password reset pages are not showing customizing html file

2020-05-13 Thread Ali Ahammad
hello everyone i am trying to make a blog where i am trying to customize password reset forms. here is my bloggapp/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_vi

Re: password reset pages are not showing customizing html file

2020-05-14 Thread Ali Ahammad
this hml file. but when i delete all the code or kept all the code inside reset_password.html, it won't have any effect. seems like whtever i write it isn't rendering to base.html. what should be the effective solution? please help On Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 6:45:02 PM UTC+1, Al

How to resize image from Django ckeditor_uploader in the HTML template while rendering?

2020-05-17 Thread Ali Ahammad
I am using Django ckeditor_uploader to make a post view for a blog. But while rendering in the template I wanted to render image separately from the post content texts. My main goal is to set the image separately on the template on top and resizing it. And I can set more pictures inside the pos

Re: How to resize image from Django ckeditor_uploader in the HTML template while rendering?

2020-05-18 Thread Ali Ahammad
dy. i hope you understand my problem On Monday, May 18, 2020 at 12:49:53 PM UTC+1, Vishesh Mangla wrote: > > You can resize an image using the Pillow library or open-cv. > > > > Sent from Mail <> for > Windows 10 > >

how to show blog posts according to categories and the list of categories in html template?

2020-05-20 Thread Ali Ahammad
0 1 i am trying to make site with django and want to categorize each post and a category list. in the category list every category name will be shown as a list and every category name will be linked to the posts according to their categories.

Add search to my blog app

2020-05-20 Thread Ali Ahammad
At first you should make search search template where you should put what and how you want display Then you should write a function where you should use query=request.GET[‘queer’] Object_list=Post.objects.filter(title__icontains=query) *same for the content If you want and then you shoul

pagination of a specific context in multiple context in ListView not working in django?

2020-06-01 Thread Ali Ahammad
in django, i am trying to list some queries of several objects like user lists, categoies and Post list. the homepage will be contained couple of blocks or boxes. each box will have different query list like Post list, User List, category list. But only one context will have pagination and other

Comment system in class based view in django showing error

2020-06-07 Thread Ali Ahammad
the basic source files are here : and i am trying to do it in class based view for further upgrade. My main project is written in class based view and it will be easy to integrate for me. codes are give below: fro