On Monday 12 July 2010 16:06:14 Imad Elharoussi wrote:
> I want to know what's the best plugin of Ajax to use with django Dajax or
> Jquery (for someone who just began in developping with such technologies)
jquery is a general javascript toolkit. dajax integrates general javascript
toolkits wi
2010/7/12 Martin Melin
> 2010/7/12 Alessandro Ronchi :
> > I want django to return μ instead of the html enscaped form μ in my
> > views, because I need it to return a reportlab template wich doesn't
> handle
> > the escaped version.
> > I already have an unicode template and unicode output, so
I need to "decode" the value of the fields of ModelAdmin.form so that,
for some fields, the int value is translated in a string showing its
I do not want to implement this in the Model class (using
Model.to_python or Model.formfield for example), because the
information displayed in the co
On Jul 13, 9:28 am, Massimiliano della Rovere
> I need to "decode" the value of the fields of ModelAdmin.form so that,
> for some fields, the int value is translated in a string showing its
> meaning.
> I do not want to implement this in the Model class (using
> Model.to_python or Model.for
Hi Daniel,
choices is how it is currently implemented, but it has 2 flaws:
1) this happens for all records, just when they are loaded;
2) the "translator" function, checks if the int can be used as a key
to retrieve the meaning, else (KeyError) it returns 'currently
3) the choice solution
I am new to Django and would like to advise on customising admin
I have references in my model to ID held in 3rd party systems. e.g.
Salesforce, Zendesk etc. What I want to do for these field types is
display a URL that links to the object in the respective source
What would b
Hey there,
Is there any way to skip saving a file to the /tmp directory on a
I got in a lot of trouble from my host when they found 10,000 files
just sitting there from a Django script I'd been running to import
book covers from an API.
So far, the guts of my save code are:
Save the file
Forgot to mention, my files are all under 20k.
Very small JPGs.
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Can't you erase the /tmp file after use it?
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:11, The Danny Bos wrote:
> Forgot to mention, my files are all under 20k.
> Very small JPGs.
> Cheers,
> Danny
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Djang
Alessandro, days ago I have the same problem, with |safe the chars aren't
scaped, so I started to use mark_safe() from the view, try it, and let us
know if it works.
2010/7/13 Alessandro Ronchi
> 2010/7/12 Martin Melin
> 2010/7/12 Alessandro Ronchi :
>> > I want django to return μ inste
I can't get access to the servers own tmp path, only my own "/home/
72999/data/tmp" which the file isn't saving to.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-us...@googlegroups.com.
I have site with text written in Russian.
Now I want to translate it to English.
I've upgraded templates with trans tag like that {% trans "Всем
привет" %}.
Then I run makemessages, translated what I want, compilemessages.
And now, the translation for the string "Всем привет" is never shown.
It seems that modifying context['adminform'].form.instance or obj in
render_change_form has no impact on the rendered html.
Where does the admin interface take the values to display from?
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 10:28, Massimiliano della Rovere
> I need to "decode" the value of the fields
I have an "interesting" problem here - in a given mysql database
scheme some sql wizard used comma-separated values in a text-field and
with that values lookups have to be done. The data itself is simple
numbers like 1,34,25,66,78,134 and so on. So what I have is something
like this:
id | use
I never used Django with S3 but the upload_to is a folder inside the folder
referenced by the MEDIA_ROOT setting.
Vinicius Mendes
Solucione Sistemas
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:06 AM, The Danny Bos wrote:
> I can't get access to the servers own tmp path, o
I think that if python can save in /tmp you can remove it... Can you test in
a simple python script if you can remove a file owned by you in /tmp?
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 13:06, The Danny Bos wrote:
> I can't get access to the servers own tmp path, only my own "/home/
> 72999/data/tmp" which the
Den 13/07/2010 kl. 13.06 skrev The Danny Bos:
> I can't get access to the servers own tmp path, only my own "/home/
> 72999/data/tmp" which the file isn't saving to.
If you can't get access to /tmp, how did the files get there in the first place?
Description: S/MIME cryptographi
Yeh, understood. It's saving a copy of the file to the directory set
by "upload_to", which is where I'm getting the file to push toward S3.
But alongside this it seems to be storing a copy of the file in the
servers '/tmp' directory, this is the step I need to skip or similar.
I'm getting my ass ki
On Tuesday 13 July 2010 16:48:31 The Danny Bos wrote:
> Yeh, understood. It's saving a copy of the file to the directory set
> by "upload_to", which is where I'm getting the file to push toward S3.
> But alongside this it seems to be storing a copy of the file in the
> servers '/tmp' directory, thi
Good point re: if I can upload it to tmp, surely I can delete it. I'll
give that another crack.
It doesn't delete it from tmp by default in my case, which is why
they're on my back. Turned out there were 40,000 files in there, they
were a bit pissy.
My script that saves it where I defin
On Tuesday 13 July 2010 17:04:08 The Danny Bos wrote:
> Good point re: if I can upload it to tmp, surely I can delete it. I'll
> give that another crack.
> Kenneth,
> It doesn't delete it from tmp by default in my case, which is why
> they're on my back. Turned out there were 40,000 files in the
U can try using sessions.
Django supports anonymous sessions.
See here: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/sessions/
and here: http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter14/
On Jul 8, 12:38 am, iJames wrote:
> I think my brains have been un-djangoed because I think I'm missing
I have the following classes:
class Application(models.Model):
users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='Permission')
folder = models.ForeignKey(Folder)
class Folder(models.Model):
company = models.ManyToManyField(Compnay)
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneFie
Den 13/07/2010 kl. 13.34 skrev The Danny Bos:
> Good point re: if I can upload it to tmp, surely I can delete it. I'll
> give that another crack.
> Kenneth,
> It doesn't delete it from tmp by default in my case, which is why
> they're on my back. Turned out there were 40,000 files in there,
Sorry, I should've said what I'm using it for...
Here's my models http://dpaste.com/217686/
The query above I just want to get the next/upcoming game in the
database, which I display on the sidebar of the front page. What I am
trying to do, is also get ALL other entries from the database, in a
I've discussed using Django to my MD and he's asked for some example
large sites that were built using Django.
Does anyone maintain or know of any neat URLs I can point him to to
see how great it is. I'm not looking for front-end features, rather
speed of page request or volume of data.
Your init is expecting a value for field3_type, so you need to provide
it when you create the form in your view (prior to request.POST in the
postback instance).
On Jul 12, 2:44 pm, Nick wrote:
> I am working on a validation that will require a field be filled in if
> it is another field enters o
Richard Shebora
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Adam Auckland wrote:
> Hi,
> I've discussed using Django to my MD and he's asked for some example
> large sites that were built using Django.
> Does anyone maintain or know of any neat URLs I can point him to t
I no longer have the time or interest to maintain my little project:
If anyone would like to take over the project, I would gladly give it
away. Right now it costs a few dollars in shared hosting a month, and
a few more dollars for the downloads I host
It is your child. :(
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:37 PM, cjl wrote:
> Djangoholics:
> I no longer have the time or interest to maintain my little project:
> http://www.instantdjango.com
> If anyone would like to take over the project, I would gladly give it
> away. Right now it costs a few do
Two of the bigger django sites are www.disqus.com and www.theunion.com.
A couple more known sites can be found at the frontpage of
djangoproject.com. Djangoproject.com itself is probably one of the
biggest when it comes to visitors as well, serving 500 000 unique
visitors per month.
You could also
Hi there. While I cannot extend on it for a while yet, I have a few thoughts
on why one would keep this site "alive".
Please email me some stats like total running costs, average monthly hits?
Would be nice to see Google Analytics stats.
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:37 PM, cjl wrote:
> Dj
You have a trailing comma on each of your assignment lines which will
turn the right hand value into a tuple :)
> if len(line['Youth - First Name']) > 0:
> youth.name_first=line['Youth - First Name'].title().strip(),
> if len(line['Youth - Middle Name']) > 0:
> youth.name_middle=line['Y
Forgive me, here's another n00b doozie. I've created a form, which
extends form, however, my form is not validating and I can't get the
form to print errors next to my form fields. What's curious, at the
in all the examples, I don't see an else: clause. Which leads me to
Maybe this is a silly question, but if I have a form with multiple
checkboxes that are outputted by a for loop, how is the data passed in
the POST?
Is it like a dictionary?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group,
I wouldn't mind taking it on. I can host it on my hosting server and
maintain your child for you. Do let me know and we can exchange the
information.I am an eager new learner of django but am creating an
enterprise level application for a university at the moment and will
get up to speed rathe
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Adam Auckland wrote:
> I've discussed using Django to my MD and he's asked for some example
> large sites that were built using Django.
> Does anyone maintain or know of any neat URLs I can point him to to
> see how great it is. I'm not looking for front-end feat
Try it and see :)
If the checkboxes share the same name (as in the name attribute of the
input tag), then the checked ones' values form a comma-delimited list.
On Jul 13, 11:19 am, zippzom wrote:
> Maybe this is a silly question, but if I have a form with multiple
> checkboxes that are outputted
So it would work to just create a standard deployment for each
VirtualHost, just specifying a different DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in
each WSGI script? I should be able to get that working, as a fallback
at worst.
I've read the Django integration and Application Issues pages from the
mod_wsgi docs,
Hello Cjl,
I can host it for you and spend some time keeping it up to date. I
have built windows installers before so I could probably fix the
installer issues.
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:37 AM, cjl wrote:
> Djangoholics:
> I no longer have the time or interest to maintain my l
On 2010-07-13, at 7:37 AM, cjl wrote:
> I no longer have the time or interest to maintain my little project:
> http://www.instantdjango.com
> I'll also give you my 'build' script, but it no longer works correctly
> because the Python core devs broke the Windows installer, and mocked
> me when
As far as I know, http://grono.net was built using Django. At once it
was Polish biggest community portal which recently probably lost much
traffic in favor of the Nasza Klasa crap ;)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users"
And don't forget sites like http://www.giantbomb.com and other sites
by Whiskey Media :-)
-- Horst
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Piotr Kilczuk wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I know, http://grono.net was built using Django. At once it
> was Polish biggest community portal which recently probably l
On Jun 22, 4:12 am, "euan.godd...@googlemail.com"
> You could try using Spinhx if you don't think docutils gives you
> enough flexibility. The autodoc extension is great.
However sphinx + autodoc does not know how to extra django model
class A(models.Model):
Hi people,
I just got a dreamhost account and I need to install Django there.
I follow some usual links like wiki but I still have problems, the best
instruction I found was
Is there anyone here that install Django in dreamhost last days ?
Could it be generic ?. I mean i don't want to specify self.naughty_field.
How to do it for self.any_field ?
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 9:29 AM, euan.godd...@googlemail.com
> Django admin can't differentiate between empty string and None and
> picks empty string which makes sense in most
On Jul 14, 3:05 am, ringemup wrote:
> So it would work to just create a standard deployment for each
> VirtualHost, just specifying a different DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in
> each WSGI script? I should be able to get that working, as a fallback
> at worst.
> I've read the Django integration and
Hi Alex,
I follow the steps in http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Django.
I manage to do it successfully.
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Alex s wrote:
> Hi people,
> I just got a dreamhost account and I need to install Django there.
> I follow some usual links like wiki but I still
(sorry for this re-post, my original post isn't here??, so I replaced
it, and I have been checking up all day as I hope to find the
Forgive me, here's another n00b doozie. I've created a form, which
extends form, however, my form is not validating and I can't get the
form to print e
I think what I was looking for was inlineformsets. Easy enough i
suppose. We'll see. Anyone interested, see here:
On Jun 16, 8:35 pm, Erich wrote:
> First time poster, so go easy on me...
> I need to create a form tha
I think I found what I was looking for: inlineformsets.
On Jul 12, 1:56 pm, Erich wrote:
> Derek,
> Cool, thanks for that. I wonder if something similar would work on
> passing values to a formset...
> Erich
Thank you -- can't tell you how much I appreciate your taking the time
to help me out with this! The slides were extremely helpful, too,
although I'll need to do some research in order to understand some of
the details and figure out which of the options you presented we
should use. I'm feeling
On Jul 14, 9:41 am, ringemup wrote:
> Thank you -- can't tell you how much I appreciate your taking the time
> to help me out with this! The slides were extremely helpful, too,
> although I'll need to do some research in order to understand some of
> the details and figure out which of the opti
Awesome, thanks!
On Jul 13, 11:02 am, "m...@nipltd.com" wrote:
> You have a trailing comma on each of your assignment lines which will
> turn the right hand value into a tuple :)
> > if len(line['Youth - First Name']) > 0:
> > youth.name_first=line['Youth - First Name'].title().strip(),
I have a data submission form that is visible to everyone, but a user
must be registered & logged in before the data can be submitted
I want to allow users who are not logged in to submit data through
the form first, and then ask him to either register or log in. After
the registration/login pr
Example: http://dpaste.com/217886/
Line 6 is what I have a question about. Should I use javascript to
deal with that? If so, can the javascript access the django boolean?
Is there a way for Django to make runtime changes like this (filter /
unfilter checkbox or button)? How would I go about thi
On Tuesday 13 July 2010 19:01:12 Adam Auckland wrote:
> Hi,
> I've discussed using Django to my MD and he's asked for some example
> large sites that were built using Django.
> Does anyone maintain or know of any neat URLs I can point him to to
> see how great it is. I'm not looking for front
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