Re: Django works with PDF

2022-01-22 Thread Boris Pérez
Hi, for the first, you need to install's Easy yo get metadata from pdf with that library... Greetings El jue., 20 de ene. de 2022 09:16, Amor Zamora escribió: > I have 2 problems working with pdf in django. > 1. I need a tool, function or library that allows me to open a pdf and > rea

Re: Images

2022-05-13 Thread Boris Pérez
If the images files are sotored in static: {% load static %} El vie, 13 may 2022 a las 10:03, Nicolas Passarini (<>) escribió: > how do you refer to the object in the template? > > El martes, 10 de mayo de 2022 a la(s) 09:58:56 UTC-3, > escribió: >

Re: Why are the items not appearing in the table?

2022-09-08 Thread Boris Pérez
Oi Matheus!!! É possible que vc esquecera enviar na lista de items a o template dd a view? El jue, 8 sept 2022 a las 17:02, Matheus Bon () escribió: > Hello, Francisco! > We've managed to solve this problem! Thank you so much for your time. > > > Em qui., 8 de set. de 2022 às 17:50, Francisco Val

Re: How to retrieve the latest object added (new one) in Django models and display it in the template?

2023-03-02 Thread Boris Pérez
One way could be latest_action=ActionGame.obje cts.filter(published=published).order_by('-id')[:1] El jue, 2 mar 2023 a las 17:29, Sandip Bhattacharya (<>) escribió: > Your problem is still about where the 'published’ value is coming from in > the call to filter(publi

Re: Django CSRF protection and AJAX calls

2020-06-10 Thread Boris Pérez
My way, i use the csrf_token tag on template, an pass it to the view in the ajax call, using $.ajax({ url : url, type : "POST", // http method data : {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': $('input[name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"]').val(), 'v1':v1,'v2':v2, }, // data sent with the post r

Re: Help me pleace

2020-07-27 Thread Boris Pérez
Do you have any setting related to sender_email into yours project settings??? Si hablas español, chequea que no tengas nada clavado en los settings de tu proyecto...o que en el formulario no vaya ningun hidden input con ese name "correo" y con el value apuntando a tu correo... Greetings 2020-07-2

Re: help me

2020-07-27 Thread Boris Pérez
First at all, look for your trouble into your views, not the template... 2020-07-27 3:52 GMT-04:00, Agoua David : > Ce serai bien si tu pouvais afficher tout le message d'erreur > > Le lun. 27 juil. 2020 à 04:34, Yamen Gamal Eldin a > écrit : > >> Premièrement tu peux copier l'erreur dans Google,

Re: Dictionary not rendering in a html table in a Template

2021-05-14 Thread Boris Pérez
Where is the code, that u are using... Si quieres igual hablamos en español... Saludos... 2021-05-13 22:03 GMT-04:00, Walter Randazzo : > Hi Gabriel, > > I´ve just share the code via snippet to respect the identation of the code > > > El jue, 13 may 2021 a las 21:47, Gabriel Araya Garcia (< > gabr

Re: Dictionary not rendering in a html table in a Template

2021-05-14 Thread Boris Pérez
Template: > > > > Regards, > > > > > > El vie, 14 may 2021 a las 11:57, Boris Pérez () > escribió: > >> Where is the code, that u are using... >> Si quieres igual hablamos en español... >> Saludos... >> >>

Re: Dictionary not rendering in a html table in a Template

2021-05-15 Thread Boris Pérez
'agosto':AgostoPago, >'septiembre':SeptiembrePago, >'octubre':OctubrePago, > 'noviembre':NoviembrePago, >

Re: why i am getting these error i dont know plz solve...

2021-05-15 Thread Boris Pérez
hi, i think you are calling your view incorrectly...u need to pass 2 arguments , first: username and the album_id, then you url may be declared like thisÑ path('/album//details', views.album_details, name='album_details'), 2021-05-14 21:37 GMT-04:00, jatinhunter : > Url name or url pattern is inco

Re: Dictionary not rendering in a html table in a Template

2021-05-15 Thread Boris Pérez
U r welcome!!! De nada amigo...saludos 2021-05-15 18:25 GMT-04:00, Walter Randazzo : > Yes Boris. It works fine now. > > Thanks, > > El sáb, 15 may 2021 a las 19:18, Boris Pérez () > escribió: > >> Hi Walter, your template is rendering the data ok, after the change

Re: How to properly install Django patch ?

2021-05-21 Thread Boris Pérez
You can not do a downgrade, until next release??? Greetings 2021-05-21 4:57 GMT-04:00, ant an : > Folks, > There is a patch for latest Django version (2.2.23) , fixed a bug which > break my site. > and next release is due to 1 June. > > Can not wait that long, Is there some standard way to patch a

Re: Help me

2021-05-21 Thread Boris Pérez
Another way, maybe more familiar to u is to create the form directly on the template (html) ..something like And then in the view: def your_view(request): if request.method == "POST": return HttpResponse("My name is", request.POST["name_1"] else: return HttpResponse("Error, method must be POS

Re: How HttpResponseRedirect works

2021-05-25 Thread Boris Pérez
Hi!!! usually HttpResponseRedirects work with reverse function...something like this def myview(request): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('arch-summary', args=[1945])) where 'arch-summary' is the path name and args=[1945] the args it expects... You need to modify also your to add ty

Re: How can different django apps on the same project share the same authentification page to log in to the same site ?

2021-06-15 Thread Boris Pérez
Hi Linda, authentication backend is only one for entire site..if any user is authenticated the system recognizes matter if u have only one or multiple authentication pages... Greetings 2021-06-15 11:48 GMT-04:00, linda lebdjiri : > i'm developing a site where there is two users each of th

Re: Need to volunteer in a django project to emprove my knowledge

2021-06-17 Thread Boris Pérez
I´m intrested on participate it posiible??? Thanks, Boris 2021-06-17 8:13 GMT-04:00, Williams Andy Inc : > I currently have a django project going on incase you want to learn or > contribute or collaborate for learning. > > > > code

Re: Django

2021-06-24 Thread Boris Pérez
Hi, u need a custom tag... Greetings...Boris 2021-06-24 8:01 GMT-04:00, Théodore KOSSI : > I want also someone who can help me to manipulate my database in django > > > Le jeu. 24 juin 2021 à 13:00, Théodore KOSSI a > écrit : > >> >

Re: can Django replace PHP ?

2021-06-28 Thread Boris Pérez
Hi friend...u can do everything u need in django...without use php... Greetings 2021-06-28 10:23 GMT-04:00, Luis Zárate : > Hi, you can create several web applications with Django. So I guest you can > replace all web stuff with Django or other lib in python for web > development. > > El lun, 28

Re: 'list' object has no attribute 'get'

2021-07-08 Thread Boris Pérez
Do u wanna get an specific item from a list...??? Then u need to pass the index of that item...something like: item = list[index] Greetings 2021-07-08 6:58 GMT-04:00, Abdul Rehman : > Hi Django User, > > I am stuck with this problem while updating my nested serializer. Can > anyone help me to solv

Re: Added new column to model and run migrations but not applied to database table

2021-07-19 Thread Boris Pérez
python migrate --fake-initial 2021-07-19 3:32 GMT-04:00, Ayser shuhaib : > What you can do is just change the name of the model then run the migration > after that change it back to the original name and run the migration again. > This what I do when facing such problem > > On Mon, 19 Ju