How to convert text file data into Excel file?

2022-12-29 Thread Prashanth Patelc
Hi all, How to conver below text file data into xl file using pandas or python script? Host address all related values host address decimal and also remaining all .. Show in Excel data header below related values. Text file data : --- Host address - 123457 Host address (dec

Re: Django channels scalling

2022-12-29 Thread Angel Galicia Sp
>From my point of view, You should avoid multi ws connections per client, the purpose of a ws connection is to be able to send data when something happens without a new user request, that being said... I think that the way DJ Channels is built makes it difficult to have just one connection per

Re: Merge Project

2022-12-29 Thread David Nugent
"Anil Singh" writes: Hi Friends, I am merging tow one project to another project, also install app in, but i error : RuntimeError: Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS. I s