What's your opinion about nested apps?

2013-01-11 Thread David Medina
I mean... *[Dir structure]* trouble_ticketer/ models.py views.py incidences/ models.py views.py problems/ models.py views.py *[settings.py]* INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'trouble_ticketer', 'trouble_ticketer.incidences' 'trouble_ticketer.probl

Re: What's your opinion about nested apps?

2013-01-12 Thread David Medina
giy Khohlov escribió: > > keep in mind comas > > INSTALLED_APPS = ( > > 'incidences', > 'problems', > ) > 2013/1/11 David Medina >: > > INSTALLED_APPS = ( > > 'trouble_ticketer', > > 'tr

Re: What's your opinion about nested apps?

2013-01-14 Thread David Medina
I suspect that too, but I don't know how and when. In fact, I prefer the simple approach of all apps in the same scope, but I'd to know how this "feature" works because it seems to work like usual top-apps, and why it isn't documented. I open this discussion because I want to know if there are