Re: Python / Django slow ? Deciding my next technological stack

2015-03-01 Thread Benj
Just a little questions guys: when a user upload a file to server, and that file is a litte big and takes 3 seconds to be uploaded... what's the proper way, if possible, not to block the entire system for these 3 seconds so the server can serve other users while the upload is taking place. On W

Re: Python / Django slow ? Deciding my next technological stack

2015-03-01 Thread Benj
Just a little questions guys: when a user upload a file to server, and that file is a litte big and takes 3 seconds to be uploaded... what's the proper way, if possible, not to block the entire system for these 3 seconds so the server can serve other users while the upload is taking place. Shoul

Re: Python / Django slow ? Deciding my next technological stack

2015-03-01 Thread Vijay Khemlani
The rest of the uWSGI / gunicorn / whatever workers are available to handle the other requests. If there are so many uploads that all of the workers are busy then there are ways to upload files directly to Amazon S3 (for example) from the browser without going through your server. On Sun, Mar 1,

Different between Object-save and form-save

2015-03-01 Thread ADEWALE ADISA
Hi guys, pls help with little explanation on the extract below from tango tutorial. In the code, they call user_form().save() to save into database. Then latter call Pls what's the different between the two ? Where did save to ? from rango.forms import UserForm, UserProfil

Re: Python / Django slow ? Deciding my next technological stack

2015-03-01 Thread Avraham Serour
if you have so many uploads that all of yours workers are busy, so maybe you need more workers... On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Vijay Khemlani wrote: > The rest of the uWSGI / gunicorn / whatever workers are available to > handle the other requests. > > If there are so many uploads that all of

Re: Different between Object-save and form-save

2015-03-01 Thread Vijay Khemlani
Both save the user to the database, but "" leaves the user password in plain text (which won't work when the user tries to login later) so the password must be set correctly (user.set_password(user.password)) and then the user has to be saved again for the correct (hashed) password

Re: Different between Object-save and form-save

2015-03-01 Thread ADEWALE ADISA
OK, thanks for the response. So the essence of the form_save() is to get the user object in which the password property can be set properly. Thanks alot On Mar 1, 2015 6:38 PM, "Vijay Khemlani" wrote: > Both save the user to the database, but "" leaves the user > password in plain

Using proxy kind of Table in Admin Interface

2015-03-01 Thread Rootz
Question. How would one go about designing the django table(s) so that I can assign each user account/group a different Model Manager using the same table in the Django admin interface? After doing some reading the closest that comes to this is the Proxy Model but I tried adding the proxy mode

Form In modal

2015-03-01 Thread Emerson Luiz
Hi, I have the following problem: I need to set up a form, that when the OK button is clicked, it passes a parameter and open a modal with the result. Today the query works as follows: The 31 is the parameter. return: Operadora Tip

[1.8] MultiHost with template dir per Host

2015-03-01 Thread Neyoui
Hi, I had create a middleware, that is able to change the template directory per host on the fly. But it stopped working since I upgraed to Django 1.8 and I tried to fix it. My problem is: If I visit domain1.tld, all works fine. Django loads the templates from the right directory. (/path/domain

Re: "ResourceWarning: unclosed" error using mysql-connector-python

2015-03-01 Thread Aaron Abajian
I was also getting these errors, upgrading resolved them for me as well. On Friday, July 4, 2014 at 6:59:03 AM UTC-7, Zemian Deng wrote: > > No problem. Thanks for the reply. > > > On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 12:51 AM, cercatrova2 > wrote: > >> On 04/07/14 05:09, Zemian Deng wrote: >> >> Hum... I a

Re: Django Wysiwyg and images (Summernote or Froala)

2015-03-01 Thread Sakis Brouzioutis
Hi Dave, I encounter the same problem. Did you find any solution? I really don't know what is going wrong and the image does not appear. Sakis Τη Τετάρτη, 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2015 - 12:04:30 π.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης David Mutton έγραψε: > > Hi, > I've been trying to integrate a WYSIWYG editor into my D

Problem installing and using smart_selects

2015-03-01 Thread Michael Ackary
Smart Selects looked so simple and promising for chained selects ( However, no matter how I install it, it doesn't seem to work. Here is what I've tried: *Attempt #1 - putting it in django.contrib * Copied the smart_selects folder to /django

Free Django Video Tutorials

2015-03-01 Thread Mike Hibbert
Hi All Just a quick shout out to all you guys learning Django! I have a 11+ hrs FREE tutorial series to get you started here: Check it out, there stuff there for beginners and advanced! Mike -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

Query optimization - From 3 queries to 2

2015-03-01 Thread Humberto Moreira
I basically have to display a list of service providers and in each, I need to display the categories of service they offer. So as an example: Possible Service Type Categories: [id: 1, name:'Programming'][id: 2, name:'Design'] Possible Service Types: [id: 1, name: 'PHP Service', service_typ

Re: Problem installing and using smart_selects

2015-03-01 Thread Jorge Andrés Vergara Ebratt
Check the git repo, the issues page, one of the issues (I think the 4th) says that in the tittle, Can not import simple json. You basically have to install it with pip but from the git branch, because they haven't updated pypy yet On Sun, Mar 1, 2015, 6:32 PM Michael Ackary wrote: > > Smart Sel

Re: Can the new `Prefetch` solve my problem?

2015-03-01 Thread James Schneider
Ask and you shall receive (eventually). Another post in this list has an example using Prefetch(), perhaps that will help you: On Feb 27, 2015 2:38 AM, "James S

Re: Different between Object-save and form-save

2015-03-01 Thread Babatunde Akinyanmi
Something like that. The essence of "form_save" is to save data from a form to the fields of the User model in the database. The thing to note is that a Form's save method returns the object that was saved. Also, a Form's save method and model save method do the same thing On 1 Mar 2015 20:30, "ADE

Re: Problem installing and using smart_selects

2015-03-01 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi Michael, On 03/01/2015 01:11 AM, Michael Ackary wrote: > Smart Selects looked so simple and promising for chained selects > ( However, no matter > how I install it, it doesn't seem to work. Here is what I've tried: > > > *Attempt #1 - putting

i have a question ,whether Django’s cache framework can support transparent proxy deploy mode at isp environment ?

2015-03-01 Thread 'johnzeng' via Django users
Hello All : i have a question , if possible , hope to get your advisement whether Django’s cache framework can support transparent proxy at isp environment ? and our goal is Django’s cache framework ( middle cache layer ) + Squid ( transparent proxy mode ) at isp environment ? although i

Populating Django app db with JSON data

2015-03-01 Thread Sandeep Murthy
Hi I've tried to get the answer to this question (which is a bit open-ended) on stackoverflow without much success, which is basically this: what is the recommended approach to populating a pre-existing Django app database table (generated from a model and which is currently empty) with JSON dat

Melb Django School Second GO

2015-03-01 Thread MelbDjango School
Hey Guys, Melb Django & Common Code is starting its second round of free classes on Django. The classes are going to be held fortnightly starting March 12 from 4-6pm. They will be going through the essentials of Django to advance topics. The course will be given by leading Django Developers in

django Search page

2015-03-01 Thread Sabeen Sha
which is the best way to implement the following:: i will be having a text box and a Add button Along with a table below it containing headers class AssesmentBuildingDetails(models.Model): numbuildingid1 = models.CharField(max_length=14,unique=True) numbuildingid2 = models.CharField(max

Re: Django Wysiwyg and images (Summernote or Froala)

2015-03-01 Thread David Mutton
Hi Sakis, I did manage to solve this using froala ( a two step process. 1) First I set up my environment with gunicorn as the application server and nginx serving up /static/* and /media/* 2) When an image is dragged into froala a http request is

Re: Melb Django School Second GO

2015-03-01 Thread David Mutton
Sounds great! I wish I was in Melb rather than Adelaide. On Monday, 2 March 2015 17:57:35 UTC+10:30, MelbDjango School wrote: > Hey Guys, > > Melb Django & Common Code is starting its second round of free classes on > Django. The classes are going to be held fortnightly starting March 12 from