Re: uvicorn and ASGI

2022-06-06 Thread Alexander Neilson
Alexander Alexander Neilson Neilson Productions Limited 021 329 681 > On 6/06/2022, at 16:06, Dan Davis wrote: > > I am doing some work comparing various ASGI frameworks, SQL Alchemy, just > writing the SQL, and that sort of thing, in order to determine

Re: Django Request

2022-11-22 Thread Alexander Neilson
another python framework may suit you better for your particular goals. This shows some of the massive range in performance of a basic function before some optimisation and after Regards Alexander Alexander Neilson Neilson

Re: Django framework on Windows OS

2020-03-17 Thread Alexander Neilson
work is being done inside a virtual environment managed by pipenv - but many tools are available to manage this) What sorts of errors are you seeing? The more detail and explanation of what is happening the better we can help. Regards Alexander Alexander Neilson Neilson Productions Limited 021


2020-06-08 Thread Alexander Neilson
Are you installing Django with “pip install django” or “pip3 install django”? Try the pip3 version and use python3 to run python as it sounds like your python2 install is using the “unversioned” names. Regards Alexander Alexander Neilson Neilson Productions Limited 021 329 681 alexan