Thank you so much, I have fixed the problem, now I can redirect to the
pages I want.
{% extends "morse_logs/base.html" %}
{% block content %}
2 + 2 = ?
{% csrf_token %}
{% endblock content %}
I am creating the user signup form with the help of "UserCreationForm" and
"User" model. So, whatever came in-built is working fine for me, I am able to
successfully create the sign up and form and able to authenticate. So far so
Now, I am trying to add a new "phone" field in the exi
This sounds like you are having problems with the static files - check so
that you have run " collectstatic" correctly and that the command
Den fre 17 apr. 2020 kl 03:57 skrev Cristhian Heredia Claure <>:
> Hello everyone Sorry if it's no
me pueden enviar el codigo completo ? para hacer un login solo la
interfqaz grafica sin nada de conexion a base de datos porfavor!
El vie., 17 de abr. de 2020 a la(s) 00:00, Gavin Wiener ( escribió:
> If you're serializing as JSON, that primary key is literally just integer
Hola comunidad estoy empezando con Django me parece super genial pero
quiero empezar con las interfaces gráficas por ejemplo necesito ejemplos o
plantillas de login. menus. vistas etc. y queria saber en que me pueden
ayudar mandandome links donde me pueda guiar!
Muchas Gracias..!!
You rec
This guy has plenty of tutorials building complete applications. As
front-end you can use Bootstrap in your templates
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 9:57 AM Denilson Antonio Avellan <> wrote:
> me pueden enviar el codigo completo ? para ha
thanks for yor reply, and yes y Did that, my static files created
correctly, but the admin page still without Stlye, I really don't
understand, because in my Raspberry Pi I didn't do any other configuration
and the admin page is perfect.
El viernes, 17 de abril de 2020, 7:32:56 (UTC-4), Andréas
I am creating a Django signup form through "User" model and "UserCreationForm"
and customized the User model to accommodate single user defined field
However, the signal that I have written seems not to be working.
Whenever, I am filling the form, I am getting below error:
I have a model Document, and the admin can upload an image to a FileField.
When a document/image is successfully uploaded, I also save a sha256
"fingerprint" of the image to test if an admin tries to upload a duplicate
image. If a duplicate image is detected, I don't save the duplicate image
and di
Thanks Federico, it did solved the problem.
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 6:28 AM 'Federico Capoano' via Django users <> wrote:
> Is this the kind of thing you're looking for?
OK. I am abandoning all pretext at self-sufficiency here. I have
researched this for days, reviewed the links below and I still cannot
resolve this issue.
Maybe someone besides Gavin has an idea of how to capture the pattern
between angle brackets in a url conf into a class-based view.
I am
Tim you want to use get_context_data to add more data into your context for
the template
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
# Call the base implementation first to get a context
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
# You your stuff
context['my_pk'] =
Hola, puedes seguir el tutorial usando en el Proyecto de Django Girls,
Allí puedes apoyarte con la documentación de Django.
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 7:56 AM Denilson Antonio Avellan <> wrote:
> Hola comunidad estoy empezando con Django
Hola, estoy creando la primera aplicacion de django con pyton y cuando
llega el momento de configurar en el directorio de blog--> copio
las lineas de comando del tutrorial y me reporta errores. los erorres me
los marca en From, como que no tiene una carpeta otra de acceso llamada
Wham! That is what I was looking for.
From a class-based-view virgin to a wise head:
**you have been so helpful**
thank you
On 4/17/20 1:08 PM, Dylan Reinhold wrote:
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
# Call the base implementation first to get a context
context = super().g
Saludos Lucas,
Sería de mucha utilidad que nos mostraras los mensajes de error que
obtienes para
poder ayudarte.
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 4:34 PM lucas bonet wrote:
> Hola, estoy creando la primera aplicacion de django con pyton y cuando
> llega el momento de configurar en el directori
Please try to follow the official tutorial of django ...
'Images.views.home' is not a string ..
Try yo put without ' '
On Sat, 18 Apr 2020, 1:44 am Leonardo Salvador Diego Solis, <> wrote:
> Hello, this is the first time I use Django (I'm learning with free cours
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