Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Ivan Martić
not sure what to say čet, 24. sij 2019. u 13:53 Ivan Martić napisao je: > Hi Andréas, > sorry for misspeling in codes. All is working ok except when i try to put > url tag for 'update_productsgrouping'. > I need to update group with new products but It does not argument for > group id. > What d

Re: Django, mod_wsgi and apache2.4 = 403 forbidden

2019-01-29 Thread Mohammad Etemaddar
I have no experience in configure apache. But these two lines have conflict. DocumentRoot C:\Frontier_Website\FATWebsite\FrontierWebApp\zigview\templates\FrounterWeb and: WSGIScriptAlias / C:\Frontier_Website\FATWebsite\FrontierWebApp\FrounterWeb\ Both of these lines tell apache

Re: Logging of full trace with Debug set to False

2019-01-29 Thread Kevin Olbrich
Hi! Seems like things were improved since then: There is an integration that I can enable which should take care of things. I realy like Sentry. Currently I use the free tier while I check how to setup my own node. Some of my Apps already send Exc

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
A što ne uradiš update preko class based view daleko je lakše? Ako hoćeš preko funkcije ja radim sa get_object_or_404, ovako: def productsgrouping_update_view(request, url_id): product_lista = get_object_or_404(MaterialGr

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Ivan Martić
Bok Nebojša, mislim da je stvar u HTML možda prije, jer mi je ranije sve radilo..u jednom trenu je puknula veza. Neznam točno kada. Znači, da odem na url *productsgrouping *prikaze sve grupe, kad kliknem na grupu (dodam joj a=href) no reverse mathc, ako maknem atribute u url dobijem #, a ako ručno

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
neće raditi ali ne zbog html već zbog greške u views probaj ovako def productsgrouping_update_view(request, url_id): assigned = get_object_or_404(Material, pk=url_id) naravno prvo moraš da importuješ get object or 404: from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 уто, 29. јан 2019.

Re: django.core.exceptions.AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet with Django’s user database authentication from Apache

2019-01-29 Thread Binoy U
Hello Simon, Thank you for the reply. I have changed it as you mentioned and it's working now. I will raise an issue to update the documentation. On Monday, January 28, 2019 at 1:20:24 PM UTC+1, Binoy U wrote: > > Hello, > > I have created a django project with only one application. I haven't ma

Sending data from Python Web socket client to Django Channels

2019-01-29 Thread suleman . qutb
I am trying to send data to Django Channels (chat application ) from Python web socket client . I am able to do the handshake but my data (string) is not being populated in the cha

Re: validator not working in serializers.ModelSerializer

2019-01-29 Thread Ayomide Onibokun
does python has a similar cms like wordpress? On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 at 03:36, Maurya Allimuthu wrote: > Hi Andréas, > > I have fixed it. like subclassing the serializer field class and > overriding the to_representation for per field. > Thanks for the help once again. > > Thanks, > Maurya > > On

Re: django.core.exceptions.AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet with Django’s user database authentication from Apache

2019-01-29 Thread Gundla Kumar
Hai, Can you help me how to solve my problem, when launch project in my local, it gives error as "ImportError: No module named copy_reg" and "ImportError: No module named multiplearray" On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 5:30 PM Binoy U wrote: > Hello Simon, > > Thank you for the reply. I have changed it

Limiting a SubQuery based on instance's OuterRef

2019-01-29 Thread Nick Gashkov
Hello there! Is it possible to limit a SubQuery to a dynamic value of an instance in a QuerySet? I.e. I'm looking for something like: queryset = model.objects.filter(field=OuterRef('field')).values('another_field')[:OuterRef('number')] Sincerely, Nick Gashkov -- You received this message bec

django wagtial docker production and staging database

2019-01-29 Thread Tim Vogt
Hi I have a wagtail application running on digital ocean, Deployed with ansibble and docker (separate) When I used amazon I had staging and production branches in my git environment (for small flask projects). Now I user docker and try tor find a way to handle the for staging with l

how to aasign id on and how to generates choices on the form of another models for individual id ,choices may be differenet for individual id

2019-01-29 Thread Suzan Bajracharya
class Medical_Meds(models.Model): medicines=models.CharField(max_length=250) amount=models.IntegerField(default=0) # is_purchase=models.BooleanField(default=False) p_date=models.DateTimeField( patient=models.ForeignKey(Patient) medical=models.ForeignKey(Medical) class Me

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Ivan Martić
napravio sam točno kako si rekao i dalje nece, isti error ...vec danima se mucim sa ovime..nešto drugo je posrijedi. uto, 29. sij 2019. u 12:16 Nebojsa Hajdukovic napisao je: > neće raditi ali ne zbog html već zbog greške u views > probaj ovako > > def productsgrouping_update_view(request, u

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Nebojsa Hajdukovic
To je greška zato što ne može da nađe url_id ajd ako ne uspeš pogledaću večeras detaljno šta si radio pa da vidim gde je greška уто, 29. јан 2019. у 13:51 Ivan Martić је написао/ла: > napravio sam točno kako si rekao i dalje nece, isti error ...vec danima se > mucim sa ovime..nešto drugo je posr

Re: NoReverseMatch at /someurlname/ - Reverse for 'htmlname' with arguments '('1',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['somehtmlname/$']

2019-01-29 Thread Ivan Martić
ok, pokušat ću. ak neuspijem posaljem ti sta god ti treba da pokusas sam rekreirati...ovo je zaista zeznuto uto, 29. sij 2019. u 13:56 Nebojsa Hajdukovic napisao je: > To je greška zato što ne može da nađe url_id ajd ako ne uspeš pogledaću > večeras detaljno šta si radio pa da vidim gde je grešk

Replicating a new database without using

2019-01-29 Thread pastrufazio
Hi all, I'm creating multi-tenancy capabilities for out back-end application and I need to create a separate database for every current tenant. Playing around with pg_dump and pg_restore, I noticed that a new restored PostgreSQL database is fully functional and I don't need to use the proper *

Re: Limiting a SubQuery based on instance's OuterRef

2019-01-29 Thread Simon Charette
Hello Nick, It isn't possible to reference columns in a LIMIT clause AFAIK. I'd suggest you use a RowNumber[0] window function ordered by your number column in a subquery and filter on the annotated value in the outer query. Cheers, Simon [0]

any good books for django2

2019-01-29 Thread Lutalo Bbosa joseph
guys can anyone assist me with a link to any django2 book because it seems its most are not free -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-users+uns

PasswordResetConfirmView doesn't work through redirect in newest Safari

2019-01-29 Thread Henrik Ossipoff Hansen
Hi all, Recently we've upgraded a project from Django 2.x to 2.1, which meant upgrading our old reset password functions based views to the newer class based models. However, since the change we're experiencing issues with PasswordResetConfirmView. What we experiencing, in short, is that when

Re: any good books for django2

2019-01-29 Thread Danylo K. Great tutorial style-book. On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 11:02 AM Lutalo Bbosa joseph wrote: > guys can anyone assist me with a link to any django2 book because it seems > its > most are not free > > -- > You received this message becau

Re: any good books for django2

2019-01-29 Thread Vivek Jha
Just follow dango 2.1 documentation and visit website named On Wed, 30 Jan 2019, 00:48 Danylo K. > Great tutorial style-book. > > On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 11:02 AM Lutalo Bbosa joseph > wrote: > >>

Re: any good books for django2

2019-01-29 Thread omar ahmed
Django documentation is very good بتاريخ ٢٠١٩/٠١/٢٩ ٦:٠٢ م، كتب "Lutalo Bbosa joseph" : > guys can anyone assist me with a link to any django2 book because it seems > its > most are not free > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "Django users" group.

Re: PasswordResetConfirmView doesn't work through redirect in newest Safari

2019-01-29 Thread Jason
You're not the only one with this issue. django-developer discussion at!topic/django-developers/RyDdt1TcH0c There's an open ticket on the django bug tracker at and related on webkit:


2019-01-29 Thread Segun Gesture
Am trying to add a topic to my base.html and its telling me learning log is not a name space . here is the code for the base.html modified learning log - Topics {% block content %}{%endblock content %} -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django us

Work Opportunity

2019-01-29 Thread caleoroco -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Admin form_url breakout problem

2019-01-29 Thread Mike Dewhirst
Matthew I looked for preventDefault and found it in lots of javascript scripts. So I decided instead to look at my python code which is slightly easier for me to understand. I sort of refactored it and cut large swags out to simplify and inserted lots of print statements. Then I thought I'd b

Re: PasswordResetConfirmView doesn't work through redirect in newest Safari

2019-01-29 Thread Henrik Ossipoff Hansen
Ah darn it - I didn't even think of checking the bug tracker first. Usually when we're experiencing things like this it's because we've messed up somehow :) I guess for now we'll see if we can backport the old function based view which didn't do that redirect straight after landing on the page