Re: How to make https work fine under django server?

2015-09-05 Thread vincent . j . xin
I find there are some configuration about using Django with Apache and mod_wsgi in Django document. So, I install apache-2.4.7 and mod_wsgi. But the thing is that I'm confused about how it can work. Should I start a server on mod_wsgi? Is that possible to support https? -- You received this m

Would defining MultiValueDictKeyError in django.core.exceptions be a good idea?

2015-09-05 Thread Aditya Sarode
Hi, MultiValueDictKeyError has to be imported from django.utils.datastructures now. As a user, it was difficult to find the exact location of MultiValueDictKeyError. Importing it from django.core.exceptions would be easier from the user's perspective. I was curious to know if there was any spe

Re: Would defining MultiValueDictKeyError in django.core.exceptions be a good idea?

2015-09-05 Thread Tim Graham
The docs mention, "This is a subclass of Python's standard ``KeyError``, so you can stick to catching ``KeyError``." Does this work for you? On Saturday, September 5, 2015 at 8:24:29 AM UTC-4, Aditya Sarode wrote: > > Hi, > > MultiValueDictKeyError has to be imported from django.utils.datastructu

How to create a side menu with the urls of each step

2015-09-05 Thread Leandro Severino
Hello, I have a formwizard (formtools) with 7 steps. OK, my formwizard is OK. But now, in this page, my customer wants a side menu with a link for each step, because he wants access the step 5 for example without click in

Re: How to create a side menu with the urls of each step

2015-09-05 Thread Felipe Brunelli de Andrade
Man, you need to treat this form step by step as a single form controlled by javascript. You will find several examples on google --- Felipe Brunelli de Andrade --- Cel: (16) 98121-5290 Skype: fbruandr

Re: How to make https work fine under django server?

2015-09-05 Thread Luis Zárate This tutorial could help you. El sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2015, escribió: > I find there are some configuration about using Django with Apache and mod

customize project templates

2015-09-05 Thread Terry Chia
Hello, I am doing "Writing your first Django app, part 2" provided by Django Documentation part 2 and is stuck at customising your project's template. I am trying to customise the project template by copying the base_site.html from th