Sorry my german is very rusty - but it looks like you need something to
compile your sass files to css. Checkout this project for an example:
I use PyCharm as my IDE and it includes automatic conversion from scss
files to css - so I
On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 03:38:36PM -0700, avill...@ucsc.edu wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I've successfully gotten a web app that takes user data, uses that to make
> a query, and the outputs a CSV file. However, what I'd really like is to
> output an HDF5 file. I googled around and there doesn't
I want to use django-select2-forms in my project . this package is here:
I followed the exact instructions but It does not install
here is things I did:
pip install django-select2-forms
I can see select2 has been ins
Hi !
I try to create a link on Django who download a static csv file, but I have
no idea how to do.
In my settings.py :
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/"),
and my file is in this directory
Would anyone have an idea ?
You received this
Buenas, necesito saber como configurar Supervisor en un servidor Ubuntu, de
un proyecto Django 1.11.
Un ejemplo sería de mucha ayuda.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 20:34:31 UTC+10, Ariel Gavegno wrote:
> Buenas, necesito saber como configurar Supervisor en un servidor Ubuntu,
> de un proyecto Django 1.11.
> Un
Is this in production or development? What is the url that doesn't work? What
happens when you try the url?
Antonis Christofides
On 2017-05-02 11:28, Sixtine Vernhes wrote:
> Hi !
> I try to create a link on Django who download a static csv file, but I
This is in development. I try to send url of my file in views.py :
return render(request, "export.html", {'out': urlOut})
and in my template I have the link :
Lien du fichier
but when I open it I have this link :
and I want to hav
Do you have "import select2" in models.py?
On Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 6:16:47 AM UTC-4, shahab emami wrote:
> hello
> I want to use django-select2-forms in my project . this package is here:
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-select2-forms/2.0.1
> I followed the exact instruc
Den torsdag 27 april 2017 kl. 15:22:13 UTC+2 skrev Pelle Pälsänger:
> Hi!
> I try to learn how to create web apps with django on windows10.
> I have downloaded django1.11 ($git clone
> https://github.com/django/django.git) and installed it ($py -m pip
> install Django==1.11).
> I follow
Hi friends!
It worked when I run $python django-admin.exe startproject mysite, not with
django-admin.py. This is Windows 10.1. Python 3.6.1.
Den torsdag 27 april 2017 kl. 15:22:13 UTC+2 skrev Pelle Pälsänger:
> Hi!
> I try to learn how to create web apps with django on windows10.
You cannot get a file outside of your project unless you symlink it inside the
project. This is also a Very Bad Thing(TM) as it may allow attackers to request
arbitrary files.
What you should do instead is this:
1) Put Data/01/export.txt to the static/ folder inside your app (with the same
{% include 'blog/navbar.html' %}
{%block content %}
{% endblock%}
class HomeView(ListView):
class BlogView(DetailView):
class Contact
> You cannot get a file outside of your project unless you symlink it inside the
> project. This is also a Very Bad Thing(TM) as it may allow attackers to
> request arbitrary files.
You /can/ get a file outside your project. Whether this is a bad thing or not
depends on why and how. I also don't th
I have created a full featured package to accept payments in Internet
(currently supports PayPal).
It has especially great support for recurring payments.
Here it is:
I hope we with community work will turn it into an universal payment
So what would you like the ContactView to populate *into *the nav bar?
Without a data model, there is nothing to render.
Remember that {% include 'blog/navbar.html' %} will not access/render that
"url", it will simply paste in the contents of that file(template) into the
template before render
There is a post on SO which seems to address this:
Maybe try renaming before you split; but moving models to a new app should
be the same kind of process as renaming.
On Monday, 1 May 2017 17:15:07 UTC+
Hi guys,
I'm using django-notification-hq, so my app's urls.py has:
url(r'^inbox/', include(notifications.urls, namespace='notifications')),
I've modified those default templates but I am unable to pass context to
I found
this: https://github.com/django-crispy-forms/django-
I am using Google Cloud to host my Django project, and I'm trying to run it
with Nginx. I open two instances of the terminal, one with the command
"python manage.py runworker" and the other with "daphne
firstproject.asgi:channel_layer". I am able to connect to my public ip, and
the page loads t
Thanks for your response.
Our server has 24 Cores and 192G memory, should be big enough to handle
this kind of load? BTW, one more thing I want to mention is that we are
using host based docker, possible any config or limitation there?
thanks again.
On Monday, May 1, 2017 at 11:06:39 PM UTC
Aha, it looks like your daphne instance is only listening on localhost:
2017-05-02 07:01:04,853 INFO Starting server
attcp:port=8000:interface=, channel layer
Try binding to all interfaces by passing
to Daphne when it starts.
I want to adjust inlines based on a property of the object.
class SubstanceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class SolidInline(admin.StackedInline):
class LiquidInline(admin.StackedInline):
class GasInline(admin.StackedInline):
inlines = get_inlines
Your server most probably can handle the load. It depends of course on how
intensive the processing is. The kind of error you are getting (port 80 Hit
EOF while fetching headers) suggests that the problem is not in Django but in
Apache, or maybe you are hitting some operating system limit
Andrew, it doesn't seem to have fixed my problem. I type the following
command, and am able to connect to my public ip, and although my page
loads, only the frontend does anything. Channels does not work.
$ daphne -b firstproject.asgi:channel_layer
2017-05-03 06:11:51,196 INFO Starti
I have "socket = new Websocket("ws:// ...", "socket.onopen," and
"socket.send" commands in my Javascript code, and although the Javascript
works, it seems to not be able to run these commands, or it is unable to
access my functions in consumer.py, althought it works flawlessly if I run
my proj
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