remplir automatiquement les champs du formulaire

2023-02-22 Thread Hamza Sinon
dans mon projet je veux une méthode de saisie automatique j'explique : j'ai créé un nouveau champ dans mon formulaire Donneur qui s'appelé numero_cnib, je souhaite que si je saisisse dans le champs le numero_cnib qu'il me fasse une recherche du Donneur, qui est déjà enregistrée dans ma base de d

Heroku error

2023-02-22 Thread Benjamin Telford
I am going to upload my new version into Heroku. But something went wrong. [image: Annotation 2023-02-22 003243.png] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email

Re: Heroku error

2023-02-22 Thread 'Kasper Laudrup' via Django users
On 22/02/2023 06.36, Benjamin Telford wrote: I am going to upload my new version into Heroku. But something went wrong. That sucks :-( Maybe you should try again later? Kind regards, Kasper Laudrup -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users"

Re: Need help

2023-02-22 Thread Michael Fladischer
Hi Emmanuel, Am 22.02.2023 um 00:46 schrieb Emmanuel Wilfried Ilboudo: Hi all !!! I would like to have the Django documentation in French to learn offline. I'm in a place where internet access is a real problem. Thanks in advance !!! you can get the whole documentation in french as a ZIP file

Re: Need help

2023-02-22 Thread herve bineli
Hi Emmanuel, If you are on Macbook, you can use the excellent app: Dash But if you are on Windows or Linux, you can use: Zeal Best Regards, BINELI Arsene - -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G