middleware response processing always occurs

2009-01-29 Thread George Lund
allows the request to proceed or not. But I guess such a change could break existing code, so at the very least the docs could use a bit more explanation and or highlighting in bold! thanks George Lund --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

traceback - no local variables

2009-03-10 Thread George Lund
thing else. Does anyone know how to make Django supply all the variables in the email? TIA George Lund --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send e

Re: traceback - no local variables

2009-03-12 Thread George Lund
13 am, Thomas Guettler wrote: > Hi, > > I attached a HandleExceptionMiddleware I use. You need to modify it > to your needs. It attaches the html page of cgitb and the django > debug page to the email. > >   Thomas > > George Lund schrieb: > ... > > Does anyo

mysql warnings raise exception

2012-07-10 Thread George Lund
I notice that this problem gets discussed occasionally but with no proper resolution, so I felt obliged to raise it again, as the consequences are quite serious for MySQL users. When MySQL issues a warning, Django sometimes raises an exception. This is discussed in https://code.djangoproject.co

Bulk delete - performance / object collection

2013-01-02 Thread George Lund
I'm trying to bulk-delete several million rows from my database. The docs for Django 1.3say "this will, whenever possible, be executed purely in SQL". A pure-SQL delete is what I want in this case, so that's fine. Howev

Re: Bulk delete - performance / object collection

2013-01-02 Thread George Lund
> > > Meanwhile I can construct the SQL by hand easily enough, but I feel this > > isn't doing things the right way. > > I've had this discussion with other developers. Many feel they need to > slavishly adhere to the ORM and if you don't you're some type of evil > entity. I could not disagree

Re: Bulk delete - performance / object collection

2013-01-02 Thread George Lund
gt; > Although bypassing the ORM might feel wrong at first, sometimes it is > completely acceptable - you just need to make sure you don't abuse/misuse > it unnecessarily. > > Cal > > On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 11:29 AM, George Lund > > wrote: > >> I

Re: Model inheritance problem

2013-09-17 Thread George Lund
> class MyBaseModel(models.NodeModel): >name=StringProperty() >class Meta: >abstract = True > > In Django you would need CharField or similar. StringProperty is a Google App Engine thing? Cf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6132695/django-module-object-has-no-attribute-stringp

Re: Model inheritance problem

2013-09-17 Thread George Lund
gt; and >> ... >> name = models.StringProperty(indexed=True) >> >> for completeness. >> >> I think I just discovered another neo4django issue, >> in fact it works perfectly only if such attribute >> is not defined with indexed = True. >>

Model with several ManyToManyFields - related_name problem

2011-03-17 Thread George Lund
I have a model with more than one (3 in fact) ManyToManyFields which point to the same other model. As long as I specify distinct related_names for each, all is well. But the documentation [1] suggests that if I don't need the backwards relation, then specifying '+' as the related_name should wor

Re: Model with several ManyToManyFields - related_name problem

2011-03-18 Thread George Lund
Hiya, thanks for the reply. So in this case the extra fields are actually denormalized subsets of the original field, and the reverse relation can use the main field. (At least, at the moment, that's my plan, but that could change. Which I guess goes to show how rare this case probably actual

django-admin commands from installed egg

2011-03-25 Thread George Lund
mstances where imp is supposed to work differently from a regular import, but I can't see from the docs what those might be. Any ideas appreciated. thanks George Lund -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post

Re: unicode question

2011-03-29 Thread George Lund
I can't explain the additional space, but URL-encoding a Unicode string isn't generally possible, it needs to be encoded first. UTF-8 is almost always the correct encoding to use, so in your case: qk = quote(query_text.encode('utf8')) Anything you can do to avoid having to include text like th