[Kind Attention Requested] Django Zinnia blog error for entries

2016-09-27 Thread Shazia Nusrat
I am trying to fix issue with Zinnia blog application and its popping up error related to aggregator and entries. Following is the code if someone have a suggestion: def get_authors(context, template='zinnia/tags/authors.html'): """ Return the published authors. """ entries = Entry

Re: [Kind Attention Requested] Django Zinnia blog error for entries

2016-09-27 Thread M Hashmi
Try registering django_comments after zinnia in the INSTALLED_APPS setting not before. INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.content

Re: [Kind Attention Requested] Django Zinnia blog error for entries

2016-09-27 Thread Shazia Nusrat
Thank you so much. It worked. On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 2:08 AM, M Hashmi wrote: > Try registering django_comments after zinnia in the INSTALLED_APPS setting > not before. > > INSTALLED_APPS = ( > 'django.contrib.auth', > 'django.contrib.admin', > 'django.contrib.sites', > 'django.contrib.

[Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Aline C. R. Souza
Hello Guys, I need some help to install my Python package with virtualenv. I follow the 'Advanced tutorial: How to write reusable apps' and moved the polls directory out of the project. Now I want to install my package using virtualenv and pip, but I don't know how. Consider I am inside of my

Modelform with reverse foreignkey

2016-09-27 Thread Kiran
down votefavorite I am trying to create a ModelForm for movie Model from which it must be possible to select a number of theatre for each movie.Since theatre is reverse foreignkey i think ModelForm doesn't auto

Re: How to populate a JqGrid in Django with data obtained from a query (queryset)

2016-09-27 Thread João Rodrigues
Thanks for your answer. The project is rather big and I am still not used to Django. I got some help and it has been solved. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send

Re: Hello - need help on accessing current user in django forms.

2016-09-27 Thread Ricardo Daniel Quiroga
HttpRequest.user¶ return the autenticated user in django def miview(request): login_user = request.user ... in case you have not logged in return None 2016-09-23 9:44 GMT-03:00 Tim Graham :

Re: django-admin commands, diango 1.10 with python 2 & python 3 on windows installed

2016-09-27 Thread Ricardo Daniel Quiroga
Hi, Use and create a virtualenv to work with your specific python version > virtualenv -p alternative create a python2.bat and add to the path for call python, remove the secundary python from path > python2 2016-09-26 16:16 GMT-03:00 anton : > Hi, > > I am using django 1.10.1 with the follo

Re: HTML Flexbox CSS

2016-09-27 Thread Ed09
Solved, had an error in the css, did not close out a note correctly, now working properly. Thanks for your replies. On Sunday, 25 September 2016 21:57:31 UTC+8, Ed09 wrote: > > Trying to implement: > http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss3_flexbox_website > within Django. > Wor

Re: How can I send a password recovery e-mail to a Customer/User in Django?

2016-09-27 Thread João Rodrigues
Thanks a lot. I solved it. :) I got some more information in this page: http://www.programcreek.com/python/example/61528/django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group

Django MongoEngine rest api app post request.POST.get('id')

2016-09-27 Thread samer sarker
for id in taxi_id: taxi = TaxiMaster.objects(id=id).first() temp = BookedTaxi( taxi_id=id, driver_id=taxi.user_id, is_seen=0, is_accepted=0, is_rejected=0 ) ValidationError at /action u'5' is not a valid Obje

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Bill Freeman
You don't say what OS/platform you are using, and I don't know if what I say below applies to Windows, but should be valid elsewhere. Note, too, that I presume that you are using a command line (e.g.; xterm/bash). I also presume that you have managed to install virtualenv on your system. If you

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Gary Roach
Hi It took me a while to figure this out but once you see it it is really fairly simple. It somewhat depends on what you are using for and IDE (Integrated Development Environment). I use Eclipse with PyDev plugin and like it. Determine where you want to put your VE (Virtual Envirnment) . Wi

Re: email console backend is silent

2016-09-27 Thread Tim Graham
I would put print statements in the Django source code and try to follow its execution. On Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 7:53:20 PM UTC-4, Mike Dewhirst wrote: > > Some little time ago my admin site stopped sending password reset > emails. After checking all the credentials, ports, server names,

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Aline C. R. Souza
Hello ke1g and gary719_list1, Thank you for your time. I am using windows and the cmd terminal. I do not know what you mean by activate the virtual env. I created one virtual enviroment called 'poll-tutorial' and used the command 'workon poll-tutorial' to work on this enviroment. I think you

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Aline C. R. Souza
Hello ke1g and gary719_list1, Thank you for your time. Hi, I am using windows and the cmd terminal. I do not know what you mean by activate the virtual env. I created one virtual enviroment called 'poll-tutorial' and used the command 'workon poll-tutorial' to work on this enviroment. I think

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread ludovic coues
the command 'workon poll-tutorial' translate to "source poll-tutorial/bin/activate" on linux. That's why most user call it "activating a virtualenv. After your workon command, the terminal should display that you are in the virtualenv workon. You can try "where pip" which should give you the path

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Aline C. R. Souza
Hello ke1g and gary719_list1, Thank you for your time. I am using windows and the cmd terminal. I do not know what you mean by activate the virtual env. I created one virtual enviroment called 'poll-tutorial' and used the command 'workon poll-tutorial' to work on this enviroment. I think you

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread ludovic coues
Once you are working on a virtual environment, simply using "pip install " will install in the virtualenv. No need for an option. 2016-09-27 21:12 GMT+02:00 ludovic coues : > the command 'workon poll-tutorial' translate to "source > poll-tutorial/bin/activate" on linux. That's why most user call

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Bill Freeman
I don't do development in Windows, so take this with a grain of salt, but under the directory in which you created your virtualenv, there should be a directory called "bin". In that there will be a couple of files whose names begin with "activate". There may be one with an obvious Windows extensi

Re: [Help] Advanced tutorial: How to install my Python package with Virtualenv

2016-09-27 Thread Aline C. R. Souza
Hi everybody, Pip was working, but I did not know how to use it. Now, I figured out. Inside the project directory: pip install ../django-polls/dist/django-polls-0.1.zip Worked fine, the app is running. Thank you, guys. Em terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016 08:21:54 UTC-3, Aline C. R. Souz

Re: Format of arrays in multipart forms?

2016-09-27 Thread Peter of the Norse
PHP is stupid.  The problem with the [] syntax is that you have to be careful that the user hasn’t added or removed it from your fields.  This can cause problems if you were expecting an array and got a string, or vice-versa.Instead, name the fields without [], and in your Django code, use request.