Free Django Video Tutorials

2015-03-04 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Thanks Mike, Just starting with introduction tutorials. Very helpful.. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Django Documentation 1.7 shows "" whereas it should be "django-admin"

2015-03-04 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Hi, I am a newbie to this community and I am not sure how should I submit this bug/error in 1st part of Django Tutorial. Here's the error: On page Writing your first Django app, part 1 | Creating a project notice it

Slack community for Django

2019-07-17 Thread Deep Sukhwani
[I have sent this as an email to DSF via Contact Us form, cross-posting it here in case this is a better place to communicate] Hello, A lot of large scale open source projects have a dedicated Slack community, some examples are Kubernetes, Golang, etc. Slack has become defacto communication stand

Re: Slack community for Django

2019-07-17 Thread Deep Sukhwani
some communities such as K8s) Thank you again. -- Deep S On Wednesday, 17 July 2019 14:16:13 UTC+5:30, Deep Sukhwani wrote: > > [I have sent this as an email to DSF via Contact Us form, cross-posting it > here in case this is a better place to communicate] > > Hello, >

Re: Slack community for Django

2019-07-17 Thread Deep Sukhwani
s at the moment. > > This is feeling quite off topic at this point. > > On Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 12:43 Deep Sukhwani, wrote: > >> Thank you, folks, for the super prompt and really helpful response. >> >> >> <

Re: Django Documentation 1.7 shows "" whereas it should be "django-admin"

2017-09-11 Thread Deep Sukhwani
The answer is in the first post in this thread! -- Regards Deep L Sukhwani On 11 September 2017 at 10:51, margana harika wrote: > > hello sir, >even i got the same problem can you just tell me how did > you solve this please!! > > -- > You received this message because you a

Django LiveServerTestCase - Unable to force_login in multiple tests

2020-03-04 Thread Deep Sukhwani
*Versions* * - Django version: 1.9- Python: 3.5- Django Rest Framework: 3.5.4* *Error Observed:* ErrorTraceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/ds/git/some_repo/integration/", line 32, in test_two self.client.force_login(self.user) File "/Users/ds/.pyenv/

Re: request module

2019-09-23 Thread Deep Sukhwani
The right place for this would be "requests" community - The best immediate course of action would be to post a question on and tag the question with *python-requests* -- Regards Deep L Sukhwani On Mon, 23 Sep 2

Re: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named :

2019-09-23 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Are you supposed to be using a virtualenv and you don't have that activated? Can you run *pip freeze | grep -i django* and share the output? -- Regards Deep L Sukhwani On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 09:40, MEGA NATHAN wrote: > Hi. > > > i 'm meganathan from india i was doing django trining , > > And

Re: convert python 3 to python2

2019-09-24 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Wow, TIL there are companies selling support for Python 2? Never heard of it. So basically we are saying these companies will maintain there own version of Python programming language which will continue to be maintained as long as they have paid users for Python 2? I seriously doubt that. Or may b

Re: convert python 3 to python2

2019-09-24 Thread Deep Sukhwani
s as well. > Also large companies can do their own support. > > On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 8:11 AM Deep Sukhwani > wrote: > > > > Wow, TIL there are companies selling support for Python 2? Never heard > of it. So basically we are saying these companies will maintain there

Re: Django developer server auto quit when iterate QuerySet in template

2019-09-24 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Possible to push the whole code to a Github repo so someone could check out and try locally - Couldn't really figure out anything that might be going wrong by looking at this much mode? Also, just out of curiosity, why are you using *Department.objects.filter()* instead of *Department.objects.all(

Re: how to use django pagination with sql query and not ORM

2019-09-24 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Have you tried using the *.query* on Django's QuerySet (documentation: [1]) For example, if my QuerySet is: *User.objects.filter(username__contains='alpha')* I can obtain the underlying raw SQL Query using: *print(User.objects.filter(username__contains='alpha').query)* *>>> *print(

Re: Virtual Environment error

2019-09-24 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Depending on how you installed *virtualenv* package and what you are using to create and activate virtualenv you can determine the currently present virtualenvs on your computer. - If you used *virtualenvwrapper* - use *lsvirtualenv* - Additionally, you can look in your Home Directory and s

Re: Regarding to file stronge.

2019-09-25 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Hey Anil, Django PostgresQL and Django-MySQL have JSONField which allow you to store JSON formatted data (I am assuming you meant storing JSON data when you asked *multiple files in Json format to store the database *) *PostgresQL*:

Re: redirect authenticated user in create view in django

2019-09-26 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Hey, you could use if request.user.is_autenticated to identify if a user has authenticated, see documentation on Django . -- Regards Deep L Sukhwani ᐧ On Wed, 25 Sep 2019 at 22:39, saeed albooyeh wrote:

Re: Using Django Admin as definitive admin interface

2019-09-26 Thread Deep Sukhwani
I have read about places where Django Admin interface is used as primary admin interface by tech and non-tech departments to manage a project. On the other hand, I have also seen workplaces where admin is as much hidden from non-tech / routine project management as much possible and instead externa

Re: best option for Front End Design in Django

2019-09-27 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Hey, Any basic tutorial (the ones listed on Postman's website too) should be good to use. If you really want a step by step guide, check this tutorial on An appropriate approach would be to understand the basics of ReST and how ReST APIs w

A good explanation on dispatch() method

2019-09-27 Thread Deep Sukhwani
I found this explanation on SO much more layman terms oriented. It helped me understand just after the first read of it. Sharing in case it helps others too. *Official Django documentation*


2019-09-30 Thread Deep Sukhwani
Probably a good question for Django CMS community, mind posting it there? Here's how you can reach them: -- Regards Deep L Sukhwani ᐧ On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 at 22:30, Perceval Maturure wrote: > dear team > my django cms is refusing to take in

Re: Django FastCGI and static files

2019-09-30 Thread Deep Sukhwani
At the end of every email, the instructions are clearly mentioned - Here it is: *To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an > email to > .* Hope this helps. -- Regards Deep L Sukhwani ᐧ On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 at 22:17, Sipu

Re: Stop executing certain py files or delay in loading python files until Django server is up and runnning

2019-09-30 Thread Deep Sukhwani
What you are looking for is readiness check. Basically readiness is a concept wherein something reports to be ready to handle requests (this something could be a web server, a docker container, a kubernetes pod, a database, etc.) You can custom define an API endpoint that returns 200 OK when your

Re: Request to provide the details of how to integrate django app with selenium chrome web driver

2019-09-30 Thread Deep Sukhwani
What exactly do you want to use celery for? Using selenium webdriver the regular way should suffice here. Regarding copying from one field and pasting into another, you might be able to work with .get_text() method in selenium to read text from one field, store it in a variable and then .send_keys

Re: Request to provide the details of how to integrate django app with selenium chrome web driver

2019-10-01 Thread Deep Sukhwani
form the automation task on chrome webdriver ? > So to save the time , can i launch browser and perform automation task > using celery delay() method. > > Regards, > N.Dilip Kumar. > > On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 4:13:51 AM UTC+5:30, Deep Sukhwani wrote: >> >> What

Re: how to add the html and css

2019-10-02 Thread Deep Sukhwani
You're all in for luck, Django's official tutorial has quite an explanation on this, check this out: Customize your App's look and feel