Re: Cannot Redirect to other page

2020-04-17 Thread pui hei Li
Thank you so much, I have fixed the problem, now I can redirect to the pages I want. *morse_logs/game2.html* {% extends "morse_logs/base.html" %} {% block content %} GAME 2 GAME 2 2 + 2 = ? {% csrf_token %} {% endblock content %} *morse_logs/v

reg: CUstomizing User model

2020-04-17 Thread 'Amitesh Sahay' via Django users
Hi,  I am creating the user signup form with the help of "UserCreationForm" and "User" model. So, whatever came in-built is working fine for me, I am able to successfully create the sign up and form and able to authenticate. So far so good. Now, I am trying to add a new "phone" field in the exi

Re: problem with admin panel

2020-04-17 Thread Andréas Kühne
This sounds like you are having problems with the static files - check so that you have run " collectstatic" correctly and that the command works. Regards, Andréas Den fre 17 apr. 2020 kl 03:57 skrev Cristhian Heredia Claure <>: > > Hello everyone Sorry if it's no

Re: Models as choices

2020-04-17 Thread Denilson Antonio Avellan
me pueden enviar el codigo completo ? para hacer un login solo la interfqaz grafica sin nada de conexion a base de datos porfavor! El vie., 17 de abr. de 2020 a la(s) 00:00, Gavin Wiener ( escribió: > If you're serializing as JSON, that primary key is literally just integer

Interfaz Gráfica (Frontend)

2020-04-17 Thread Denilson Antonio Avellan
Hola comunidad estoy empezando con Django me parece super genial pero quiero empezar con las interfaces gráficas por ejemplo necesito ejemplos o plantillas de login. menus. vistas etc. y queria saber en que me pueden ayudar mandandome links donde me pueda guiar! Muchas Gracias..!! -- You rec

Re: Models as choices

2020-04-17 Thread Esther Camilo
This guy has plenty of tutorials building complete applications. As front-end you can use Bootstrap in your templates On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 9:57 AM Denilson Antonio Avellan <> wrote: > me pueden enviar el codigo completo ? para ha

Re: problem with admin panel

2020-04-17 Thread Cristhian Heredia Claure
thanks for yor reply, and yes y Did that, my static files created correctly, but the admin page still without Stlye, I really don't understand, because in my Raspberry Pi I didn't do any other configuration and the admin page is perfect. El viernes, 17 de abril de 2020, 7:32:56 (UTC-4), Andréas

Reg: Django signal not working

2020-04-17 Thread 'Amitesh Sahay' via Django users
Hi, I am creating a Django signup form through "User" model and "UserCreationForm" and customized the User model to accommodate single user defined field "contact". However, the signal that I have written seems not to be working. Whenever, I am filling the form, I am getting below error: Attribu

How to modify messages displayed in Admin change page?

2020-04-17 Thread Mark Phillips
I have a model Document, and the admin can upload an image to a FileField. When a document/image is successfully uploaded, I also save a sha256 "fingerprint" of the image to test if an admin tries to upload a duplicate image. If a duplicate image is detected, I don't save the duplicate image and di

Re: Callable field in fieldset's field

2020-04-17 Thread Gagan Deep
Thanks Federico, it did solved the problem. On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 6:28 AM 'Federico Capoano' via Django users <> wrote: > Is this the kind of thing you're looking for? > >

Re: Capture URL values in a CBV

2020-04-17 Thread Tim Johnson
OK. I am abandoning all pretext at self-sufficiency here. I have researched this for days, reviewed the links below and I still cannot resolve this issue. Maybe someone besides Gavin has an idea of how to capture the pattern between angle brackets in a url conf into a class-based view. I am

Re: Capture URL values in a CBV

2020-04-17 Thread Dylan Reinhold
Tim you want to use get_context_data to add more data into your context for the template def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): # Call the base implementation first to get a context context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # You your stuff context['my_pk'] =

Re: Interfaz Gráfica (Frontend)

2020-04-17 Thread Gustavo Andres Angulo
Hola, puedes seguir el tutorial usando en el Proyecto de Django Girls, Allí puedes apoyarte con la documentación de Django. On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 7:56 AM Denilson Antonio Avellan <> wrote: > Hola comunidad estoy empezando con Django

[PROBLEM] Creacion de primera apps de djangogirls, error en

2020-04-17 Thread lucas bonet
Hola, estoy creando la primera aplicacion de django con pyton y cuando llega el momento de configurar en el directorio de blog--> copio las lineas de comando del tutrorial y me reporta errores. los erorres me los marca en From, como que no tiene una carpeta otra de acceso llamada djang

Re: Capture URL values in a CBV

2020-04-17 Thread Tim Johnson
Wham! That is what I was looking for. From a class-based-view virgin to a wise head: **you have been so helpful** thank you On 4/17/20 1:08 PM, Dylan Reinhold wrote: def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):         # Call the base implementation first to get a context         context = super().g

Re: [PROBLEM] Creacion de primera apps de djangogirls, error en

2020-04-17 Thread Juan Pablo Romero Bernal
Saludos Lucas, Sería de mucha utilidad que nos mostraras los mensajes de error que obtienes para poder ayudarte. Saludos, On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 4:34 PM lucas bonet wrote: > Hola, estoy creando la primera aplicacion de django con pyton y cuando > llega el momento de configurar en el directori

Re: Issues with creating an app

2020-04-17 Thread Motaz Hejaze
Please try to follow the official tutorial of django ... 'Images.views.home' is not a string .. Try yo put without ' ' On Sat, 18 Apr 2020, 1:44 am Leonardo Salvador Diego Solis, <> wrote: > Hello, this is the first time I use Django (I'm learning with free cours