How to create orm query if data is exist or not ?

2023-02-23 Thread Prashanth Patelc
Hi all, How to create orm query with data exist or not ? How to check if approval_status Pending and Rejected with same user contains from_date approval_status User 2023-01-20 - ApprovedNewUser 2023-01-12 - Rejected NewUser 2023-01-

Fwd: How to create orm query if data is exist or not ?

2023-02-23 Thread Prashanth Patelc
-- Forwarded message - From: Prashanth Patelc Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 5:11 PM Subject: How to create orm query if data is exist or not ? To: Hi all, How to create orm query with data exist or not ? How to check if approval_status Pending and Rejected with same user contains

Re: remplir automatiquement les champs du formulaire

2023-02-23 Thread rk
jasne, nieco niefortunnie jednak wyszło koledze śr., 22 lut 2023 o 14:37 Hamza Sinon napisał(a): > dans mon projet je veux une méthode de saisie automatique j'explique : > j'ai créé un nouveau champ dans mon formulaire Donneur qui s'appelé > numero_cnib, je souhaite que si je saisisse dans le ch

Exceeded conections to DB (postgres and django-tenants)

2023-02-23 Thread David Emanuel Sandoval
Hello everyone! I hope you can help me with a problem that I have from time to time (I wasn't able to replicate the error). The problem is that sometimes the connections to DB exceed the maximum number of allowed connections and I'm not sure why that happens. That causes the app to crash. I'm usi

Re: Exceeded conections to DB (postgres and django-tenants)

2023-02-23 Thread David Emanuel Sandoval
I want to make a correction: I'm using django 3.2 El jue, 23 feb 2023 a las 16:11, David Emanuel Sandoval (<>) escribió: > Hello everyone! > > I hope you can help me with a problem that I have from time to time (I > wasn't able to replicate the error). > The problem