Re: Django Inline formset with jquery

2015-02-17 Thread aRkadeFR
Hello, I got the same kind of probleme while working on the formset couple days ago. If this is related, the problem is the auto complete javascript that doesn't go well with the jquery.formset.js. You can add a function "added" in parameter of the formset function for reloading the autocomplet

Problem with submitting form in my django project! Urgent help required

2015-02-17 Thread Ketan Bhatt
I am facing a problem with my project, I posted about it on Stack Overflow, here is the link: Here is m code on github, I am currently working on the feature_forms branch:

Re: ImportError

2015-02-17 Thread aRkadeFR
Hello :) Can you dump us the layout of your files? Where is your Thanks On 02/17/2015 06:36 AM, Petar Pilipovic wrote: Hello all, I am trying to build and e_commerc django app, but I have encounter an confusing error. Mine Error is: | Environment: Request Method: GET Request URL:

Re: ImportError

2015-02-17 Thread Petar Pilipovic
Hello, I can not do it wright now I am not at home. As for mine, it is in mine contact app. I have two apps in mine root project, one off them is contact. I will send you more info as soon as posible. Tank you. On Tuesday, February 17, 2015, aRkadeFR wrote: > Hello :) > > Can you dump u

Re: ImportError

2015-02-17 Thread Petar Pilipovic
Maybea this can help you, a bref info : I made a contact app, I have defined app url in mine url root project, then i made a file, i have defined form in it, then i have made contact.html where I have defined contact.html form which mine app will render, I have then go to an impor

Re: ImportError

2015-02-17 Thread aRkadeFR
Two different problems here. For your import of contactForm, please try the relative import like: from contact.forms import contactForm > contact is your app name try the (absolute_import)[1] too if you're python2. [1] Let us know if this works

Installare versioni successive

2015-02-17 Thread Paola Di Tomasso
Ciao a tutti sono nuova del gruppo, io ho django 1.6.x e ho l'esigenza di passare alle 1.7, devo fare qualcosa di preciso o semplicemente istallando la 1.7 effettua l'aggiornamento alla versione successiva. Grazie mille Paola. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to th

Re: Installare versioni successive

2015-02-17 Thread aRkadeFR
Hello there, I think this is an English mailing list. From google translate, I understood you want to upgrade Django 1.6 to 1.7. Please read the following releases notes: more specifically:

Necesito ayuda para poner a funcionar django el tutorial no lo entiendo

2015-02-17 Thread Anibal Manuel Solorzano Nuñez
alguieme puede colaborar sobre como iniciar a trabajar con django apenas lo tengo instalado y no que archivo ejecutar y no entiendo como es que hay que trabajar con python -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from thi

Re: drop-in replacement for admin module foreign key relation UI

2015-02-17 Thread Jani Kajala
That's perfect, thanks On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 1:20:22 AM UTC-6, Jani Tiainen wrote: > > On Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:03:05 -0800 (PST) > Jani Kajala > wrote: > > > Hi all, > > > > I have tons of objects referenced by ForeignKey in Django Admin module > UI, > > and I would like to replace

Re: Necesito ayuda para poner a funcionar django el tutorial no lo entiendo

2015-02-17 Thread Charly Román
este grupo es de habla inglesa, te recomiendo:!forum/django-es Y definitivamente debes proveer más información. 2015-02-17 9:41 GMT-06:00 Anibal Manuel Solorzano Nuñez <>: > alguieme puede colaborar sobre como iniciar a trabajar co

Trouble changing from sqlite3 to postgres

2015-02-17 Thread tony . guil35
I have written a simple Django app (my first) that works with sqlite3 database. I want to change to postgres, but when I run the Django 1.7 migration utility with the command "python migrate" I get the error: psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "date" cannot be cast automatically t

confirm_login_allowed in subclassed authentication returns wrong error message

2015-02-17 Thread Tomáš Sekanina
Hello, I have a custom user model and I need to extend the user authentication during login and found this solution: It would work great for me and I ended up implementing this . It works in a manner that it does not let such user log in, b

Re: Can migrated apps depend on unmigrated apps?

2015-02-17 Thread Carsten Fuchs
Hi all, Am 04.02.2015 um 18:26 schrieb Carsten Fuchs: can apps that use migrations depend on unmigrated apps? Anyone please? It seems like this works in practice, but this still looks like a contradiction to me, and I would still be interested in some feedback for a firmer foundation for on

RE: Necesito ayuda para poner a funcionar django el tutorial no loentiendo

2015-02-17 Thread Ricardo Daniel Quiroga
Primero creas un proyecto en un directorio con el comando (abri la consola seleciona el directorio donde trabajar y) ejecuta django-admin startproject miproyecto se crea una carpeta con lo necesario para tu proyecto django en la carpeta ejecutas python runserver y abres el navegador en

Re: confirm_login_allowed in subclassed authentication returns wrong error message

2015-02-17 Thread James Schneider
You should raise the error in your custom user login form when attempting to authenticate the user, not directly from the custom user model or authentication backend. -James On Feb 17, 2015 12:20 PM, "Tomáš Sekanina" wrote: > Hello, > > I have a custom user model and I need to extend the user au

Re: Can migrated apps depend on unmigrated apps?

2015-02-17 Thread Michael Pöhn
On 17.02.2015 21:29, Carsten Fuchs wrote: > Hi all, > > Am 04.02.2015 um 18:26 schrieb Carsten Fuchs: >> can apps that use migrations depend on unmigrated apps? > > Anyone please? > > It seems like this works in practice, but this still looks like a > contradiction to me, and I would still be inter

Re: Can migrated apps depend on unmigrated apps?

2015-02-17 Thread Carsten Fuchs
Hi Michael, Am 17.02.2015 um 22:44 schrieb Michael Pöhn: This is all covered in Djangos documentation... Well, no... please see below. Let me paste the relevant parts for you: »Be aware, however, that unmigrated apps cann

How to make a list-view sortable in frontend?

2015-02-17 Thread ThomasTheDjangoFan
Hi 'ya, I am new to Django and would like to create a *sortable ListView* (just like the Lists in Django Admin) for an array of object-instances. The objects themself are *non Django-Models* and are pre-populated in an array before showing the view. I've got a basic ListView working (https://

Re: How to make a list-view sortable in frontend?

2015-02-17 Thread James Schneider
Are you displaying the data in a table? If so, I've always used django-tables2, which includes the ability to have sorting in each of the columns via a generated link in the header row of any or all columns (up/down arrow, etc.). -James On Feb 17, 2015 2:43 PM, "ThomasTheDjangoFan" < stefan.eichho

Re: Trouble changing from sqlite3 to postgres

2015-02-17 Thread Joel Burton
The error is probably in code you wrote that uses the date field. Can you post the full traceback? That will let us see where the caller was that created the problem. On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 3:13:30 PM UTC-5, wrote: > > I have written a simple Django app (my first) th

Form Wizard: how to send instance_dict based on the request

2015-02-17 Thread Karim
Hello mates! I have some problems to understand how to set the view for the NamedUrlSessionWizardView creating a instance_dict based on the user in the request. in my url(r'wizard/new/(?P.+)/$', ServiceCUWizard.as_view( FORMS, # the list of ['form_name', form_obj

Re: Trouble changing from sqlite3 to postgres

2015-02-17 Thread tony . guil35
The error occurs during migration. The following shows the complete traceback. Thanks. % python manage migrate WFK: BASE_DIR= /home/bill/django/wfkprojs/proj1 WFK: STATIC_PATH= /home/bill/django/wfkprojs/proj1/app_1/static/ WFK: MEDIA_ROOT= /home/bill/django/wfk

how to handle race conditions?

2015-02-17 Thread Abraham Varricatt
Hello, I'm trying to make an app where folks can order X quantity of an item. The condition is that the order should only be made if inventory exists. Assume that we have stock of Y items. This means that only if Y >= X should we allow the sale to go through. And once we accept an order, the in

Re: ImportError

2015-02-17 Thread Petar Pilipovic
Hello aRkadeFR. I have solved mine problem, I was working whit Python 2.X here, and like you recommended I have done some absolute import. from forms import contactForm , and that solved it. There was one other error, mine base.html did not render mine block content, because I did not defined i

Re: ImportError

2015-02-17 Thread Petar Pilipovic
aRkadeFR I have one other question regarding I got this error when I am trying to go from contact or about to home page. Using the URLconf defined in tryDjango.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: 1. ^$ [name='home'] 2. ^about/$ [name='about'] 3. ^contact/$ [