Re: Invalid syntax in

2015-08-07 Thread Sylvain James
Hello, You need to import views of newsletter module : from django.conf.urls import include, url from django.contrib import admin import newsletter.views as newsletter_views After that, this shortcut can be used in your urlpatterns definition (you can also add a $ in the regex: urlpatterns =

pyjs - a compiler from Python to JavaScript

2015-08-07 Thread Uri Even-Chen
To Django users, Are you familiar with pyjs ? I saw the website and I see that the latest stable release is from May 2012. Is it possible to use pyjs to compile Python to JavaScript? Which versions of Python are supported? Are versions 2.7 and 3.4 supported? And is it possible to

Re: Issue when rendering manually a form's HiddenInput

2015-08-07 Thread 'Tom Evans' via Django users
On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 6:55 PM, wrote: > So, I'm trying to use inputs with the hidden attr. I have my form class > (IndexForm) that has this: > field = HiddenInput() > Then, I pass the instance of IndexForm (index_form) to the template, and > manually render the field (index_form.field). It is al

Re: Check out what we've build

2015-08-07 Thread Derek
Your $20 plan says: * Unlimited backups * Your AWS storage * 3 licenses Is that unlimited backups from multiple servers; or do you need a license/server? If not, what are the licenses for? On Wednesday, 5 August 2015 23:36:14 UTC+2, Tom Cooper wrote: > > Hey, guys > > Our team is using Django

Re: raw_id_fields: How to show a name instead of id?

2015-08-07 Thread विश्वासराव साळुंखे
Hi, Try Grappelli's Autocomplete lookups functionality. More details can be found @ Thanks, Vishwas On Tuesday, 5 March 2013 15:15:26 UTC+5:30, Almudena Vila Forcén wrote: > > Customizing a Django Admin pan

Problem with Queryset

2015-08-07 Thread David Levy
*Guys I have a strange problem the value that we report on my filter is passed to the queryset but the value is changed in queryset the query returning an unwanted result anyone ever go through this?* Filter Results *** filtro = {'visualizado': False} Call to Queryset * list_emai

Re: Issue when rendering manually a form's HiddenInput

2015-08-07 Thread durirompepc
Yeah, I deleted the post cause I thinked the same yesterday. Sorry for the inconvenience. El viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015, 13:07:49 (UTC+2), Tom Evans escribió: > > On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 6:55 PM, > > wrote: > > So, I'm trying to use inputs with the hidden attr. I have my form class > > (Inde

Re: What Did I Do Right? (url and domain name change)

2015-08-07 Thread Malik Rumi
I like the 'definitely not' to the do nothing option. Thanks to both of you! On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Aaron C. de Bruyn wrote: > 1. DNS doesn't really work that way in most situations. Your browser > should cache it, your computer should cache it (especially Windows), > and your upstream

problem with get_absolute_url()

2015-08-07 Thread Александр Мусаров
Hi, just wrapping my head around django, and trying to write an ecommerce store, when trying to pull out all products belonging to a category getting such an error NoReverseMatch at /catalog/smartphony/ Reverse for 'catalog_product' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{'product_slug':

Re: problem with get_absolute_url()

2015-08-07 Thread Александр Мусаров
forgot to paste the model methods @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ('catalog_category', (), {'category_slug' : self.category_slug }) @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ('catalog_product', {}, {'product_slug': self.product_slug}) пя

Re: Problem with Queryset

2015-08-07 Thread James Schneider
Try removing the .all() at the end, you don't need it. What does the QS look like before applying the filter (with just .all())? Are you using a custom model manager? -James On Aug 7, 2015 6:37 AM, "David Levy" wrote: > *Guys I have a strange problem the value that we report on my filter is > p

Re: problem with get_absolute_url()

2015-08-07 Thread James Schneider
You don't have a URL named 'catalog_product'. Check your URL's, it looks like you are passing an arg and a kwarg to the second pattern. -James On Aug 7, 2015 12:33 PM, "Александр Мусаров" wrote: > forgot to paste the model methods > > @models.permalink > def get_absolute_url(self): >

Writing a “circuit breaker” for use in Django

2015-08-07 Thread Peter Coles
I’d like to write a circuit breaker wrapper to use with services that I call from inside a Django app, and I’d like to get some pointers on the following questions: 1. What’s the most global, persisting, shared-across-requests type of data I can read & write to memory? 2. However I can

Re: pyjs - a compiler from Python to JavaScript

2015-08-07 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
Hi Uri, There are multiple projects out there trying to bridge the gap between Python and Javascript. PyJS was one of the first I was aware of, but to the best of my knowledge, it hasn't been very active for the last couple of years. Brython and Skulpt are two other projects - those two *have* bee