Re: Search Engine using Django-Python

2015-07-24 Thread Ajeeb K P
I think you have to head this way. According to this docs, A Manager is the interface through which database query operations are > provided to Django models. At least one Manager exists for every model in a > Django application. > So,

Re: Thumbnails In Django

2015-07-24 Thread Amitt Bhardwj
Try Replacing thumbnails = ImageWithThumbsField(upload_to='your preferred location ', sizes=( your preferred size) For second thumbnail use different size. This might work Amitt Bhardwj Blog: Github: On Jul 22, 2015 12:52 AM, "divyanshi ka

Re: Search Engine using Django-Python

2015-07-24 Thread jirka . vejrazka
Hi Manoj, I'm very happy with django-watson + PostgreSQL combination. It's a relatively low-tech option, but works very well for me. HTH Jirka -Original Message- From: Manoj Bawane Sender: Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 08:25:57 To: Reply-To: django-user

Re: retrieve row with maximum field value django

2015-07-24 Thread Nkansah Rexford
Thank you. This will do for my needs for now. Picking the first max value that comes at the top is fine for me. On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 4:11:18 AM UTC, James Schneider wrote: > > Use a combination of order_by('-age') and first() on your query set. > > MyModel.objects.order_by('-age').first(

Re: Thumbnails In Django

2015-07-24 Thread Nkansah Rexford
Might be unrelated to your specific problem, but generating thumbnails, I do mine in template directly, using ImageKit. Upon upload, I resize the image to a good size or convert the uploaded image to format of my taste, say 2048x1080. Then in template, I just do {% thumbnail '400x500' model.ima

Model opinnions

2015-07-24 Thread durirompepc
I'm doing a little app that consists of a web page were users submits their jokes ( I had finished the models (a little overview would help), but I have one question. I want to use an avatar field for the users: however, I don't un

Re: Why is Admin login template at admin/login.html instead of registration/login.html?

2015-07-24 Thread Carsten Fuchs
Hi Carl, Am 23.07.2015 um 20:07 schrieb Carl Meyer: Of course it's _possible_ to have just a single login page instead, if you want that, but it's not at all clear to me that that's better. I prefer to keep the admin relatively separate from the public site. And I think the same is true for pas

Re: Migrate a many-to-many field to an explicit intermediate ("through") model?

2015-07-24 Thread Carsten Fuchs
Hi all, just wanted to let you know that I was successful! I followed Gergely's final recipe, using RunPython for the data migrations and separate migration files for each of the steps. For step 3 (the deletion of the ManyToManyField) I temporarily had to remove the django.contrib.admin from

extra row_number does not work

2015-07-24 Thread Ye Xu
Hi, I have two models, as follow, class Feed(models.Model): user=ForeignKey(...) class Comment(models.Model): feed=ForeignKey(Feed, ...) comment_text=TextField(...) I want get last two comments for each feed, the statement is: Comment.objects.all().extr(select={'row_num': 'row_number

How to understand Django code

2015-07-24 Thread parshwa mehta
Hey guys, I am new to Django. I read about Django from its documents and other online resources and now I am able to code on it pretty well.I am quite impressed with it. Now I want to understand the inner architect and structure of each class, so that I can contribute for Django. Can someone he

Downloading Django

2015-07-24 Thread Dan Elbert
I am having some trouble installing Django. The installation documentation is great and I have downloaded Python version 3.4.3 for OS X but can't seem to complete the download. I am new to programming so most likely its user error. Any help or direction would be great. Thanks Dan -- You

Re: Downloading Django

2015-07-24 Thread Tom Lockhart
> … > I am having some trouble installing Django. The installation documentation > is great and I have downloaded Python version 3.4.3 for OS X but can't seem > to complete the download. I am new to programming so most likely its user > error. I use MacOS for my development machine. If it we

Re: How to understand Django code

2015-07-24 Thread Tim Graham
Take a look at the contributing tutorial if you haven't: If you have an idea for a specific area in which you'd like to contribute (or a ticket), that would be good to share as it's easier than trying to learn all of Django at once. Fee