I think it's because tour submit button IS not in the form
Le ven. 23 avr. 2021 à 01:58, Chaitanya Sakoji
a écrit :
> Thanks Kasper for your reply.
> -Original Message-
> From: django-users@googlegroups.com On
> Behalf Of Kasper Laudrup
> Sent: 23 April 2021 01:17
> To: django-users@g
Yes it's possible to use other python library, and for second question i
think it's better to encapsulate tour code in a class toi create a service
and call it in your views. This a clean way and like this your Can call it
in a thread if you want to savez Time.
Le ven. 23 avr. 2021 à 00:05, Gerar
Thank Agoua. It worked after update.
From: django-users@googlegroups.com On Behalf
Of Agoua David
Sent: 23 April 2021 13:08
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL]Re: #Beginnerlevel Form sending get instead of post
I think it's because tour submit button IS not in the
Thank you for the reply! I will totally try this tonight!
On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 7:31:40 PM UTC-4 David Nugent wrote:
> Try creating a request using RequestFactory and use that to input the
> credentials. I don't think the way you are creating the form is valid.
> rf = RequestFactory(
I think there's a problem with your database. Try deleting your dbsqlite
database and run migrations a again.
On Fri, 23 Apr 2021, 12:50 Ejike Enyinnaya, wrote:
> Good day Isaac,
> I ran makemigrations and migrate before deploy as seen in my screenshots
> but I am still having the same problem
Make sure you create the user objects in the database before loading the
books data
On Fri, 23 Apr 2021 at 14:02, Nzekwe Isaac wrote:
> I think there's a problem with your database. Try deleting your dbsqlite
> database and run migrations a again.
> On Fri, 23 Apr 2021, 12:50 Ejike Enyinnaya,
kindly shere your code
On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 5:56 PM ejike@gmail.com
> Good day All,
> I am trying to deploy my django app to heroku but i keep getting this
> error in the screenshot attached.
> Please can anyone assist in me in finding a solution to this and where the
> iss
You can see IntegrityError: fixtures you are updating trying to find user
with user_id=1 which are not available in your db. Try to create one user
and migrate again. Or if the App is still in the development stage. Delete
DB and migrate again. It may work.
Thank you
On Fri,
Hi Guys,
This is the error I am getting:
(first_django_app) ➜ first_django_app git:(master) heroku run python
manage.py loaddata books/fixtures.json
Running python manage.py loaddata books/fixtures.json on ⬢ gotbooksapp...
up, run.6617 (Free)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Please explain all your steps clearly.
How are you creating fixture.json, Are you taking all data dump or only
book model dump ??
On Sat, 24 Apr 2021 at 00:12, Ejike Enyinnaya
> Hi Guys,
> This is the error I am getting:
> (first_django_app) ➜ first_django_app git:(master) heroku
On 23/04/2021 20.41, Ejike Enyinnaya wrote:
> I did a git add ., git commit -m and git push heroku master
Not sure if it's related, but it's possible: This is not how you should
use revision control (git).
You should keep your source files under revision control, not just
blindly add everything a
Hi there, I am trying to list in a template a bunch of fields of the
model (PagosDetail) that is related to another one (PagosHead) via
numero_pago field.
I am able to list the PagosHead items in the template but when I use the "
_set.all" in order to get those fields from PagosDetail i've
check this one
try to run the console
$ python manage.py sqlsequencereset your_app_name
it will give you the psql queries. run those queries on PSQL console and
then try to run loaddata.
check below link
Great video. Thank you Sr. !
El jueves, 22 de abril de 2021 a la(s) 19:05:50 UTC-5, Gerardo Palazuelos
> Have a look at the following video. It might help with your first question.
> https://youtu.be/04L0BbAcCpQ
> Regards,
> --
> Gerardo Palazuelos Guerrero
> On Thu, Apr 22,
Dudes, I received online help.
In the template there was a mistype error:
{% for pagosdet in pagos.pagosdetail_set.all %} => *
{% for pagosdet in pago.pagosdetail_set.all %} ( Without 's')*
Thanks for reading,
El vie, 23 abr 2021 a las 17:37, Walter Randazzo ()
> Hi there, I am
Mandame una muestra del archivo el cual usaría esta pequeña aplicación de
consulta, puede ser una tabla con los datos ya procesados (tú dices que con
pandas está sumando correctamente) ahora lo que necesitas es
la aplicación para que los demás funcionarios puedan ver los resultados
Hello everyone.
I have a web application built in Django == 1.11.6, when the migrations
were generated in oracle the sequences are created and they can be modified
and even deleted.
When I update to django 3 and I generate the migrations again, it creates
the sequences with a name similar to
Hi Experts,
Please help me out to use Single API, 5 times to complete the request.
for ex:- the request is of Enquiry of 5 cards. i just have a single API
of Enquiry to fulfil this requirement.
Steps1:- I kept these 5 request in a table.
Step 3:- trigger an alert that request receiv
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