I am getting similar errors, also running Django 2.15 with python 3.72,
would be very interested if you have found a solution
On Thursday, 31 January 2019 15:52:38 UTC, Jon bae wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running here *django 2.1.5* with *python 3.7.2* (installed with
> homebrew) on a macOS (mojave)
Hello everyone! I really need help. I’ve got SQL table which contains
exhaustive files and folders information and I need to show tree of those
files on a website. But not only show, it’s supposed to be interactive, so
that a user can scroll, open folders and mark any of the items.
I think it m
I haven't found anything like a drop-in replacement, but this should be
fairly simple for you to do.
when a password changes, the hash of the former password is stored in a
different table with a reference to the user and the timestamp. when a new
password is entered in as a reset, you compare
I'm going to suggest you step back and consider whether the policies you
want to implement are good policies. A good, solidly-researched set of
recommendations is NIST SP800-63B:
In particular, NIST suggests the following:
* Do not use a policy whic
I completely support this NIST policy, James. Unfortunately, the PCI Security
Standards Council does not support this policy at this time. In order for a
company to be PCI compliant, users must change their passwords every three
months. PCI compliance is essential for companies to adhere to w
If you're just looking into just presenting trees, you might want to
check How TO - Tree View
(https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_treeview.asp) or Bootstrap Tree
If you are looking for a
If I don't want to use any Django template and I just want to use regular
html/javascript, how should I setup the template config in settings.py?
Right now, my settings are:
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [os.path.jo
Hi, all,
If I don't want to use Django template engine and I just want to use
regular html/javacript, how do I configure settings.py?
I am thinking about the portability issue. For example, if I want to move
away from django in the future, I hope my templates can still be used in
other framewor
Have to say that Im still beginner in Django and coding, but I think you
just create you html files to your templates folder, and in the end you are
basically using just html. Django can just find your html file from
templates folder.
Im just learning javascript and I assume i can save my js-
I will give it a try first. Thanks
On Friday, February 8, 2019 at 2:30:39 PM UTC-5, Mikko wrote:
> Hi,
> Have to say that Im still beginner in Django and coding, but I think you
> just create you html files to your templates folder, and in the end you are
> basically using just html. Django
Set the timezone for the user via a property on the user is the best way.
Otherwise, JS can detect the user's time zone. Use moment.js (
or Intl (
Hi Alvaro,
If I do that (JS and AJAX), do you think my views.py is already correct? *T
= timezone.now()* is important for me in order to get the right data from
sql for the end user.
from django.utils import timezone
*t = timezone.now()* [this should detect end user's timezone]
dm = t
Hi, i believe what the system do with your timezone.now() function call is
ton currently get the timezone of the location where your server is
located. So if your hosting server is in England, it gets the server
location timezone. U will need to first find a way to get the visitors
location and get
Hi Mikko,
*t = timezone.now()* just get UTC timezone when USE_TZ=True.
Modify as follows:
tzinfo = pytz.timezone('end user's timezone')
t = timezone.localtime(timezone.now())
On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 12:50 PM Mikko Meronen
> Hi Alvaro,
> If I do
But if I get the visitor's timezone using JS and send it to Django using
AJAX and also do the changes below Alvaro suggested:
from django.utils import timezone
import pytz
# Set user's timezone
tzinfo = pytz.timezone(request.session['timezone'])
#request.session['timezone'] = 'America/Los_
Hi guys I'm learning django and I am doing some tests with CRUD using
crispy forms: I created a model and I can create and read data without any
I have problem in update. I get this error:
postalgps.models.Tabacchino.DoesNotExist: Tabacchino matching query does
not exist
*In mode
You are correct,
You are using HTML and JavaScript as template in django. You need to store
static files like css/images/JavaScript in static folder and configure
static folder in the settings file
On Sat, Feb 9, 2019, 1:00 AM Mikko Meronen Hi,
> Have to say that Im still beginner in Django and
Thanks. But if I do this way, how do I transfer data between back-end and
front-end? Do I use post request?
On Friday, February 8, 2019 at 8:35:28 PM UTC-5, Nitin Kalmaste wrote:
> You are correct,
> You are using HTML and JavaScript as template in django. You need to store
> static files lik
Hi Ciuni,
Maybe your url already is path('updateTabacchi/', I think
question is {{ form }}.
{{ form }} is to render fields without id. Add the if you want to
get the id from request.POST:
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form}}
On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 4:30 PM Giuseppe Ciuni
> Hi gu
You can connect your backend to frontend using views.py file. In views.py
you can get and sort your data from SQL and send it to your html.
You probably should do tutorial or watch youtube videos (as I did since I
get bored in reading very fast) to learn more. CodingEntrepreneur has done
Thanks. I know how to do this according to Django way. But if you use
Django's way to transfer data, it makes it difficult to move to other
frameworks, right? What do you think?
On Saturday, February 9, 2019 at 1:42:19 AM UTC-5, Mikko wrote:
> Hi,
> You can connect your backend to frontend u
I haven't used any other framework, so maybe someone else can better answer
that. But using my logic I think that if I want to change framework, I just
have to know how to connect again my database to my html, which is just to
learn the new framework logic I guess. But as I said, hopefully som
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