Re: Finding a developer

2012-06-26 Thread Doug Snyder
How much you need to worry about differences in ROR or django infistructure probably depends a lot on what your project entails. How much is it a job that requires a framework? Django or ROR can be used for pretty common generic web projects like a simple CMS system or it can be used for an involve

Re: Is their an easy way to implement an ordered list of, say, urls in Django

2012-12-26 Thread Doug Snyder
OK, cool, thanks. I'll keep in mind the custom SQL solution for the future but for this project I think I do the editing on the front end ( see below) I have a strange background where I'm learning django but have never used SQL outside of django's ORM. I haven't played around with custom SQL since

Re: What to Django people have to say about Javascript frameworks to complement Django's philosophy on the front end

2013-04-17 Thread Doug Snyder
Another framework I looked at is SproutCore. This seems to be more focused around widgets like many javascript libraries have been before it. I'm not sure how extensible these widgets are and how quickly I would run into limitations of using them for things they weren't specifically designed for.

Re: What to Django people have to say about Javascript frameworks to complement Django's philosophy on the front end

2013-04-18 Thread Doug Snyder
adapts the abstract python UI representations to different javascript and front end libraries and technologies. The author, Timothy Crosley is on this Google Group and Webbot also has its own Google Group here:!forum/webbot On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 2:1

Re: What to Django people have to say about Javascript frameworks to complement Django's philosophy on the front end

2013-04-18 Thread Doug Snyder
Sorry, looks like I was wrong about batman. It can work with django, I just forget sometimes that more people watch movies than write web apps. On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Doug Snyder wrote: > Another interesting library just launched is Webbot ( > ). T

Re: django , python and ides

2013-06-01 Thread Doug Snyder
I use an IDE called Aptana Studio 3 and like it. I can't say that I've tried a lot of IDEs and I tend to get more opinionated about programming languages and technologies than editors but when I got into Django I looked at some options and found Aptana to be the most full featured free and platform

Re: django , python and ides

2013-06-01 Thread Doug Snyder
e, its got some minimal Python functionality built in like code coloring and intelligent indentation On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Doug Snyder wrote: > I use an IDE called Aptana Studio 3 and like it. > I can't say that I've tried a lot of IDEs and I tend to get more > opini

Re: django , python and ides

2013-06-01 Thread Doug Snyder
Hey I just ran into a new opensource Python IDE that looks interesting that wasn't around when I commited to Aptana Ninja-ide review at: Has anyone used this yet? On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Doug Snyder

Re: saving latitude and longitude values in django

2013-06-04 Thread Doug Snyder
I think you'd at least want to use either a DecimalField or FloatField for the lat & long numbers. There's a nice GIS package in django called GeoDjango, it has lots of built in functionality for all kinds of geographical things. This may be over kill for your application but I thought I'd let you

Re: Psycopg2 on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard)

2013-10-27 Thread Doug Snyder
I don't have a very specific answer for your question. I just started doing my django dev on OSX coming from Ubuntu My understanding is that Home Brew is a better solution than Mac Ports, I have heard some people being very critical of Mac Ports which I think was once the best solution for python e

trouble going from django on Windows to Ubuntu using Eclipse & Aptana Studio

2011-07-17 Thread Doug Snyder
Hi I'm pretty new to Django but I had an app working OK so far in WIdnows in Eclipse with the Aptana Studio plugin. I installed Eclipse and Aptana on a Ubuntu 11 machine and copied the code into a new project and when I try to run the (development) server I get some errors in django itself that are

Re: Angular and Django

2014-06-22 Thread Doug Snyder
be sure to check out: django-angular I'm just starting to use angular and django together. I plan on using django's integration with Content Delivery Networks to serve static files including the Angular app files ( AngularJS itself can

Re: Angular and Django

2014-06-22 Thread Doug Snyder
oogle folks aren't afraid of getting into the pudding. As people write more and more reuseable directives to share around, its going to become more and more powerful. On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Doug Snyder wrote: > be sure to check out: django-angular > <http://django-angu

Re: Angular and Django

2014-06-22 Thread Doug Snyder
Angular directives and binding are actually more powerful than Django's templating! On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Doug Snyder wrote: > compared to other js webapp solutions like Ember or Knockout, > Angular is more powerful but maybe a steaper learning curve. > It lets you ge