jquery in django

2013-07-01 Thread Christian Erhardt
Hey Harjot, i can't provide an easy answer to your question. An Ajax enabled search with django is nothing, that one programs in 30 minutes especially not if he has no understanding of query and or ajax. I'll try to give you some hints but not a complete plug n play solution. First things fir

Re: can we pass objects in template tags

2013-07-03 Thread Christian Erhardt
Maybe this will help you? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6400557/how-can-i-pass-objects-to-a-custom-django-template-tag-i-figured-out-a-way-but A Filter will support objects, don't use template tags. Am Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013 00:24:55 UTC+2 schrieb surya: > > I would like to pass object int

Re: Saving data from a form.

2013-07-22 Thread Christian Erhardt
The error lies in this two rows: form.save() DataTable_id = DataTable.id DataTable is the class, not the instance of the saved object! form.save() returns an instance of what has been saved. So your code should look like this: my_new_datatable_instance = form.save() DataTable_id = my_new_datat

Re: How to Create an Auto Incrementing Integer Field

2013-07-22 Thread Christian Erhardt
Have a look at this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3123796/how-to-make-an-auto-filled-and-auto-incrementing-field-in-django-admin They determine the next value by calling a function called number(). In your case it would look something like this: class Cliente(models.Model): > ""

Re: (Noob) - filtering spanning relationship not working

2013-07-22 Thread Christian Erhardt
Calling count() on a queryset will always aggregate the count of all rows. Please have a look at the annotate function in the documentation https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/aggregation/ Annotate will group your results and sum up the results. I think what you'll have to do is:

Re: python manage.py runserver error

2013-07-22 Thread Christian Erhardt
I think you're missing some prerequisites (TypeError: ('Not a package:', 'cgi')) I never use the libraries installed on the system, i always work with virtualenvs. A very good kickstart is written down here: http://www.jeffknupp.com/blog/2012/02/09/starting-a-django-project-the-right-way/ Usu

Re: How to Create an Auto Incrementing Integer Field

2013-07-23 Thread Christian Erhardt
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Re: Reverse Lookup Failure on password change/reset views

2013-07-23 Thread Christian Erhardt
The problem is, as you already stated the argument for the ReverseMatch. I had this problem once, and the error was that i used the url tag in the template wrong - it changed between two django versions. My urls are defined as yours, in the templates i use: {% url "password_reset_done" paramete

Re: Selecting values from database

2013-07-24 Thread Christian Erhardt
Just do be clear... you are mixing strings and numbers in one table on different rows? I think your data structure is wrong and you will not be able to achieve what you're trying. I'd would be easy if the table would look like this: +-+ |Activities | +-+---+ |A

Re: new field in models

2013-07-24 Thread Christian Erhardt
I'd go with Satinderpal Singh advice. Use South. It takes some time to get used to it, but when you realize how it's working, it absolutely awesome Am Montag, 22. Juli 2013 09:53:00 UTC+2 schrieb Harjot Mann: > > In django when we add a new field in existing class, we need to drop > the table a

Re: server error (500)

2013-07-25 Thread Christian Erhardt
Set Allowed Hosts to Am Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013 14:19:13 UTC+2 schrieb Oliver: > > when you change Debug=False > > > > > On Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:12:14 AM UTC-4, victoria wrote: >> >> The error log doesn't show anything. In which step following the >> documentation are you getting t

Advanced Tutorial (how to write reusable app), last step does not work

2013-07-27 Thread Christian Erhardt
Django is using a coding "style" called covention over configuration. That means that you don't have to configure every bit of your application instead a convention is used to determine where you have to place stuff so django finds and uses it. For the beginner it seems like django is using some

Re: Learning how to build a web site for my python games and a blog

2013-07-29 Thread Christian Erhardt
Sry, I have no idea what you are talking about Am Samstag, 27. Juli 2013 15:57:45 UTC+2 schrieb Randy Baxley: > > Is anyone working through The Django Book that would like to form a fb > page just for that or knows of a good tutorial where questions will get > answers? > -- You received this m

Re: background image

2013-07-30 Thread Christian Erhardt
Generally speaking you could extend the users profile and add a field to it. Then you could store the image during registration or when a user updates his settings. On the page where you want to show the image you could check for a image in the profile and show it. I started my project with pin

Re: Multiple Form Submit with Single Submit Button

2013-07-30 Thread Christian Erhardt
Can you please give a little bit more information. What is the desired result. How should the pages look? I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish. Am Montag, 29. Juli 2013 17:33:29 UTC+2 schrieb pattinson: > > I'm currently working with django project. I had to filter the data store > on

Re: What client side html layout tools are people using to speed up template development?

2013-07-30 Thread Christian Erhardt
I totally agree, use bootstrap, google fonts and the color-wheel. You'll have a good looking page to start with. Then extend the layout. Am Montag, 29. Juli 2013 11:35:24 UTC+2 schrieb somecallitblues: > > Use http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/ framework for your frontend. If > you google "djan

Re: django count

2013-07-30 Thread Christian Erhardt
Hm... there is no relation to the user? So you are trying to group by name, surname and then count all individual courses? There is a high risk, that the user has a typo in his name or the courses name, than they would appear twice in the list. Is this your intention? I'd rather do it like this

How template tag can receive values JS

2013-08-01 Thread Christian Erhardt
No, what you are trying is not possible. The template tags are rendered on the server. They never appear on the client machine. Javascript is running on the client machine. They both will never see each other. You will always have to do a roundtrip to interact between Javascript and django temp

How to integrate my app into a theme / template

2013-08-07 Thread Christian Erhardt
Hi, currently i'm using pinax for my project and therefor pinax-theme-bootstrap. I wrote some apps and want to integrate them into my template. Right now, i copied the file site_base.html into my projects template directory and added the menu links i needed to the {% block nav %} in this file.