Re: How to ensure genuine emails despite valid email format?

2019-12-30 Thread David Mayne
a) - you can use a service like - there are a number of them that have an api you can verify the email address on form input. b - d) you can use api to find blacklisted IP's and domains. Another option is to add a verification step - send the

Re: open source advice needed

2020-02-06 Thread David Mayne
Just curious Kimberly, but have you looked at some of the existing open source learning packages out there, like, perhaps moodle (I know, not python, but it is pretty extensive open source education package). Perhaps what you are wanting to do can be added into an existing open source package - jus

Re: Need Developers

2024-10-29 Thread David Mayne
I've put all the people that responded publicly here on my Do Not Hire List because they can't follow instructions of the original poster, btw. Amazing how many can't/won't follow instructions - why would you ever hire them ? On Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 11:51 AM EMMANUEL RAYMOND KAKONKO < ekako...@gma

Re: Need Developers

2024-10-25 Thread David Mayne
When I look at hiring people, the first thing I look for is to see if they can follow instructions. It's interesting to see how many weed themselves out because they didn't even bother to read what was posted. "If anyone Interested please let me know if anyone has interested. On Personal Mail".