Errors with django-rest-auth and django-allauth

2015-06-20 Thread Daniel Grace
I have installed Django (1.8), django-allauth (0.20.0) django-rest-auth (0.4.0). I added to INSTALLED_APPS in 'rest_framework', 'rest_framework.authtoken', 'rest_auth' 'allauth', 'allauth.account', 'rest_auth.registration', 'allauth.socialaccount', 'al

Re: Errors with django-rest-auth and django-allauth

2015-06-20 Thread Stephen J. Butler
One of your other apps needs django.contrib.sites, so you need to put it in your INSTALLED_APPS. That's what this means here: Model class django.contrib.sites.models.Site doesn't declare an explicit app_label and either *isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS* or else was imported before its ap

Re: NameError: name 'reciever' is not defined

2015-06-20 Thread Marco Neumann
Need a extra pair of eyes. :-) Thanks for your answer Op zaterdag 20 juni 2015 00:43:00 UTC+2 schreef James Schneider: > > Check your spelling for receiver... > > -James > On Jun 19, 2015 3:26 PM, "Marco Neumann" > wrote: > >> Hi There, >> >> Im stuck on above error. Anyone a hint? Many thanks >

Re: NameError: name 'reciever' is not defined

2015-06-20 Thread Marco Neumann
Thanks for your response. I need a extra pair of eyes. :-) Op zaterdag 20 juni 2015 00:27:07 UTC+2 schreef Marco Neumann: > > Hi There, > > Im stuck on above error. Anyone a hint? Many thanks > > My code in > > from django.db.models.signals import post_save > from django.dispatch impor

Re: comment and uncomments in django html template

2015-06-20 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Friday, 19 June 2015 17:48:41 UTC+1, Sindhujit Ganguly wrote: > > This does not work for javascript defined inside html templates.. This is > for html structures.. I needed for multiple line comments in js scripts. > >> >>

Custom UserChangeForm shows one list correctly and the other doesn't show values

2015-06-20 Thread Néstor Boscán
Hi I've created a custom UserChangeForm in DJango 1.7.8 where I have 2 custom ComboBox associated with a Model. Both are defined exactly the same. One shows the values and the + button to add a new entity. The second only shows an empty list. Any ideas? Regards, Néstor -- You received this me

Re: Errors with django-rest-auth and django-allauth

2015-06-20 Thread Luis Zárate
As say Stephen Butler you need to install django.contrib.sites (it not enable by default) and set SITE_ID = 1 in your settings. Here is the reference: -- "La utopía sirve para caminar" Fernando Birri -- Yo

Re: Inconsistency when importing views and models

2015-06-20 Thread jorrit787
Thank you for the very detailed explanations everyone! On Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 3:11:34 AM UTC+2, wrote: > > This is mostly a cosmetic question, and I could be completely wrong > because I'm fairly new to Django, or it could be that there is a perfectly > logical explanat

Re: Custom UserChangeForm shows one list correctly and the other doesn't show values

2015-06-20 Thread Erik Cederstrand
> Den 20/06/2015 kl. 14.20 skrev Néstor Boscán : > > I've created a custom UserChangeForm in DJango 1.7.8 where I have 2 custom > ComboBox associated with a Model. Both are defined exactly the same. One > shows the values and the + button to add a new entity. The second only shows > an empty l

Re: I am not able to pass a variable to a widget with its "mark_safe" attribute intact.

2015-06-20 Thread Dennis Marwood
I found that the "correct" way to address this issue is to use raw_id_fields. On Tuesday, 16 June 2015 19:46:51 UTC-7, Dennis Marwood wrote: > > Hello, > > I want to display images in my manyTomany so that a user can choose what > images would be included inside of a "BlogWidgetCarousel". The is