENAME, 'USER': YOURUSER, 'PASSWORD': YOURPASSWORD, 'HOST': SERVER, 'PORT': PO

Re: Django apk

2019-06-14 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
You can create an app (apk), with embbed access to a public site. You can use APP INVENTOR Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.1 Para P

Re: unable to import django packages

2019-06-18 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
What happen with your server? This error may be only in VSCode. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Crea un sistema de compras completo con Django *

Re: Running Django 2.2.3 in Apache2

2019-07-17 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
I hope be useful for you I have class in video in the course in Udemy, all in spanish Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://]

Re: How to run django app on a private network

2020-03-20 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Deploy it the same, just make sure the devices have access to the server where you have it deployed. I you want some help to deploy and read spanish, here this tutorial Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image:

Re: i am using database postgressql and after migrate my data is not displaying in the database

2020-03-27 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Could you send some screen of your view, model and template? Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] [image: snake]*Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.2 Para Principiantes con

Re: Problema con instalar django 3.0.5

2020-04-20 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Te sugiero crear un entorno virtual. Ejecuta pip freeze para ver si no tienes problemas con la instalaci贸n de python. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] [image: snake]*Curso Desarroll

Re: How to save multiple model form in one template?

2018-10-13 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
ok Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] Mi Blog Nicaragua "Si ustedes permanecen unidos a m铆, y si permanecen fieles a mis ense帽anzas, pidan lo que

Free Class

2018-10-14 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
#Curso #Django #Clase #Routin #Rutas #Python #PostgreSQL #Course #FREE #Class #Gratis En esta clase veremos c贸mo utilizar la vista login y logout predeterminada de Django Todo esto y mucho m谩s en el curso de DJANGO. Si te ha sido de utilidad esta clase o crees que puede ayudarle a otra persona,

Re: Unable to update questions in "Writing First Django App" tutorial

2018-10-18 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
You can try to start a new project or create a new app. Really I don't understand your question. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Django 2.1* Mi Blog

Re: new to django

2018-10-24 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Thanks for tell us. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Django 2.1 (Course of Django 2.1)* Mi Blog Nicaragua "Si us

Re: I Suck

2018-10-24 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Try to learn with an case or problem that you want to resolv. Try to automatize some task, and then You can go learning with the practice. Code is hard, but is beautifull!!! Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://]

Re: Can't install mysqlclient

2018-10-26 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
For avoid problem, It's better in python start with a Virtual Environment Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Django 2.1* Mi Blog

Re: Form with two models

2018-11-07 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Hi. Welcome to Django world. You can use formset to show and manage both models, Specifically you can use inlineformset_factory, who can help you with that. I maded a course where I explain it, but is in spanish. Bue, read about inlineformset_factory. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --]

Install PostgreSQL in Ubuntu Server 18.04 Bionic Beaver

2018-11-16 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Here I let a video tutorial where I explain how install PostgreSQL in Ubuntu Server. The Video has english subtitle Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://]

Re: No puedo instalar las librer铆as path y url para ejecutar python runserver

2018-11-29 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Estimado, te sugerir铆a que actualices la versi贸n de Python a la m谩s actual. Tambi茅n (asumiendo que c:\python34 es la ruta de instalaci贸n de python) , para iniciar un proyecto ser铆a en otra carpeta. Tambi茅n trata de usar entornos virtuales. Podr铆as aclarar esas dudas? Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos,

Replicaci贸n de Bases de Datos (cualquier BD y/o Sistema Operativo)

2018-12-03 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge En este curso aprender谩s a realizar replicaci贸n desde cualquier base de datos hacia cualquier base de datos sin importar el sistema operativo. Elaboraremos una soluci贸n que replique data entre diferentes tipos de bases de datos y sistema operativo. Veremos #PostgreSQL (en

Re: Django bugfix releases 1.11.17 and 2.1.4.

2018-12-03 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Thanks. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.1 Para Principiantes* *F谩cil Replicaci贸n de Cualquier Base de Datos

Generar PDF con Django 2.1 (Portrait y Landscape, Vertical y Horizontal)

2018-12-05 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] *Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.1 Para Princi

Deploy Django 2.1 a Apache2 en Ubuntu Server 18.04.01 Bionic Beaver

2018-12-19 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
*Deploy* *Django* *Apache2* *Ubuntu* *Server* *Bionic*

Re: Django and Vuejs

2020-10-02 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Here you have a course Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] [image: snake]*Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.2 Para Principiantes con Desc

Re: Unique and null

2021-04-07 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
I suggest that if you set unique, the field must have value, so null=False. Blank=True es for form and template, to set required. Null es for database. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://]

Re: Hiring for frontend developer

2021-05-06 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Thanks for share. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] [image: snake]*Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.2 Para Principiantes con Descuento 95%

Re: Djangorest framework tutorial

2019-11-05 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Hi, look my course. It's in spanish. Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] [imag

Re: Microservice with django

2019-11-08 Thread Ing.Daniel Bojorge
Me too!!! Dios L@s Bendiga Saludos, [image: --] daniel.bojorge [image: http://] [image: snake]*Curso Desarrollo Web con Python usando Django 2.2 Para Principiantes con Descuento 95% *