Re: Downside of using shortuuid as primary key

2016-10-27 Thread Avraham Serour
why are you considering? On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 7:34 AM, Suren Sth wrote: > I am considering to use shortuuid > as the primary key > for my models. > > Is there any downside to this? > Does it severely affect db indexing? > > -- > You recei

Django support new released Plesk Onyx

2016-10-27 Thread Daniel Chimeno
Hello, Just wanted to share my thoughts here. Plesk (a major web control panel solution) has recently launched its new version 12.5 (Onyx). They finally support other programming languages and frameworks, before this they only support PHP. The marketing website ( feat

Re: Downside of using shortuuid as primary key

2016-10-27 Thread Bruno A.
Hi, I've inherited a project where a core model was done like this, and let me tell you right away: *don't do this*. The performances don't seem too much affected (see comment below the answer), but I do know there are a few limitations that come w

Re: Migrations with multiple databases

2016-10-27 Thread andrea crotti
Ah nice thanks Markus, however - different subsets of INSTALLED_APPS sounds a bit hacky, how would I do it anyway? checking in the settings which database is being migrated and providing a different list? Or any other way? - MIGRATION_MODULES sounds a bit safer, but I'm not sure it gives t

Re: Repetitve/Infinite migrations generated on ManyToManyField

2016-10-27 Thread Olivier Dalang
Hi, I noticed this behavior when changing the case of a app/model/field name. See if the name has the same case in the initial creation migration and in the model. Cheers, Olivier On 27 Sep 2016 03:39, "Marvin Mednick" wrote: > I've the the following models related to a many-to-many relations

Re: Adding view permission by default to auth_permission

2016-10-27 Thread mmatt
Derek, On almost every context where view permission is discussed, that admin does not need is brought up as a reason. This a little confuses me. The permissions are not for the admin only, and they may be used for the actual application, right? So, is it assumed that people would add it, if ne

Re: Adding view permission by default to auth_permission

2016-10-27 Thread mmatt
On another note, I believe django dev team needs to understand life is rarely boolean. That is, even the staff that you trust, you don't always trust 100% :) actually almost never trust 100% so good to have options. Mehmet On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 4:59:47 AM UTC-5, Derek wrote: > > My own

Re: Running django on demand via my PyQt4 Standalone app

2016-10-27 Thread Leslie Jeffries
I have a Django project that is used to view complex data for use by Systems Engineers who are analyzing requirements traceability. Django works great for the viewing of data in lots of differing views. The templating system is awesome for that. However the data that is being viewed is coming f

Re: Migrations with multiple databases

2016-10-27 Thread marcin . j . nowak
On Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 5:05:46 PM UTC+2, andrea crotti wrote: > > We have a couple of databases with a tiny number of tables, but > django-migrations has still go through all the migrations anyway. > So even if the SQL itself is nothing it still takes a massive amount of > time and mem

Re: Adding view permission by default to auth_permission

2016-10-27 Thread Luis Zárate
This is alive in The other PR was close because this have not merge conflict. I think this functionality is needed an will be included soon. El jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016, mmatt escribió: > On another note, I believe django dev team needs to und

Re: Django Project Structure

2016-10-27 Thread Deep Shah
I have read this, but still confused. What would be the best practices for this? On Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 12:05:19 PM UTC+5:30, Deep Shah wrote: > > I have a django project which is a loyalty program for restaurants. The > different database tables are- Users (and extending it with Us