On Oct 24, 2:23 pm, kylewild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having this same issue and the fix here, as best I can attempt to
> apply it, didn't work for me
> I had AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE set to "myproject.UserProfile"
> After reading this thread, I changed it to "chat.UserProfile" -- to no
> a
On Oct 24, 3:01 pm, kylewild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks brian, good call
> I had read that and somehow not parsed it!
> However, I'm still having the issue after changing it to:
> AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'chat.userprofile'
> (i tried myproject.userprofile as well)
> 'NoneType' obj
On Oct 25, 8:47 pm, Bobby Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi. I'm using django 1.0 over at webfaction. I have the following
> setup
> /static (serves js, css, flash, images etc)
> /www (my django app)
> I have tiny_mce loaded to /static/js/tiny_mce/
> I have followed the steps at
On Oct 27, 8:03 pm, unklbeemer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did some searching and found nothing. I was wondering if anyone knew
> of any django applications out there for receiving donations and/or
> tracking those donations (capital campaign progress, pledges donated,
> etc.)
> Thanks
On Oct 30, 6:14 pm, Håkan Waara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm in the process of for the first time deploying a django site that
> (unfortunately) needs to share its Apache with an existing PHP site.
> I've been reading a bunch about mod_wsgi and in many places there are
> me
On Nov 4, 10:50 am, redmonkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My problem is with the URL writing. I first wrote some unit tests to
> find the regular expressions that worked but Django doesn't seem to
> like the '?' in URL configurations.
? is a special character in regular expressions, just like
On Nov 11, 10:14 am, Log0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I am using a Django 0.97 for local testing, and shipped a django
> script to a production server on WebFaction with Django 1.0. It spits
> html that consists of random characters from ascii value 0 to 256.
> Works great locally.
On Nov 11, 1:15 pm, prem1er <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is the location of my css files. /home/dev//Django-1.0/django/
> contrib/...
> On Nov 11, 1:49 pm, prem1er <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just got django to work on apache thanks to everyone on this group.
> > After I switched,
On Nov 12, 1:12 pm, ayayalar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been using Django for about 1-2 weeks now. I must say it is one
> of the most exciting
> web frameworks I ever worked with. It is clean, elegant, easy, and
> most importantly makes sense.
> I've tried to use many other MVC frameworks b
On Nov 12, 3:32 pm, prem1er <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Still having a problem from the other day. I can't get the media (css
> + images) to show up on my admin pages after I moved it over to
> Apache. I tried a sym link from /home/dev/Django-1.0/django/contrib/
> admin/media/ to /home/dev/djpr
On Nov 20, 4:03 pm, ayayalar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> def add_product(request):
> if not request.method == 'POST':
> form1 = ProductForm()
> return render_to_response('index.html', {'form1' : form1})
> else:
> form1 = ProductForm(request.POST)
On Nov 20, 3:54 pm, eldonp2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've spent some time getting comfortable with Django. I would like to
> try writing my first real app. I'd like to know whether I should go
> ahead to write everything from scratch, or whether...
> 1. Using pluggables can be easily integrate
On Nov 20, 4:50 pm, ayayalar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And I do that. Here is my template:
No, you are not. Check the dictionary you are passing into your
render_to_response() calls again.
You received this message because you are subscrib
On Nov 24, 5:18 pm, ReneMarxis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> as mentioned earlyer today i am very new to django and againe have
> some question, this time reguarding the documentation.
> I started django by duing the tutorial, and now i started building my
> own little project from ground
On Nov 25, 8:44 am, ReneMarxis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Brian
> i allready saw those hints on the djangoproject/djangobook homepage
> and that was the reason i was writing this post.
> Imagine i am new to django, i read "i have to add those lines to my
> model and do some stuff on the
On Nov 25, 5:06 pm, ChrisK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just not getting this. I've looked at many examples and can't seem
> to pass a hidden value into a form.
> The problem is that I initially get to the form with GET, and then
> instantiate the form with PUT. The key that I need is part o
On Nov 25, 6:24 pm, ChrisK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well..you aren't passing auth_id to the template, you are passing
> > form. auth_id is a field inside your template. Can you post your
> > template?
> Oh, sorry - my oversight. Template is
> id="id_auth_id" />
> Reminder String:
On Nov 30, 9:56 am, Log0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This string :
> data = ''.join( [ chr(i) for i in xrange(256) ] )
> In Django 0.96, this string prints well.
> In Django 1.0, this string simply disappears before going to Apache,
> and the data is never transmitted to the clien
> ...
> And here is my view for my signup page -
> def signup(request):
> if request.method == 'POST':
> form = UserCreationForm(request.POST)
> extraform = CustomProfileForm(request.POST)
> if form.i
On Dec 3, 5:54 pm, Udbhav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Whenever I point my browser at twinsistermusic.com/mysite/ I get the
> following error:
> ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named
> MySQLdb
> Now, I'm pretty sure I installed MySQLdb correctly, as I was able t
> I apologise for spamming everyone, here i stuck it up at dpaste with
> the comments which makes it a bit clearer-http://dpaste.com/96128/
You are almost there. You are assigning a form instance to your custom
profile's user for
On Dec 10, 11:48 am, Nuno Machado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My urls.py WAS like this:
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
> (r'^admin/(.*)', admin.site.root),
> (r'', include('django.contrib.flatpages.urls')),
> )
This is your problem. Did you read this:
On Dec 10, 1:58 pm, Nuno Machado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Brian. Thank you.
> I've read the documents you pointed out. But the issue is not on
> 404/500 html templates, but in the DEBUG setting.
No, it isn't.
> I've started a project from scratch to reproduce my error. I used the
> in
On Dec 10, 2:31 pm, David Lindquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am building a simple news app for my employer's website. I am using
> Django's date-based generic views for the various pages. I want to
> have a sidebar listing the archive by year and month like this:
> 2008
> - Nove
On Dec 10, 2:20 pm, garagefan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> getting this error:
> "Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image
> or a corrupted image."
> tried with a gif and with a jpg. I've got PIL installed..."
You may not have the correct libraries installed for PIL
On Dec 15, 9:51 am, garagefan wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone else has experience with setting the write
> permissions for apache using mod_python w/ django.
Instead of 0777 I use 0775. I chgrp on the uploads directory, making
the group be a group that includes the apache user.
On Dec 15, 10:53 am, garagefan wrote:
> how would i make the group include apache?
Not sure what you are asking. I look in /etc/group to see what groups
apache belongs to. On my system, apache belongs to a group called
apache. So I did something like:
# chgrp apache uploads
# chmod 775 uploads
On Dec 24, 3:54 pm, kev wrote:
> Hello,
> Im trying to create a digg type pagination. Is there a decent
> pagination app already out there that works for 1.0? I tried looking
> but havent succeeded.
> Thanks,
> Kev
I'm using this. Works great!
On Jan 7, 7:32 am, dmishe wrote:
> Hey.
> I have FielField in my model for user to upload ZIP-archives. I want
> to unpack that zip, place some files in some dirs and delete it just
> after user uploaded it in admin.
> How can i do this? Model's save won't work because it gets called
> everyt
On Jan 9, 11:06 am, scelerat wrote:
> Hi, I'm new to Django and am trying to figure out how to make
> authentication work in any view.
> First off, I have a base template which has a conditional like this:
> {% if user.is_authenticated %}
> Yay!
> {% else %}
> Boo.
> {% endif %]
> In an acc
On Jan 10, 8:13 pm, zweb wrote:
> Javascript:
> document.getElemnetById(’textareacontent’).value.replace(/\n/
> g,’’);
> PHP:
> preg_replace(”/\n/”,””,$_REQUEST['t1']);
> Ruby:
> (teaxtareacontent).gsub(/\n/,””)
> ( reference
> -http://rkutti.wordpress.com/2008/01/31/display-textarea-content-w
I wrote a filter that searches for patterns in text and replaces them
with tags:
{{ comment.text|smilify }}
It does various silly things like replace :-) with an actual smiley
face image. Seems to work great.
When I combine it with the markdown filter, like this:
{{ comment.text|markdown:"saf
On Jan 11, 11:27 am, Brian Neal wrote:
> I wrote a filter that searches for patterns in text and replaces them
> with tags:
> {{ comment.text|smilify }}
> It does various silly things like replace :-) with an actual smiley
> face image. Seems to work great.
On Jan 12, 2:59 pm, jazztpt wrote:
> That page in the docs doesn't say anything about how to call this from
> the view. Are these files automatically accessed by an tag? I
> didn't see any special image tag (like the image_tag in rails) in the
> template tags or in my search of the docs.
> T
On Jan 12, 4:58 pm, jazztpt wrote:
> Brian, you understood me perfectly -- when I was asking about a tag, I
> was simply asking if django used a shortcut the way rails does, and
> {{MEDIA_URL}} is what I was looking for. Duh. :P
> However, {{MEDIA_URL}} currently returns nothing. I c
On Jan 12, 6:45 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> On Jan 12, 4:58 pm, jazztpt wrote:
> [...]
> > Brian, you understood me perfectly -- when I was asking about a tag, I
> > was simply asking if django used a shortcut the way rails does, and
> > {{MEDIA_URL}} is what I
On Jan 13, 12:06 pm, Ty wrote:
> I've started creating a photo blog project to get familiar with Python
> and Django. I'm using Python 2.6.1 and Django 1.0.2. I'm working on
> the models and the administration first, before I tackle the front end
> side of the site. I have everything working fine
On Jan 13, 3:43 pm, "Oleg Oltar" wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to add tinyMCE to my project's admin site.
You didn't list any admin.py code. Check out the docs on the admin
After you read through that, pay
This is my urls.py for an app (notice the two that start with
^category/, they both vector to my function view_links):
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
urlpatterns = patterns('gpp.weblinks.views',
(r'^$', 'link_index'),
(r'^add/$', 'add_link'),
(r'^category/(?P\d+)/$', 'view_link
On Sep 15, 10:44 pm, Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check out the description of the {% url %} tag in the Django
> documentation:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#url
> It does not expect the project name to be in the URL. Try dropping
> "gpp" and just use "web
I might have found my answer. I was looking at the list of
incompatible changes and found this:
Which led me to this:
I quote from the docs:
"The reverse() function can reverse a large
On Sep 16, 4:09 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian Neal wrote:
> > I might have found my answer. I was looking at the list of
> > incompatible changes and found this:
> >http://code.djangoproject.com/changeset/8760
On Sep 19, 10:45 am, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have read through that. It has taken me around and around in
> circles. I have spent a day on this and haven't typed a line of code.
> The guide seems to be written for OSX or Linux. As a Windows user I
> feel lost, confused and frustrated.
On Sep 19, 12:45 pm, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's annoying: now *I* have a (named) pattern that won't reverse with
> the URL tag: specifically, the edit profile URL from the Google code
> profiles app:
> url(r'^edit/$',
> vi
On Sep 19, 1:40 pm, "n00m" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You need no at all to ask the hoster to install Django
> on his machine.
> Apache (etc) + installed mod_python is quite enough to
> get your django app running.
> The django package (and e.g. PIL) can be copied to there
> along with your
On Sep 19, 3:04 pm, "n00m" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> @Brian Neal
> But I think that all your points are not specific to
> django per se. Sorta this.
Huh? They were just as specific to django as yours were.
> +
> Does not "my note" make a questi
On Sep 5, 11:19 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Fri, 2008-09-05 at 03:11 -0700, mwebs wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I use amodelchoicefieldand want to remove the entry that represents
> > "no item selected"(--), because in my
> > scenario I will only allow to select between ex
> We have a simple form that allows site visitors to request a free
> issue of the magazines we publish. The form simply writes to the
> database, and the info is later pulled by the circulation people so
> they can send the issues
On Sep 24, 7:23 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 6:37 PM, djandrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So after messing around a for a couple of minutes I discovered the
> > urlencode changes About Me to About%20Me, (if you are using firefox 3
> > or above it wi
On Sep 25, 4:33 am, Gerard Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm finding myself creating more and more fields in a model to keep my
> templates clean. Since it's merely temporary calculated data, and not data to
> store permanently it feels like the wrong place. An example:
> I
On Sep 26, 2:50 pm, ssam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I have just made my first django site for my uncles wedding photos. It
> is very simple, just photos and tags, with a ManyToMany relationship.
> I have only made views for viewing the photos and am using the django
> admin system for
On Oct 4, 3:34 pm, Bobby Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi group. I need some help getting tinymce installed for flatpages in
> admin. I'm serving static content from an application called /static/
> with tinymce located in /static/js/tiny_mce/. I have read the docs on
> creating an admin
On Oct 5, 9:35 pm, Bobby Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Did you see this:
> >http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/AddWYSIWYGEditor
> yeah i saw that and tried to follow it. Here's what i did:
> 1. d/l tinymce
> 2. uploaded to /static/admin/js/tiny_mce (i have static setup as an
On Oct 5, 10:12 pm, Bobby Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So you did this
> > part?http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/AddWYSIWYGEditor#UsingTinyMCEwithf...
> > Do you have MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT setup correctly in settings.py?
> > Are you using the development server? Do you have that
On Oct 6, 5:53 pm, puzzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's why I'm asking now, ahead of programming, for more info about
> how hard it is to incorporate an intensive computation into the Django
> framework. It could very well affect my choice of language.
It is just python, really. So yes, y
On Oct 14, 11:35 am, KillaBee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I was reading the Making queries guide on the the
> website.http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#topics-db-que...
> It said:
> >>> Blog.objects
> >>> b = Blog(name='Foo',
> tagline='Bar')
> >>> b.objects
> Traceb
I ran into this also.
I need to do a {% get_comment_form for story as form %} early on in
the template so I can do {{ form.media }} inside a block. I found that
I had to call get_comment_form twice, once in a block for CSS and once
in the block for content.
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block cus
On Jan 23, 2:43 pm, oboedude wrote:
> How do I create a custom widget and what do I have to do to use my
> custom widget in a form?
Read the documentation on forms, then checkout the section on form
I've i
I have an object that I display on multiple pages. Initially I created
a little template .html file for it, and I simply
{% include 'my_object.hml' %}
every where I need it.
I have since discovered inclusion tags. Would it be better, worse, or
just different to do this instead?
{% load my_tags
On Jan 24, 9:44 am, Gath wrote:
> Guys
> Where can i get a wiki formatting widget for django?
> I have enough notes fields in my models and i would want a nice wiki
> widget for entering data!
> Paul
I'm using the markItUp! javascript editor to enter Markdown syntax, it
is very nice and it
On Jan 24, 10:23 am, Brian Neal wrote:
> On Jan 24, 9:44 am, Gath wrote:
> > Guys
> > Where can i get a wiki formatting widget for django?
> > I have enough notes fields in my models and i would want a nice wiki
> > widget for entering data!
On Jan 26, 7:40 am, Gath wrote:
> Good people!
> How can i hook up WMD editor on my django form?
> http://wmd-editor.com
> Paul
You just have to get your page to include the correct CSS and
Javascript files, just like any other editor like this. If this is a
public facing form, check out t
On Jan 26, 9:16 am, PeteDK wrote:
> Hi there :)
> first the code:
> forms:
> class ProfileForm(forms.Form):
> ...
> image = forms.ImageField(required = False)
> models:
> class Profile(models.Model):
> user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
On Jan 26, 11:51 am, PeteDK wrote:
> The thing is. Now it still doesn't work through my website, however it
> now works through admin.
> Well it only works with .bmp pictures. Maybe my PIL is broken? could
> that be the reason for my problem from before?
As I recall, PIL out of the box onl
On Jan 27, 11:06 am, May wrote:
> Hello,
> The tutorial suggests not serving the static pages with this method on
> a permanent basis. Are you using this method for your production
> server? I'm using windows/apache/modpython and I've tried using the
> IP address and still run into django url
On Jan 28, 3:51 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 3:39 PM, May wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have the admin templates with CSS working under local server windows/
> > apache/modpython. Now I would like to get my site css files to work
> > under apache.
> > The settings and http
On Feb 3, 6:36 am, Praveen wrote:
> http://dpaste.com/116096/
The user field in your MemberProfile is a CharField (I was expecting
it to be a ForeignKey to the User table).
I think the problem is you can't assign request.user to a CharField
(line 31). I'm surprised you don't get an error on lin
On Feb 3, 11:02 pm, Praveen wrote:
> Oops... yeah Brian that i forgot to make it as a foriegn key to the
> user table and that might be surprised without making foriegn key i
> did not get any error even though my settings.DEBUG is true. but now i
> made user field in MemberProfile but the same p
Hi -
I'm working on a very similar problem (displaying data on a Google
map). I haven't totally implemented this yet, but my way forward is to
use AJAX to request the map data from my Django application, which
will serve it as JSON (by serializing it). You then "deserialize" it
in the Javascript
Russ said it better than me. You simply return the serialized JSON
string as the HttpResponse. You then deserialize it somehow in the
client's Javascript code (perhaps with an "eval" statement or by the
assistance of a Javascript library like jQuery, etc.). You then have a
nice Javascript object t
On Feb 11, 10:11 pm, Will Hardy wrote:
> Hi all,
> Should the release tarball maybe contain pre-build html and pdf documentation?
> That might be handy for those who don't want to install sphinx/latex etc.
> Cheers,
> Will
See the recent thread on why this hasn't been done to date.
But af
On Feb 15, 1:06 pm, Robert wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I add views to the admin interface that
> 1. they are also so 'well-integrated' in the admin interface like
> models
> 2. I can also define permissions for them like for a model
> I know that it's possible to change a template (i.e. index.html
On Feb 23, 4:59 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Andy Mckay wrote:
> > You want to use a script to only allow certain HTML tags and enforce a
> > whitelist. Don't be naive and just use string or regular expression to
> > strip only a few, there's lots of hacks that
On Feb 23, 10:51 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Brian Neal wrote:
> > Interesting, I've also come across this:
> >http://codespeak.net/lxml/lxmlhtml.html#cleaning-up-html
> > I've heard it is very fast as it is just
I'd like to make my own custom view. In the past I did this by
following the django book and added a URL to my main urlpatterns above
the '^admin/(.*)' pattern. But I noticed a new get_urls function on
the ModelAdmin class in the docs. I'm on trunk, and just did an svn
update to 9975 to try this o
On Mar 4, 9:11 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> I'd like to make my own custom view. In the past I did this by
> following the django book and added a URL to my main urlpatterns above
> the '^admin/(.*)' pattern. But I noticed a new get_urls function on
> the ModelAdmin clas
On Mar 4, 10:06 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> On Mar 4, 9:11 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> > I'd like to make my own custom view. In the past I did this by
> > following the django book and added a URL to my main urlpatterns above
> > the '^admin/(.*)' p
On Mar 4, 10:06 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> On Mar 4, 9:11 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> > I'd like to make my own custom view. In the past I did this by
> > following the django book and added a URL to my main urlpatterns above
> > the '^admin/(.*)' pattern. B
I updated my working copy of Django after a long period and was
browsing the source and noticed it was taking advantage of the Python
warnings module. What is the best way to "see" such warnings when
doing development? Is it possible to configure Python or the Django
development server to display
On Mar 16, 2:14 pm, NoviceSortOf wrote:
> So perhaps a better question would be is
> in view.py...
> ---
> thisusername = str(request.user.username)
> data = {'thisusername':username,}
> form = form_class(data)
> Why is it form_class(data) does not accept the data
> as declared and
On Mar 22, 8:15 am, Joshua Partogi wrote:
> Dear all,
> I just encounter this error using pyscopg2 as my db adapter
> Exception Type: ProgrammingError
> Exception Value: can't adapt
> Exception Location:
> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/backends/util.py in
> e
On Mar 22, 11:15 am, Roy wrote:
> That would require the extra files be hosted on my media url though. I
> want to be able to link js externally so I can use stuff like YUI,
> etc. without having to host it.
No, not if you use a fully qualified string like "http://some-url-to-
On Mar 22, 2:56 pm, Mike Ramirez wrote:
> On Sunday 22 March 2009 09:25:42 am Brian Neal wrote:
> > But from what you posted, I'm guessing that line needs to read:
> > obj.user = User.objects.get(username=request.user)
> I think wha
On Mar 23, 1:49 pm, Adam Fraser wrote:
> Hello,
> This should be a pretty simple question. I have a list of options:
> (1, 'DNA - DAPI'),
> (2, 'DNA - Hoechst'),
> (3, 'DNA - other'),
> (4, 'Actin - Phalloidin'),
> (5, 'Tubulin'),
> )
> I would like
On Mar 23, 3:36 pm, Adam Fraser wrote:
> I found the SelectMultiple widget here:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/widgets/
> But I still don't know how to hook that up to a model like
> CommaSeparatedIntegerField.
> help?
Did you try something like this? This is off the t
On Mar 24, 8:55 am, Adam Fraser wrote:
> Still doesn't work. Maybe I should be more specific.
> I'm editing projectprofiler/projects/models.py which hasn't needed to
> import forms for anything, and when I do I get very strange errors.
> Here's what it looks like now:
> from django.db impo
On Jun 23, 5:29 am, MarcoCanali wrote:
> I have this error message from apache 2.2 server when i try to access
> at mine static_media for my django project. Apache serve my project in
> django without static file such as css or image ...
Check your file permissions. Can the apache process read t
Also check the permissions on your images. I had set the
FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS to 0640 in development, but this wasn't
correct for my production server. Ensure that Apache or whatever user
the webserver is running has read access to your images.
On Jun 23, 8:39 am, daniel wrote:
> Good morning,
> I have a MySQL (version 5.0.5 running on Ubuntu 8.04) database
> containing encrypted fields (the encryption was done using mysql's
> AES_ENCRYPT). The database is normally accessed by an application
> written in C++ and Qt. However, I also ne
On Jun 25, 2:33 pm, Pes wrote:
> Hi All,
> I feel like there’s something simple I’m overlooking here. I can't
> seem to get TinyMCE to work when I use the built-in widget from Django-
> TinyMCE. This works if I uncomment the Media class at the bottom, but
> the widget version of TinyMCE simply
On Jul 6, 10:08 am, Haes wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created a view which displays a simple list of all objects of one
> model. If a 'search_string' URL parameter is defined, the list is
> filtered by this search string and the search string itself will be
> displayed in the template as well.
> Please
On Jul 11, 12:54 pm, Ryan K wrote:
> I am trying to avoid circular dependency issues between signals.py
> and models.py. Is there any reason why I can't connect the post_save
> signal in signals.py itself (the function is connects with would be in
> the same file? Should I import it in the apps/
On Sep 4, 10:47 am, Margie wrote:
> Can someone clarify what format dates and times are stored in when
> using just a standard DateTimeField? Is my timezone encoded in the
> database or is some generic, non-timezone-specific date/time stored?
There is no timezone encoded. The dates/times are
On Sep 5, 4:03 pm, zweb wrote:
> Is there any way to know if for a timezone , on a praticular date
> time, is DST active or not?
> it is required by localize command of pytz. How to find it
> programatically?
> >>> est_dt = eastern.localize(loc_dt, is_dst=True)
> >>> edt_dt = eastern.localize(l
On Mar 26, 9:59 am, Adam Fraser wrote:
> hrm, I think I'm _finally_ starting to understand how django is meant
> to be used.
> Question: Why can't I just specify the widget used by a particular
> field from my model in the admin interface.
> stains = models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField(widget=S
On Mar 26, 3:56 pm, Rajesh D wrote:
> On Mar 26, 3:21 pm, IanSR wrote:
> > I've spent the last few hours trying variations on upload_to for my
> > FileField path generator get_file_path(instance,filename) that will
> > allow me to include the username from the POST HttpRequest object. No
> >
On Mar 27, 7:33 am, Gath wrote:
> Guys,
> Am having a problem in displaying images in my CSS file.
> I have a css file with the following class
> .header
> {
> margin-left: auto;
> bla bla
> bla bla
> ...
> background: url(/site_media/header_background.gif) no-repeat top left;
> }
On Mar 28, 7:02 am, Joshua Partogi wrote:
> Yes you're right. In my template I only have username, first_name,
> last_name, email and password. I also print out the errors too.
Probably what is happening is that some of the other fields you are
excluding are required fields. Thus you should use
On Mar 30, 6:11 am, Alfonso wrote:
> And in my search view I have a simple filter (which is where I think
> the problem lies):
> if date == "next30":
> results = queryset.filter(date_time>=(datetime.datetime.now))
> (Attempting to pull future dates just to see something happen)
> W
On Mar 30, 10:12 am, LD wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't have idea how to do simple task.
> I have model with DateTimeField and I want to retrieve all objects
> that have time for example lower than 2pm.
> I know about Django queryset lookup like year, month, day. Is there
> something similar but for t
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