Own documentation in django

2023-07-14 Thread sebasti...@gmail.com
Hello, i use regular markdown and asciidoc. Problem is that both have to less feature. For example i want to reuse html templates with different content. In asciidoc i can do this following: i declare variables :varibale1: Teststring :variable2: Second String include::buttontemplate.adoc[] T

Re: Problem with my website

2023-07-14 Thread Adrián Salatino
Check that you have ALLOWED_HOSTS set properly. While DEBUG=True, host validation is disabled, so it isn't needed. On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 5:47 PM Théodore KOSSI wrote: > > Hello everyone, > I have a problem with my website. When I put DEBUG = False, my website > appears in white page but when i

Re: Own documentation in django

2023-07-14 Thread Chetan Ganji
I am little confused right now. You have said markdown and jinja templates (reusing them also) markdown is used for documentation procedures. Jinja is used for actual html templates. I am not sure what you want to achieve! For code reuse you can use template inheritance. When you pass diff contex

Re: Own documentation in django

2023-07-14 Thread Sebastian Jung
Hello chetan, I know django very much also aaciidoc. Problem is that asciidoc have cool features like automatic create TOC or count Images and tables an further more but uf you want to create a template for a include where i render a Image then you can only use veriables in this template very labo

Looking for a Job

2023-07-14 Thread mahr...@gmail.com
Dear Google Group, I am writing to you today to ask for your help in finding a job as a Python and Django developer. I have been working with Python and Django for the past 15 years, and I have developed a strong understanding of the frameworks and the language. I am also proficient in other