Re: init queryset return 'expected string or buffer'

2016-11-13 Thread ADEWALE ADISA
May be you should show your reservation model class. Because there, if you make your food_name field to be equal to a foreignKey(Food), your form class would be easier to write On Nov 13, 2016 12:08 AM, "احسان خراسانی" wrote: > Hi > my queryset return this error > > expected string or buffer > >

Re: init queryset return 'expected string or buffer'

2016-11-13 Thread ADEWALE ADISA
I think the argument to modelchoicefield should be dictionary of string not query set object. On Nov 13, 2016 12:08 AM, "احسان خراسانی" wrote: > Hi > my queryset return this error > > expected string or buffer > > > > class Reserve(forms.ModelForm): > food_name = forms.ModelChoiceField(query

Re: Canonical way of handling multiple types of users? (Profiles vs subclassing django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractUser)

2016-11-13 Thread Vineet Kothari
Use one to many field or many to many field On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 3:06 PM, Melvyn Sopacua wrote: > Hi, > > > What is the current canonical way to handle multiple user-profiles in > > Django? > > it highly depends on how you see these objects: > > 1. different types of users (requirement: a user

Re: Best practices for directories in which to store stuff in production

2016-11-13 Thread Vineet Kothari
Check out cookiecutter django github On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 7:49 PM, Vijay Khemlani wrote: > I prefer to keep everything in /home (at least the virtualenv, project > code, settings and logs), that way you don't need special permissions to > modify those files and it is more or less separated fro

Re: Why was Roberto Rosario silently removed from the Django Software Foundation?

2016-11-13 Thread Mario R. Osorio
*puts on DSF's Outsider hat* (ooops, hes's an outsider anyways) FROM MY PERSPECTIVE AND THE LITTLE DATA I COULD COLLECT: Mr Rosario might just be going through a Morphine down because of the medical procedure he is going through (been there myself!). Some people just have a very bad time out of

Drawing with Django

2016-11-13 Thread Andrew Stringfield
hello all, I am interested in being able to draw on a Django view. I have been reading up some on how people draw in Html and it seems that the tag seems to a good start. Apparently I have to do some java scripting as well. What I envision is that I have a background image and then my

Re: Drawing with Django

2016-11-13 Thread ludovic coues
It's barely related to django. If all you want is to make annotation, it's fairly easy and you don't really need canvas and it's mainly javascript, which is independent from django. First, display your image. Second, get where your user want their annotation. I would do that by listening to click

Re: Drawing with Django

2016-11-13 Thread Andrew Stringfield
Yup. I am going to need it. lol I have never done anything like this before. It should be interesting. On Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 3:56:40 PM UTC-5, ludovic coues wrote: > > It's barely related to django. > > If all you want is to make annotation, it's fairly easy and you don't > really

Re: Drawing with Django

2016-11-13 Thread Tim Chase
On 2016-11-13 21:55, ludovic coues wrote: > It's barely related to django. > > If all you want is to make annotation, it's fairly easy and you > don't really need canvas and it's mainly javascript, which is > independent from django. > First, display your image. Moreover, this sounds like a great

Re: Why was Roberto Rosario silently removed from the Django Software Foundation?

2016-11-13 Thread Daniele Procida
On Sun, Nov 13, 2016, Mario R. Osorio wrote: >Mr Rosario We respectfully ask all users of this email list not to engage in discussions of this kind about individuals. It's not the place for it. If anyone feels that they have been wronged or ill-treated by anyone else in or representing the Dj

Re: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

2016-11-13 Thread Jeffrey Uvero
I removed double quotes in table name but I still got the same error. On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 3:53 PM, Jani Tiainen wrote: > Ok, since your model is not managed it doesn't create migrations either. > If table name is written in uppercase, you can remove double quotes, > Oracle is by default uppe

Re: Drawing with Django

2016-11-13 Thread Stephen McDonald
Check out - I built it for the 2011 Django Dash (and got 3rd place!). It lets users draw to a canvas element in the browser, and pushes the changes in real-time over web sockets, so multiple users can collaborate on the same image at the same time. It then

Re: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

2016-11-13 Thread Jani Tiainen
Are you sure that Django is complaing about that particula model? Have you tried to debug what model table is actually missing? You could also popup in Django IRC channel on Freenode to get more realtime debugging help and feedback. On 14.11.2016 02:32, Jeffrey Uvero wrote: I removed double