Re: my first post: makemigrations polls App 'polls' could not be found. Is it in INSTALLED_APPS?

2019-03-10 Thread Varun Sagar
from django.apps import AppConfig #Add this in your'e if you haven't class PollsConfig(AppConfig): name = 'polls' On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 6:35 PM maior marso wrote: > > Activating Models > After editing polls/, and u

Re: how to create a Django project without using an IDE, but using the django-admin startproject command

2019-03-10 Thread Ando Rakotomanana
ok, i will try to reconfigure the virtual environment Le samedi 9 mars 2019 21:15:01 UTC+3, Ando Rakotomanana a écrit : > > Hello, I'm still starting with django. And I have a problem with the > creation of the project, I write: "django-admin startproject DjangoTest" in > the cmd of my windows a

Re: how to create a Django project without using an IDE, but using the django-admin startproject command

2019-03-10 Thread Sam Taiwo
Make sure your virtual environment is activated, you have to activate it each time you create a new terminal. Also contrary to what someone else said, you can use django-admin anywhere, while you must be in the correct directory to run the file On Sun, Mar 10, 2019, 07:38 abel otugeme

Do not render empty fields

2019-03-10 Thread Barkalez XX
Hello guys, I'm learning django and I have some doubts, I suppose that from now on you'll see me a lot here because my doubts are endless :). I'm doing a simple recipe app, and some recipes have more ingredients than others and when I render them, empty fields take up space in the rendered HT

Link does not work correctly

2019-03-10 Thread Barkalez XX
In the browser, when I'm in ""; and click in register it takes me to ""; and it works correctly, but if I'm in "http: // "and click on register takes me to" "instead of" http://127.0.

Using sessions key variables as a url argument

2019-03-10 Thread Gavin Boyle
Hi all, I am not sure if this is possible as I could find nothing online but would appreciate any alternative solution. - In my view I obtain a pk which is set as a session key - I need to pass that session key variable into the url argument. e.g. C

Re: how to create a Django project without using an IDE, but using the django-admin startproject command

2019-03-10 Thread nm
As others have pointed out, the problem might be not having your virtual env activated. If it's your first time with Django, there are very clear installation and set-up instructions in the Django Girls tutorial - also for Windows. I highly recommend it for a start. On a side note, I'd also rec

Re: Using signals to populate another model based on new registered user

2019-03-10 Thread Deepak sharma
Simple Answer: DON'T . Resort to signals only when there is No Alternatives left. Using Signals looks tempting but as project grows, it really becomes a Mess to manage each of them. One simply becomes a confused and debugging becomes a real Hell. I suffered from this Problem. hence recommends t

Re: Link does not work correctly

2019-03-10 Thread Gil Obradors
Hi I can't give you the exactly response, But I know that you are playing with href=url direct, without using django template code I suggest you to change de href of register from about, to a href with django template code: Something like : href="{% static 'greenfapp/main.css' %} But I can't see a

Re: Using signals to populate another model based on new registered user

2019-03-10 Thread Kevin Jay
Here is the relevant template from the link provided > >1. >2. >3. >4. >5. Employee Records >6. {% load staticfiles %} >7. >8. >9. >10. >11. >12. >13. Employee ID >14. Employee Name >15.

Re: Using signals to populate another model based on new registered user

2019-03-10 Thread Kevin Jay
Disregard...Wrong thread. On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 2:47 PM Kevin Jay wrote: > > Here is the relevant template from the link provided > >> >>1. >>2. >>3. >>4. >>5. Employee Records >>6. {% load staticfiles %} >>7. >>8. >>9. >>10. >>

What step am I missing?

2019-03-10 Thread Joseph Jones
Hello all! I have been reading Since November, so I am very much new to the Python community. I am currently on chapter 14 "Web development" which suggests completing the tutorial on after ins

What step am I missing?

2019-03-10 Thread Eddy Izm
I'm guessing you are in the wrong directory. Please show the directory. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to