Django phonegap CORS

2015-03-11 Thread Florian Auer
Hello I'm am stuck in a problem dealing with an CORS request from a phonegap app to an django application. What I have so far is the following: - a regular django web project - a phonegap app build on angularJS for some settings. - The idea is, that users can use the app to store relevant s

Re: Django phonegap CORS

2015-03-12 Thread Florian Auer
Thank you for your reply Filipe The question behind was: How to implement a cross domain communication between a phonegap App and a django web project You're right I forgot the django site for the server-side headers in my mind. I'll give it a try with the plugin and test how far i come with

Re: Django phonegap CORS

2015-03-13 Thread Florian Auer
Thanks to Filipe, the asynchronous request to django is working correctly. A request to the endpoint url results in a JSON response with the token in it. But now I have another gap in my "logic". Inside this angular app the django site is requested via a call like this, to takeover control from

Re: Django phonegap CORS

2015-03-13 Thread Florian Auer
Hello Filipe Thank you for the reply. Well the $http object was till now unknown for me.. there we can see how poor my AngularJS knowledge is till now. But as far as i understood the documentation i am not able to bring up a browser window by this that takes over the control of the app. The

Re: Django phonegap CORS

2015-03-18 Thread Florian Auer
single page application, or phonegap app), I'd suggest you to work with > default Django cookie session and not with a token based authentication. > This will be simpler since once you set the cookie, the browser will take > care off passing it over page requests and you will not ne

Django 1.6 Nginx with static files outside project folder

2014-09-18 Thread Florian Auer
Hello. It seems im stuck in the try to deploy my django project, consisting of multiple apps, to the production server at the point of serving the static files from the preferred directory. system details: - CentOS 6.5 - Django 1.6.4 - green Unicorn python server - Nginx webserver - python 3.3.

Re: Django 1.6 Nginx with static files outside project folder

2014-09-22 Thread Florian Auer
Hi Yes thats correct, but i checked the static directory in /webapps/sonar3/static and the files for the admin page and the plugin specific files also are present here. But the system tries to load them from /webapps/sonar3/myproject/static. Am Samstag, 20. September 2014 00:55:40 UTC+2 schrieb

transpose values_list result from ORM

2014-10-02 Thread Florian Auer
Hi I have a ORM query that results something like this: +-+-+---+ | date | key | value | +-+-+---+ | 201312 | A | 123 | | 201312 | B | 223 | | 201312 | C | 133 | | 201311 | A | 173 | | 201311 | B | 463 | | 201311 | C | 463 | +---

Re: transpose values_list result from ORM

2014-10-05 Thread Florian Auer
Hi the original variant was claiming a type mismatch: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in TypeError: tuple indices must be integers, not str The same with your code example. Maybe the reason is that date is not an integer as it looks like, but a string representation of it?

Re: transpose values_list result from ORM

2014-10-05 Thread Florian Auer
Ha, I think i got it the result from my databes is a values_list with tupels that cannot be acced via name. I have to use the indizes: for kz in kzlist: data.setdefault(kz[1], {})[kz[0]] = kz[2] Am Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014 16:07:02 UTC+2 schrieb Florian Auer: > > Hi > >

django & gunicorn: KeyError with active log-config setting

2014-11-13 Thread Florian Auer
Hi I wanted to let my gunicorn server to log its config into a dedicated file. Therefore I added an extra line: exec ../bin/gunicorn ${DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE}:application \ --name $NAME \ --workers $NUM_WORKERS \ --user=$USER --group=$GROUP \ --log-level=debug \ --bind=unix:$SOCKFILE \ --log-file=$ERR

nested inclusion tag that takes context

2014-11-28 Thread Florian Auer
Hi folks I have written 2 simple inclusion tags where one is nested inside the other. (settings.html uses the {% version %} tag) Both ones refer to the request object inside the context. The reason for this is, that I have a middleware that sets some flag variables to determine what type of clie

PyDev 3.4.1 & Django 1.7: undefined variable from Import

2014-05-12 Thread Florian Auer
Hi folks I'am new to django and try to follow the tutorial to digg into the code. I am using eclipse 4.3.SR2 with PyDev 3.4.1 and Django 1.7.b2 (because of the new features) In Tutorial Part 3 ( the database API is used to get the latest

Django 1.6.4 debug-toolbar confusing error

2014-05-23 Thread Florian Auer
Hi I am running 2 django 1.6.4 projects, both with debug toolbar enabled. The first one ist a simple project, following the a cookbook tutorial and the toolbar works fine inside. The second project ist the one, I'll wnated to start the real development in. But there every call to the most pane