I am using Google Cloud to host my Django project, and I'm trying to run it
with Nginx. I open two instances of the terminal, one with the command
"python manage.py runworker" and the other with "daphne
firstproject.asgi:channel_layer". I am able to connect to my public ip, and
the page loads t
Andrew, it doesn't seem to have fixed my problem. I type the following
command, and am able to connect to my public ip, and although my page
loads, only the frontend does anything. Channels does not work.
$ daphne -b firstproject.asgi:channel_layer
2017-05-03 06:11:51,196 INFO Starti
I have "socket = new Websocket("ws:// ...", "socket.onopen," and
"socket.send" commands in my Javascript code, and although the Javascript
works, it seems to not be able to run these commands, or it is unable to
access my functions in consumer.py, althought it works flawlessly if I run
my proj
I am trying to only use Daphne for websockets I believe, following the
deployment tutorial in the Channel documentation. And yes I am running both
processes on the same machine.
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Here is my nginx default configuration if that could be it.
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
root /var/www/html;
charset utf-8;
index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
server_name _;
location /
I was able to get it working with the development server, python manage.py
runserver, with an addition to the firewall on Google Cloud.
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