Hi Django users,
I started using Django recently.
I am following the official Django tutorial.
I am just at Writing Your First Django App, Part4, and I have been just
copying and pasting all codes.
But I have a problem in vote.
I inserted print(question) and this is printed in detail.html
Oh, one note is that I am using postgresql.
everything else except vote function in views.py seems working.
Sorry, any help would be really appreciated!
On Saturday, February 2, 2019 at 10:02:14 PM UTC-5, Atsunori Kaneshige
> Hi Django users,
> I started using Dja
I have this database named as Koitaro in
my posgresql*
question has data, but choice thing doesn't seem having any data...
I really appreciate your thoughts.
On Sunday, February 3, 2019 at 1:56:18 AM UTC-5, Nitin Kalmaste wrote:
> Have you migrated database and added a
On Sunday, February 3, 2019 at 10:22:56 AM UTC-5, Atsunori Kaneshige wrote:
> Hi Nitin,
> Thank you for your comment.
> I did
> jango-admin startproject mysite
> and cd mysite, then
> python manage.py runserver
> and server is workin
f we need any joins for concrete inheritance
cases (the
FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'question_pub_date' into field. Choices
are: choice_text, id, question, question_id, votes
In [36]: c = q.choice_set.filter(choice_text__startswith='Just hackin'))
File "", li
q.choice_set.create(choice_text='Just hacking again',votes=0)
In [32]: c.question
In [33]: q.choice_set.all()
Out[33]: , ,
In [34]: q.choice_set.count()
Out[34]: 3
choice exits, or correctly working?
On Sunday, February 3, 2019 at 10:55:48 AM UTC-5,
> like the process is same as you used for the questions.
> On Sun, Feb 3, 2019, 8:53 PM Atsunori Kaneshige wrote:
>> Hi Nitin,
>> Thank you for your comment.
>> I did
>> jango-admin startproject mysite
>> and
> # Or, a bit more verbose, for example:
> for c in question.choice_set.all():
> print(c.pk, c)
> # Is the following a valid PK among the choices printed above?
> print(request.POST['choice'])
> Best regards,
> Cars
Hi, Django masters!
My app has simple models.py
just two fields like below.
class List(models.Model):
item = models.CharField(max_length=200)
completed = models.BooleanField(default=False)
#migration 0001
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
initial = True
dependencies = [
d python's magic method in order to return something from
> the models you have created. Also you have to register your models to
> admin.py file. You can refer Django documents for that.
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 8:03 AM Atsunori Kaneshige wrote:
>> Hi, Django ma
I really appreciate if anybody could give me an advice about form_valid.
Here is what I want to do.
I am making a simple blog.
I am making simple features:
1) only superuser can create articles.
2) logged-in users can make comments to articles.
I followed along tutorials and mostly done.
*But las
Server time: Sat, 27 Apr 2019 21:24:45 +
On Saturday, April 2
Where is the user information?
I successfully can access to user by self.request.user, but currently I
have no idea how to access to article information.
Sorry, any advice I can try would be really appreciated!
Looking forward to hearing advice.
Best regards,
On Saturday, April 27, 2019 a
n to test first also a
>> supporting forms.py now commented it.
>> form_valid function working fine after added **kwargs parameter.
>> You could always use a requirements file while sharing code files. For
>> that use pip freeze > requirements.txt command.
hed zip for the comments version. Added comments to context of
>> ListView then displayed it in template.
>> Always think about Function Based View first then convert it to Class
>> Based View, it would help you learn well.
>> Regards
>> Britto
Hi, everyone,
I have a problem in uploading image from admin site of my simple blog.
Everything works fine locally.
*I implemented Markdownx and I can drag and drop images into new blog in
The uploaded images from admin site are stored in media/markdownx folder as
I did deploym
Hi, Yashwanth,
Thank you for your reply.
I watched it, but this is nothing to do with markdownx.
I implemented markdownx, https://github.com/neutronX/django-markdownx.
This is working properly locally and I can upload images by drag&drop in my
admin site.
*However, I cannot drag and drop images
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