Re: HTML video seek problem in django

2018-01-11 Thread Kasper Laudrup
Hi Manjunatha, On 2018-01-11 05:34, Manjunatha wrote: I have attached one image please go through that, actually in my case status code returns 200. Please help me out. Does your server understand "partial content requests" as descriped in the Stackoverflow post you posted a screenshot of?

Re: HTML video seek problem in django

2018-01-11 Thread Manjunatha
Hi Kasper, No. The server gives *200 OK *status code. But I can't see partial content server. Please help me to change status code 200 to 206. Thanks, Manjunatha On Thursday, 11 January 2018 15:02:16 UTC+5:30, Kasper Laudrup wrote: > > Hi Manjunatha, > > On 2018-01-11 05:34, Manjunatha wrote

Re: HTML video seek problem in django

2018-01-11 Thread Kasper Laudrup
Hi Manjunatha, On 2018-01-11 11:47, Manjunatha wrote: Hi Kasper, No. The server gives *200 OK *status code. But I can't see partial content server. Please help me to change status code 200 to 206. You should look into the documentation for the web server you are using. If the web server g

Re: HTML video seek problem in django

2018-01-11 Thread Manjunatha
Hi Kasper, I am using *django python* framework. Currently I am working on localhost There is no forum for django. Is there any suggestion from your side to solve this problem. Thanks, Manjunatha On Thursday, 11 January 2018 15:52:15 UTC+5:30, Kasper Laudrup wrote: > > Hi Manju

Re: HTML video seek problem in django

2018-01-11 Thread Kasper Laudrup
Hi Manjunatha, On 2018-01-11 12:33, Manjunatha wrote: I am using *django python* framework. Currently I am working on localhost There is no forum for django. Is there any suggestion from your side to solve this problem. So the problem is only showing up during development?

Re: HTML video seek problem in django

2018-01-11 Thread Manjunatha
Hi Kasper Laudrup, Thank you very much for your advice. Regards, Manjunatha On Thursday, 11 January 2018 16:19:19 UTC+5:30, Kasper Laudrup wrote: > > Hi Manjunatha, > > On 2018-01-11 12:33, Manjunatha wrote: > > I am using *django python* framework. Currently I am working on > > localhost 12

encrypt my django code and still be able to run it

2018-01-11 Thread ashish . bhatia
Hi, Is it possible to encrypt my complete Django project and still be able to run it. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to django-users+unsubscr...@g

Adding Junk code to your django project

2018-01-11 Thread ashish . bhatia
Hello, I have a requirement which says that the user should not be able to read/modify my code.I thought to add some junk code to the project is it possible?? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and st

Re: Adding Junk code to your django project

2018-01-11 Thread Antonis Christofides
Hello, Instagram is written in Django; however when you use Instagram you can't see or modify the code, can you? Same thing in every web application, whether written in RoR, PHP, Java, whatever. So what exactly do you mean? What is the "user" of your code? Why would the user be able to read/modif

Re: encrypt my django code and still be able to run it

2018-01-11 Thread Jason
No. And if you think about it, I think you'll come up with a number of reasons why. If you really want to keep people from reading your code, learn how to secure your server from unauthorized outside access and follow best practices to keep your SSH keys safe. -- You received this message be

Re: HTML video seek problem in django

2018-01-11 Thread Jason
An alternative is to use the django extensions runserverplus which uses the Werkzeug debugger. As you can see in this post on django-developers

HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

2018-01-11 Thread mohammad
hi, i try to submit a form but it gives me this err if any one can help me Environment: Request Method: POST Request URL: Django Version: 1.8.6 Python Version: 3.6.1 Installed Applications: ('django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.

RE: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

2018-01-11 Thread Matthew Pava
Typically, that indicates a permissions problem. Are you signed in to your app? Does the account you are signed into have permissions to access that URL? Check your decorators. From: [] On Behalf Of mohammad Sent: Thursday, Ja

Re: I plan to have lots of data tables with similar structure. How do you recommend I model them?

2018-01-11 Thread Thomas G Lockhart
You may want to have several tables linked by foreign keys. A Census Tract table, a County table, a State table, etc. That reduces the amount of duplicate data and the chances for inconsistent entries. The downside is a bit more work on the part of the computer to do lookups, but particularly i

Re: Adding Junk code to your django project

2018-01-11 Thread Kasper Laudrup
Hi there, On 2018-01-11 07:58, wrote: Hello, I have a requirement which says that the user should not be able to read/modify my code.I thought to add some junk code to the project is it possible?? Assuming by "user" you mean someone who has a copy of your co

Re: Adding Junk code to your django project

2018-01-11 Thread Scot Hacker
It is possible (though not common) to distribute the compiled *.pyc files rather than the source *.py files. See the bottom of . Back in early days of Django there was a (very expensive) commercially sold content management sys

Re: How do I make a Django model from a tab-delimited data file?

2018-01-11 Thread Scot Hacker
Another approach is to use postgres' COPY command: which knows how to parse and import tab-delimited files (and is crazy fast). Then, once the table exists, use Django's `inspectdb` management command to generate a Model corresponding to

Asynchoronous programming and websockets support

2018-01-11 Thread muratsert1453
Hello Django community, This is my first post so forgive me if this is out of context or have been discussed already. I've been working with Django for many years and although have the neccesary experience with Javascript I don't want to use NodeJS (Express) as a backend framework because I si

want to join IRC

2018-01-11 Thread pandyamarut
Hello Everyone, I want to join #django IRC channel please if someone can help me over. Regards, Thank you! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Asynchoronous programming and websockets support

2018-01-11 Thread Mike Dewhirst
On 12/01/2018 11:05 AM, wrote: Hello Django community, This is my first post so forgive me if this is out of context or have been discussed already. I've been working with Django for many years and although have the neccesary experience with Javascript I don't want to

Form help_text and error list styling

2018-01-11 Thread Ruchit Bhatt
Hi I have made form for signup using Django 2.0 as below {% csrf_token %} {% for non_field_error in form.non_field.errors %} {{ non_field_error }} {% endfor %} {% for field in form %} {{

Re: Form help_text and error list styling

2018-01-11 Thread SHAILESH NEGI
Try django message framework On Jan 12, 2018 10:38, "Ruchit Bhatt" wrote: > Hi > I have made form for signup using Django 2.0 as below > > {% csrf_token %} > {% for non_field_error in form.non_field.errors %} > {{ non_field_error }} >

Re: Asynchoronous programming and websockets support

2018-01-11 Thread Andrew Godwin
Channels is not (at least in the short term) planned to be merged into the Django core, but it is an official Django project. Whether it gets merged in or not in the long term is a much bigger question and one I don't think it's quite mature enough for yet (though Channels 2 may go a long way towar