On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 9:52 PM, Jonatan.mv wrote:
> What would be you recommended CMS?. Could you please give some reasons
> (pro and cons)?.
> I'm investigating on these:
> - PyLucid v0.8.x stable, v0.9 alpha
> - FeinCMS v1.1.0 stable
> - django-simplecms
> - django-cms-2.0 2.0.2 stable , 2.1
I've been using the beta for a while and it works pretty good for what
I've seen.
On May 6, 6:40 am, James Bennett wrote:
> Tonight we're proud to announce, finally, the first Django 1.2 release
> candidate. If all goes well, it will also be the *only* release
> candidate, and Django 1.2 final
Hi All,
Where can I find good examples of django unit tests?
I currently just want to test my models and some helper functions, but
they will do a .save() on a bunch of model instances.
Any help gratefully recieved!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
On May 5, 9:15 pm, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On May 5, 6:27 pm, Derek wrote:
> > I have set of models, with relationships D -> C -> B -> A, where the
> > "->" indicates a "many to one" relationship.
> > I have been able to create a filtered queryset on child model D, based
> > on a value i
Hi everybody
I just got Django installed (to test it) via Macports and I have
Python 2.5 and 2.6 installed on a MacBook running 10.6.3.
I did everything the installation guide told me, but after typing:
python manage.py runserver
I get this error:
File "manage.py", line 2, in
from django.
Hi to everybody. I am a django and python newbie and I hope that
someone can help me here.
This is my first post here.
I will first explain my problem very abstractly to confine myself to
only the bare necessities.
I define a function "process" in a views.py file.
def process(request
> The actual call I had tried was
> Payment.objects.filter(appliedpayment__invoice__location=loc).distinct().ag
> gregate(Sum('amount'))
> (where amount is a field on Payment). I could do
> AppliedPayment...aggregate(...), but unfortunately the AppliedPayment
> splits the 'amount' into several val
First thing would be to ensure that when you submit the form back to
itself, the querystring remains. It's all well and good to visit a
form like this:
But if your HTML form tag is:
Then you'll lose the "?token=blah" part when you submit.
Other than that, nothing I
Hi All,
We're using Grappelli in the admin of a Django site we're building.
Weirdly, the TinyMCE text editor only shows up in Firefox. Has anyone
else run into this?
I've been scouring the Net and the TinyMCE wiki for clues but so far
no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
On 6 Mai, 14:35, zinckiwi wrote:
> First thing would be to ensure that when you submit the form back to
> itself, the querystring remains. It's all well and good to visit a
> form like this:
> /someapp/myform/?token=blah
> But if your HTML form tag is:
> Then you'll lose the "?token=b
TinyMCE works in every browser ... you just need to change the setup-
file, see
On 6 Mai, 14:53, django_jedi wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're using Grappelli in the admin of a Django site we're building.
> Weirdly, th
Hi Chris,
First of all, I never had much luck writing reproducible tests for
Django models with the fixture system that comes built into Django as
I never got consistent results and found the XML a pain to maintain. I
came across Fixture - http://code.google.com/p/fixture/ We have this
running wit
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to make a django-view that proxies the contents of a file
from another URL.
This mostly works (I realize some error handling is still needed):
def digitalObject(request, id):
import base64
import urllib2
req = urllib2
Disabling the security stuff makes it really likely you'll get comment
spammed. You should set up some kind of akismet protection on the
backend if you disable the security.
If you don't want the checking then you probably want a custom comment
You can use this method to setup a
You could do it quite easily with twod.wsgi and Paste:
from paste.proxy import Proxy
from twod.wsgi import make_wsgi_view
class ProxyRemoteFile(Proxy):
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/fixed/path/to/file"
return super(ProxyRemoteFile, s
When I get an unexpected error in my mod_wsgi/Django application, I'm
emailed a very nice error message with a stack trace and all the HTTP
environment variables (GET, POST, META, etc.)
That's great, but it does not include the name of the logged-in user.
Is there a way for me to add that informat
On May 6, 3:35 pm, Gustavo Narea
> More info here:
> http://packages.python.org/twod.wsgi/
Sorry, I meant: http://packages.python.org/twod.wsgi/manual/embedded-apps.html
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this gr
Also, as I think more about this, are you sure you need static
generator? You might get sufficient speed just by using cache.
Premature optimization is bad
On May 6, 8:37 am, Alex Robbins wrote:
> Disclaimer:
> Disabling the security stuff makes it really likely you'll get comment
> spammed.
> my HTML form tag is as follows:
> How can I avoid losing the "?token=blah" part? I think this could be
> the problem.
You'll want to replace it with this:
As explained here:
> > assert Fa
Thank you Scott.
Now I can access the "?token=blah" part.
This was a very fast and painless help.
I will learn more about Post and Get requests.
Best regards
PS: How can I vote for you?
On 6 Mai, 17:04, zinckiwi wrote:
> > my HTML form tag is as follows:
> >
> > How can I avoid los
Hey Frank,
Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna do that as well ;-)
2010/5/5 Frank
> I hate to chime in here but I recently started using Django, quite
> successfully. I'm also a consent-student. I fear that you are going to
> have a lot of trouble using Django (or anything like it) if you
Thanks for the reply! This looks neat. Although, right now I would
rather not depend on two additional packages if I can :\
I think I'll settle with copying a few headers manually for now:
def digitalObject(request, id):
import base64
import urllib2
Thanks for the help on that portion, it is working wonderfully.
I've been able to power through most of the requests for this project
but there is one outstanding element in regards to pagination.
Here is my view:
def QandAAPI(request, site):
quest = entry.objects.filter(site__name__icontai
Perhaps I'm missing something, but when I run "manage.py test", the
system sets up a test database
So you should be able to create all the model elements you need, and
save them and change them -- whatever.
In fact, what I do is during the setUp(...) routine, I add my "stock"
test data. It'll
I have a Django app that selects one of many possible XML documents,
parses it with minidom.parse(), finds all elements of a certain tag
with getElementsByTagName() then it sends a small subset of those
elements off to a client browser. So I typically have to parse many
thousands of elements to ma
Awesome! Thanks so much!
On May 6, 3:32 am, Federico Capoano wrote:
> I've been using the beta for a while and it works pretty good for what
> I've seen.
> On May 6, 6:40 am, James Bennett wrote:
> > Tonight we're proud to announce, finally, the first Django 1.2 release
> > candidate
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Ross wrote:
> Your thoughts appreciated. Is there a better way? I wouldn't want to
> stuff the XML-file resident content into a database and rebuild the
> XML element subsets because there are tons of files arriving and
> disappearing and it would become a huge bac
Sorry for the delayed response -
And yeah, I'm using cmemcached - looks like the django docs have been
updated in the past month to show it's deprecated. Thanks!
On Apr 19, 9:08 am, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Michael Strickland
> wrote:
> > Temporary fix:
Awesome Job, thanks everyone.
Vitaly Babiy
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Nick Serra wrote:
> Awesome! Thanks so much!
> On May 6, 3:32 am, Federico Capoano wrote:
> > I've been using the beta for a while and it works pretty good for what
> > I've seen.
> >
> > On May 6, 6:40 am, James Benn
Reading more it sounds like the memory usage issue, particularly for
those exploring Webfaction, is a typical rite of passage, and probably
has more to do with httpdconf and mod_wsgi setup than it does with
Django practices. Lots of discussion here. (I hope this forum allows html,
otherwise that
I need to say thanks and congrats!
I'm watching development community just at short time ago and I'm happy
and motivated to contribute more and more as I can!
2010/5/6 Vitaly Babiy
> Awesome Job, thanks everyone.
> Vitaly Babiy
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Nick Serra wrote:
>> Awe
You may want to consider using a sax based parsing. It works by
calling you back for beginning of tag (has the attributes), text content,
and end of tag, from which you can keep state and just keep the,
you say small. subset of the element data that you need, which you
can either stick in a dom, o
I am writing an authorization backend to get some permissions from
custom tables. I added it to settings.py,
It does not appear Django is calling get_group_permissions(self) from
this backend. I had print statements and nothing got printed in
Please help.
class MyBackend(object):
You have five different users in your database with the same e-mail address.
If you look at the e-mail messages, you'll notice that each one specifies a
different value for username. Just make sure you click the right one for the
password you want to reset.
You received this message
Never mind this, I got it figured out.
Thanks again
On May 6, 12:51 pm, Nick wrote:
> Thanks for the help on that portion, it is working wonderfully.
> I've been able to power through most of the requests for this project
> but there is one outstanding element in regards to pagination.
> Her
Hi, I have been trying to setup mod_wsgi with apache 2
but when I do:
sudo a2enmod mod-wsgi
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
I get this error message:
Restarting web server: apache2apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /
etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-
Type "which python" at the command line as your regular user. Then, look at
/usr/bin/python*, /usr/lib, /usr/local/bin/python* and /usr/local/lib.
Find where the site-packages for Django are located. Make sure that "which
python" is pointing to the correct version.
Sounds like Django is not in
On May 7, 7:34 am, When ideas fail wrote:
> Hi, I have been trying to setup mod_wsgi with apache 2
> but when I do:
> sudo a2enmod mod-wsgi
> sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
> I get this error message:
> Restarting web server: apache2apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /
> etc/apache2/
On May 7, 4:40 am, Ross wrote:
> I have a Django app that selects one of many possible XML documents,
> parses it with minidom.parse(), finds all elements of a certain tag
> with getElementsByTagName() then it sends a small subset of those
> elements off to a client browser. So I typically have
True...Thanks man..I didnt realise that. I was just checking by
entering users with the same email address...so found it weird when
there were 5-6 mails sent for password reset.
But is there anything that I can do to restrict users using same email
address more then once..
On May 7, 6:21 am
resolved by adding has_perm and get_all_permisions methods to my
backend class.
Looks all methods should defined in backend, not just the one I want
to change.
On May 6, 1:53 pm, lray wrote:
> I am writing an authorization backend to get some permissions from
> custom tables. I added it to set
I have code that generates a file for download. I want to close the
window after the user selects the download or even redirect them.
Here is my code:
response = HttpResponse(cal.as_string(), mimetype='text/calendar')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=schedule.ics'
return re
hi all,
i am a newbie in django and have been trying to get this django-
registration app working with few extra fields.
now i am getting his module error
please help fixing me this error..
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
docfset=inlineformset_factory(document, documentOnline,
form=documentOnlineForm, extra=1, can_delete=False)
c = RequestContext(
I don't know which version of django-registration you use,
but the source on views.py doesn't have any profiles.utils
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 9:19 AM, newbiedjango wrote:
> hi all,
> i am a newbi
if i changed to following:
'docfset':docfset({'actor':request.user}, instance=tdoc),
i got:
On May 7, 10:21 am, victor wrote:
> docfset=inlineformset_factory(document, documentOnline,
> form=documentOnlineForm, extra=1, can_delete=False)
> c = RequestContext(
If you use the context processors, you can include the data on every
page. The template should be rendered from the view or in your case a
generic view.
On May 5, 9:06 am, Martin Tiršel wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to insert some data from database onto every page, so I inserted
> them in
hi all,
i am a newbie in django and have been trying to get this django-
registration app working with few extra fields.
now i am getting his module error
please help fixing me this error..
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
my views.py is
down here which is an extension of
I am a total newbie here and don't know much about this..kindly
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from dj
see this line
import profiles.utils
in views.py on django registration doesn't have that line. so I think
you or someone already customized the registration apps
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 9:57 AM, newbiedjango wrote:
> my views.py is
> down here which is an extension of
> http://bitbucket.o
yes that import statement was done by me but im not sure if that is
the correct way to do it or not.
On May 7, 12:01 pm, Bayuadji wrote:
> see this line
> import profiles.utils
> in views.py on django registration doesn't have that line. so I think
> you or someone already customized the regist
Hi All,
Bashing my head against a wall trying to understand this issue.
Playing around with Django-Contact-Form app, and trying to use my own
subclassed Form in the views. From the code in views, it looks like it
just takes an optional arg, form_class, which can be your Form
subclassed from Contac
I need to put into a template some fields of my model, but not all the
fields, it is better to specify which fields to pass.
Then, I use something like:
MyModel.objects.values('id', 'field1__name', 'field2',
'field3__value', 'my_custom_set')
But, 'my_custom_field' is a GenericRelation fi
Django newbie here. I am learning by following the Django book. All
is good until I try to enable the admin interface (on v1.1.1) and I
get the following error:
TemplateDoesNotExist at /admin/
So I did some poking around and changed my TEMPLATE_DIRS to the
54 matches
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