Use the attribute ‘label’ rather than ‘label_tal’. The latter is the HTML
{% if field.label != 'Tags' %}
{{ field.label_tag }}
{% endif %}
On 22 Sep 2014, at 10:51, Salvatore DI DIO wrote:
> Hello,
> I woulk like to test field.label_tag in the fieldset.html templa
Hi Robert,
In those cases a HTTP 404 is the right response, to help Search Engines realise
that such a URL doesn’t exist and to show users a "Page Not Found" message. To
create a nice looking 404 response for users just write a view to handle it and
add the “handler404” entry to your root URLCo
It sounds like you have a same-origin policy issue. If the external
authentication site and your site have different origins you can’t delete their
cookies with your responses. Does not the external authentication site provide
you with a method to logout?
On 23 Sep 2014, at 19:09, Tao Bojlen w
Your code looks good. It seems to me you might have some middleware in your
project, from the external authentication, that places the cookie. Think that
the response in your view still have to pass through the middleware in its way
out to the browser.
Just guessing.
On 24 Sep 2014, at 16:40,
Did you try to remove the last subdomain and call again delete_cookie? Just
On 26 Sep 2014, at 19:56, Tao Bojlen wrote:
> I fixed this by using set_cookie() with a manually entered expiry date,
> rather than delete_cookie(). Additionally, if I set the domain in Django, it
> prefixed
Hi Zaiks0105,
Do you have the following line in "your polls/templates/polls/detail.html”?
{% if error_message %}{{ error_message }}{% endif %}
On 29 Sep 2014, at 12:48, zaiks0105 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am following Django official tutorial and have unanswered issue at part 4,
> https://docs.djan
rror_message’ string with the
actual message, then you have a syntax mistake in your template. Otherwise it’s
in your view.
On 29 Sep 2014, at 14:55, zaiks0105 wrote:
> I do. Is that line causing the behavior?
> On Monday, September 29, 2014 7:15:47 AM UTC-4, Da
On 29 Sep 2014, at 17:13, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 8:15 AM, Alejandro Varas G.
> wrote:
>>> But where does configuration belong?
>> "To the environment"
> this is the currently fashionable answer, but I haven't seen any
> justification for it. Unfortunat
pelt 'error_messge' in my So the error msg
> was never shown though the page was redirected properly.
> Thanks again!
> On Monday, September 29, 2014 9:36:31 AM UTC-4, Daniel Rus Morales wrote:
> No, that’s not the cause, the lack of it would be. That line
Hi Andrea,
I answer below in between lines.
On 07 Oct 2014, at 08:53, Andrea wrote:
> Let's suppose I have a Foo app with a Bar model with a owner field. I want a
> user to be able to edit all the instances for which obj.owner == request.user.
> The model appears correctly in the admin pane
s to specifically assign the `foo.add_bar`
> permission under the `permissions` section in the user profile for each user.
> Thanks for your time spent in tackling this issue.
> Andrea
> 2014-10-07 11:01 GMT+02:00 Daniel Rus Morales :
> Hi Andrea,
> I answer
Hi Xin,
Maybe the server from which you are running the project can’t send emails.
I would try to send an email using the send_mail function from the shell:
$ python shell
>>> from django.core.mail import send_mail
>>> send_mail(’the subject’, ’the message’, ‘’,
>>> [’t
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