Re: Brasilian fellow with charcode problem...

2006-11-05 Thread Igor Guerrero Fonseca
In Django templates are text-based so if you write some HTML/X-HTML/XML you most use some code for example: ñ = ñ You can use or your favorite html editor to write your markup and then watch for the source code > Hi, > > I had the same problem in Spanish. > > You m

Re: newbie question about using javascript to handle vars in template..

2006-11-12 Thread Igor Guerrero Fonseca
I think that you need to do some: render_to_response to that *.js file Because Django is not replacing the *.js Django is replacing the *.html file > in my template file, there's a var which i can use {{var1}} to get its > value. and if i put the code > > > document.write({{var1}}); > > > DI

Re: Django site.

2006-11-13 Thread Igor Guerrero Fonseca
I dont see any problem with Django Site... El lun, 13-11-2006 a las 21:40 -0500, Gabriel Puliatti escribió: > Is the Django site down? > > I've been getting a (145) Connection timed out for a while now. > -- --~--~-~--~~~---~--~

Re: Question about :: root/django/trunk/django/middleware/

2006-11-18 Thread Igor Guerrero Fonseca
Like rubyonrails creator say's "PHP is the Devil"(and we agree) ;) El sáb, 18-11-2006 a las 16:16 +, Roboto escribió: > Session Tampered Error (Admin only) > > Bug solved! > > TURN OFF MOD_PHP!! > > > > -- --~--~-~--~~~---~--

Re: runserver and static files

2006-11-19 Thread Igor Guerrero Fonseca
I finally found it, put this in your urls(this works to me!): (r'(^|/)css/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': 'templates/css/', 'show_indexes': True}), Maybe you already do that... but just for another that have the same problem :-P -- http

Re: Guido's Google project uses Django

2006-12-02 Thread Igor Guerrero Fonseca
Wow, we are in the rigth place... Django is the best!!! El sáb, 02-12-2006 a las 17:17 +, psaletan escribió: > > > >From the article: > > Guido van Rossum unveiled his first Google project, Mondrian, tonight > during a P