I have about 42,000 lines in a database that I need imported into my
Django database. I made a PHP script that outputs the data like o:
Base.objects.get_or_create(identifier="92NC", local="92NC", type=5,
elevation="1178", iata="", name="Grace Hospital
Heliport",country="United States", region="No
I am trying to understand how to use filters in django.
I have following models:
class Section(models.Model):
section = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank = True)
category = models.ForeignKey(Category, blank=True)
On May 25, 8:08 am, Oleg Oltar wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to understand how to use filters in django.
> I have following models:
> class Section(models.Model):
> section = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True)
> name = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank = True)
> cat
I am having trouble getting error reporting via email to work (as
described here http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/error-reporting/
). When I hit a 500 error, no email reaches the admin's inbox.
Here is what I have done:
- I set DEBUG to False
- I defined an Admin user and entered m
Rex wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having trouble getting error reporting via email to work (as
> described here http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/error-reporting/
> ). When I hit a 500 error, no email reaches the admin's inbox.
> Here is what I have done:
> - I set DEBUG to False
> - I define
Built-in template tag {% spaceless %) can do a part of work for you
(namely, remove the extra whitespace), but to actually obfuscate the
code you should either use middleware or make extensive use of
JavaScript (e.g. open GMail and try to read the source). However, the
idea in general sounds stran
On May 24, 9:54 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
> On May 24, 6:50 pm, Continuation wrote:
> > For example, I have a view edit_profile that edits a user's profile.
> > Obviously I want to make sure that each user can edit his own profile
> > only.
> > So before the profile of user A is being edited b
On Monday 25 May 2009 01:41:31 am Andy wrote:
> But how do I stop user A from trying to edit the profile of user B?
in urls.py
url(r'profile/(P)/', 'up.views.profile', name='profile')
in views.py
def edit(request, username):
profile = UserProfile.objects.get(username__exact=username)
Is the EMAIL_HOST (and related variables) set in the settings.py
On May 25, 9:19 am, Rex wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having trouble getting error reporting via email to work (as
> described herehttp://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/error-reporting/
> ). When I hit a 500 error, no email reac
On May 25, 2009, at 4:41 PM, Andy wrote:
> On May 24, 9:54 pm, Brian Neal wrote:
>> On May 24, 6:50 pm, Continuation wrote:
>>> For example, I have a view edit_profile that edits a user's profile.
>>> Obviously I want to make sure that each user can edit his own
>>> profile
>>> only
I have a photo gallery application, where it is possible to list photos in
order, from different search requests (e.g. search by Album, Category,
Person, etc).
In the photo_detail page I want to provide prev/next links that take the
user forward or backword to the last photo.
ie. so what
Hi list,
In an attempt to follow the DRY principle and keep environment
specific variables separate from my application code, i decided to put
a number of application specific variables in a different file.
So i have a file like this:
u...@host:~/program$ more appenv.py
# app environ
Bobby Roberts kirjoitti:
> i'm trying to put a simple reset button on a form but it's not
> working Why wouldn't a standard html reset button be working?
No reason but you definitely shouldn't put reset button on a form in a
first place [1].
[1] http://www.useit.com/alertbox/2416.html
I want to use quote_plus in my django templates to display a url.
Can anyone tell me how I call it in my template?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send ema
Be gentle with me. I am on my 7th day with Django. I have completed
the tutorial for 1.0.2 and have started building an app that has three
models in a hierarchy, Suburb, Street and Property. All are available
in the basic Admin, working very well.
Now I emulated the tutorial by building a S
On May 25, 4:53 am, Jeff FW wrote:
> Thanks for your response. Sorry I didn't respond earlier--been quite
> busy.
> I don't know for certain that anyone's seeing a 500 response--I get an
> e-mail from Django (traceback below) and an error in the Apache logs
> (below). I've never received an
On 25.05.2009, at 10:59, Mike Ramirez wrote:
> On Monday 25 May 2009 01:41:31 am Andy wrote:
>> But how do I stop user A from trying to edit the profile of user B?
> in urls.py
> url(r'profile/(P)/', 'up.views.profile', name='profile')
you don't need the user name in the url for edit
I had no prob. running trunk on Py2.6. I ended up going back to Py 2.5
because the Google App Engine environment is still running 2.5 (that's
where my latest app is going). See...
On May 24, 12:21 am, Kegan wrote:
> I am always
I have a choices field called status in my model form which can be set
to a number of values, however the options available will be based on
its current state something like this, so it needs to refer to itself:
class ContractForm(ModelForm):
def getStatusChoices()
if status == 'r':
My requirement is to display a 2-column table (moves to be entered by
user for white and black of a chess game) with 10 rows for input
(textbox).How can I use forms module to achieve this? Is it possible?
You received this message b
On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Chris DPS wrote:
> No. I get the same error.
> I tried that on 3 versions of python with the same result.
Which means there is something fundamentally broken with Python's ability to
access the network on this machine, and until that is fixed, Django isn't
On May 25, 1:46 pm, vishy wrote:
> Hi,
> My requirement is to display a 2-column table (moves to be entered by
> user for white and black of a chess game) with 10 rows for input
> (textbox).How can I use forms module to achieve this? Is it possible?
> thanks
I think the easiest way to do this w
What reason do you have for this? Security through obfuscation isn't a
good strategy, especially with something as intrinsically open as
HTML. If your site can be hacked just by being able to view the HTML
then you have bigger problems to worry about than obfuscating it.
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 4
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 6:57 AM, adelaide_mike
> Hi
> Be gentle with me. I am on my 7th day with Django. I have completed
> the tutorial for 1.0.2 and have started building an app that has three
> models in a hierarchy, Suburb, Street and Property. All are available
> in the basic Admi
if pg.count()>0:
for id in pg:
if pg2.count()>0:
for id in pg2:
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Bobby Roberts wrote:
>if pg.count()>0:
>for id in pg:
>if pg2.count()>0
> If you take a look at Q objects they allow you to do just
> that:http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#complex-looku...
> Alex
Hi Alex... that might take some reading up on and time is short at the
moment. I just found the pipe delimiter in filters so:
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Bobby Roberts wrote:
> > If you take a look at Q objects they allow you to do just that:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#complex-looku...
> >
> > Alex
> Hi Alex... that might take some reading up on and time is short at the
> moment.
> For a case like this they probably result in roughly the same (if not
> identical) SQL. In general it's better to use Q objects since django
> doens't have to piece together 2 seperate cases and then munge them
> together, which can get difficult with complicated aliasing and probably can
> pro
Hi everyone,
I am having problems with a string comparison in a django template and
I'd very much appreciate some help here! This template is rendered
from a view and gets to variables:
- HTproblemImpact, a dictionary with strings as keys (the "problems")
and Impact objects as values. The Impact
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Bobby Roberts wrote:
> > For a case like this they probably result in roughly the same (if not
> > identical) SQL. In general it's better to use Q objects since django
> > doens't have to piece together 2 seperate cases and then munge them
> > together, which c
Hi folks,
I have a seemingly straightforward problem but can't figure out a way
to do it natively in the ORM. I have two models:
class Puzzle(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
class Result(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
puzzle = models.
I was trying to find a way to get ModelChoiceFields to use an already
cached Model, and I came across in django/forms/models.py , under
class ModelChoiceField, a variable called:
class ModelChoiceIterator seems to be the only thing that plays with
it, but with or without c
I have a simple form with only ImageField declared in it and I've got
the following problem: when I am trying to upload something that is
not am image, i get no errors at all.
Form.is_valid() returns True.
What should I do to validate the imagedata?
I have the following abstract model, but it's child models fail saving
with RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
class AcceptedRoleAbstract(models.Model):
Represents a User that should accept a role
E.g.: Discutant, Reviewer
user = models.OneToOneField(
On May 6, 3:56 pm, Felix wrote:
> I have the next models:
> class Place(models.Model):
> currency = models.CharField(_('currency'), max_length=128,
> blank=True, null=True)
> language = models.CharField(_('official language'),
> max_length=128, blank=True, null=True)
> class Meta:
Are there any best practice regarding sessions in Django? Do yu
normally use db based sessions? What about using hidden element for
some scenarios, to maintain session?
You received this message because you are subscribed to
On Fri, 22 May 2009 18:28:57 -0700 (PDT)
Don Spaulding wrote:
> On May 22, 8:16 pm, Don Spaulding wrote:
> > On May 22, 1:13 pm, Laurent Meunier wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi list!
> >
> > > I'm looking for a way to have the number of objects for each date
> > > in the date_list object
On May 25, 2:29 pm, Pablo López wrote:
> {% ifequal str(problemImpact.description)
> (impact.0) %}
This is not valid Django template syntax - I am surprised it works at
all. You can't call functions with parameters within Django templates.
def forbiddenView(request):
return HttpResponseForbidden()
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
To post to this group, send email to django-users@googlegroups.com
Hey folks,
while playing around with the DB API last night, we discovered that
the ORM layer does not enforce content validation.
Since the blank field option defaults to False, we expected to be
unable to save ORM objects with empty fields, but the DB API will
let us do just that:
class Beers
also sprach Dougal Matthews [2009.05.23.1823 +0200]:
> Fair enough. I don't really have an issue with the idea, could be
> quite handy.
> I can just imagine them saying no :) so thought I would question
> it as a move/idea.
Look what I found! Check out the fifth point, labeled #1, top-most
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:35 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
> Hey folks,
> while playing around with the DB API last night, we discovered that
> the ORM layer does not enforce content validation.
> Since the blank field option defaults to False, we expected to be
> unable to save ORM objects with
I have a ModelForm that has a field of User. I'd like this to be
automatically set to whichever user is logged in. I can think of only
one solution, passing request.user into the constructor of the form
and have save() set it, but it *does not work* for generic views,
since they need a form class
I just wrote the following to switch between ascending and descending
sort order in a table view:
columns = [ {'ABC' : u'abc'}, {'DEF' : u'def'}, {'GHI' : u'ghi'},
{'JKL' : u'jkl'} ]
for column in columns:
for column_title in column:
if column[column_title] ==
Hey Retro, I'm struggling with the same thing. I've found two
interesting links which take two different approaches although I can't
get either to quite work (I think the template is just not seeing the
actual control but it's not complaining loudly). But it's quite
possible that you'll be able to
also sprach Alex Gaynor [2009.05.25.1945 +0200]:
> Django does not currently support model-validation, there is
> a google summer of code project being done by Honza Kral to add
> support for this.
Good to know, thanks.
This means that the feature won't be in 1.1 though, right?
martin | htt
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:43 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
> Look what I found! Check out the fifth point, labeled #1, top-most
> annoyance with Python, in
While I like it as much as the next guy, django-tagging, to take your
example, is currently sitting at version 0.2.1, released in Januar
My web host set up a django instance for me that can be accessed at
http://www.mysite.com/directory/. They've set up an Apache rule (or
something) that strips out the /directory/ before passing it on to
django, so as a result that url gets resolved by my url pattern "^$".
This is nice, the only p
We have a problem with an Oracle DB version 10g Release, Django
latest svn version and cx_Oracle 5.0.1-2
"select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';"
returns US7ASCII
We tried to change the NLS_LANG enviroment setting to US7ASCII so we got a
also sprach James Bennett [2009.05.25.2047 +0200]:
> And, really, this is the sort of thing that leads me to say it
> shouldn't be in contrib right now. We do need to have some sort of
> document outlining criteria, but I'd like to think that commitment to
> a stable API (e.g., the author is willi
I am implementing a simple 'shop'. The (simplified) model consists of
these classes:
class Product(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length = 100)
class Country(models.Model):
currency = models.CharField(max_length = 3)
class Price(models.Model):
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Viktor wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following abstract model, but it's child models fail saving
> with RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
When you get that error, it comes with a stack trace. Does that not make it
clear how the code is getting in
Sorry to have been too brief.
My objective is to rely as completely as possible on the Django
authentication methods. The only auth I need is
1) admin login for CMS managment
2) staff_member_required protections for certain pages (for example content
preview pages that link out of the admin)
On May 25, 2009, at 9:07 PM, Andrási László (g) wrote:
> How could we convert the data without loosing letters?
Hmmm... you can't. Your database is set to store US-ASCII characters
Read on about Oracle "globalization":
Hi, Kevin.
You can try to set FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/directory' [1] settings
variable. Or setup your web server to provide valid SCRIPT_NAME
environment variable.
[1]: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#force-script-name
Alex Koshelev
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Kevi
On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 09:42 -0700, Viktor wrote:
> super(self.__class__, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
This line at least is bad. You want:
super(AcceptedRoleAbstract, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
Do post again as per Karen's request if you're still having trouble.
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 1:32 PM, notcourage wrote:
> @require_GET
> def forbiddenView(request):
>return HttpResponseForbidden()
So the login requirement isn't directly decorating the view. It's still
there somewhere, based on your curl results. Given this view:
from django.views.decor
Hi Alex,
I did exactly as you suggested with no luck. Any other suggestions?
On May 25, 12:27 pm, Alex Koshelev wrote:
> Hi, Kevin.
> You can try to set FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/directory' [1] settings
> variable. Or setup your web server to provide valid SCRIPT_NAME
> environment variabl
On May 25, 9:19 pm, Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Viktor wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have the following abstract model, but it's child models fail saving
> > with RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
> When you get that error, it comes with a stack trace. Does
Django 1.1 is im pure bigfix and stabalization mode, to get it out
asap, so they probably wont fix this issue for version 1.1
On May 25, 8:32 pm, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Alex Gaynor [2009.05.25.1945 +0200]:
> > Django does not currently support model-validation, there is
On May 25, 3:41 am, Andy wrote:
> But how do I stop user A from trying to edit the profile of user B?
You don't let them. You control which profile you get from and save to
the database, right? You look at the request.user object and only
manipulate the data associated with the user specified
I want to add some logging for debugging reasons in some views and
therefore I think about to add something like this in my views:
if settings.DEBUG:
logger.debug("some text")
Would you recommend that? Is that good design? To be honest, I am
asking not about performance, just about how y
just to let you know. I am working with an additonal model now. this
model simply holds the file itself without any meta data. This file is
than used to get some tags out of the mp3 tags and with this
information i create than the actual meta data filled Track model.
Attached to that is than the f
thanks, this was the problem
On May 25, 9:51 pm, Sam Chuparkoff wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 09:42 -0700, Viktor wrote:
> > super(self.__class__, self).save(force_insert, force_update)
> This line at least is bad. You want:
> super(AcceptedRoleAbstract, self).save(force_insert
In my Article model I have a pub_status which can be either 0 (draft)
or 1 (published). How can I make sure that every time I try to fetch
some Articles, no Articles with pub_status 0 comes along?
I'm currently using a custom manager to enable
Article.objects.published.all(), but that's not
I have a ModelForm like this:
class PlanForm(forms.ModelForm):
funds = forms.ChoiceField(widget=forms.Select)
# This does get called but does not see 'funds' field!
def clean(self):
logging.debug("clean: cleaning data: %s" % self.cleaned_data)
return self.cleaned_da
You should look at the queryset api on docs.djangoproject.com
On May 25, 10:48 pm, Alex Jonsson wrote:
> Hey!
> In my Article model I have a pub_status which can be either 0 (draft)
> or 1 (published). How can I make sure that every time I try to f
I dont see anything wrong with the form code, could be the cod in your
views that is causing the problem. Try posting that part aswell.
On May 25, 11:27 pm, marstein wrote:
> I have a ModelForm like this:
> class PlanForm(forms.ModelForm):
> funds = forms.ChoiceField(widget
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:19 PM, tom wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to add some logging for debugging reasons in some views and
> therefore I think about to add something like this in my views:
> if settings.DEBUG:
>logger.debug("some text")
> Would you recommend that? Is that good design? To be
I had just open-sourced Django-ROA[1] (which stands for Resource
Oriented Architecture).
Basically it turns your models into remote resources that you can
access through Django's ORM.
See the documentation for a lovely schema[2].
What problems does it solve?
Here are some ideas:
I've followed the instructions properly, but I get the error:
OSError (2, 'No such file or directory')
at line 52 in Views.py: dir_list = os.listdir(os.path.join
(PATH_SERVER, path))
PATH_SERVER is not defined in my Settings, so I'm sure it's because I
can't figure out what to do for Basic Inst
On May 26, 5:20 am, Ben Welsh wrote:
> Sorry to have been too brief.
> My objective is to rely as completely as possible on the Django
> authentication methods. The only auth I need is
> 1) admin login for CMS managment
> 2) staff_member_required protections for certain pages (for example c
Filebrowser uses a directory called uploads, in your media directory.
You need to create it and allow the user running your wsgi instance to
be able to write to it as you upload files.
On a related note, has anyone ram into trouble installing filebrowser
with tinymce? Have run usual install all f
Thanks, Richard. I'll take a look at the links you sent and see if I
can't work something out. In the meantime I've dropped back to a
MultipleChoiceField. :(
I'll post my findings.
On May 25, 9:03 am, Richard wrote:
> Hey Retro, I'm struggling with the same thing. I've found two
> interesti
Suppose you were re-writing Facebook in Django.
Would you handle the complex profile and privacy settings pages by:
A) exposing the relevant admin pages to users, with careful auth to stop
users from being able to access admin pages they shouldn't be able to.
Obviously this would require much cus
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Sam Kuper wrote:
> Suppose you were re-writing Facebook in Django.
> Would you handle the complex profile and privacy settings pages by:
> A) exposing the relevant admin pages to users, with careful auth to stop
> users from being able to access admin pages the
2009/5/26 Alex Gaynor
> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Sam Kuper
> wrote:
>> Suppose you were re-writing Facebook in Django.
>> Would you handle the complex profile and privacy settings pages by:
>> A) exposing the relevant admin pages to users, with careful auth to stop
>> users from
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Sam Kuper wrote:
> 2009/5/26 Alex Gaynor
>> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Sam Kuper
>> wrote:
>>> Suppose you were re-writing Facebook in Django.
>>> Would you handle the complex profile and privacy settings pages by:
>>> A) exposing the relevant
Hey folks-- hope someone can possibly provide some insight here.
I needed to add a field to a model. Django (0.96)/mod_python (3.3.1)/
Python (2.5). Not sure which version of Postgres we're running.
So I added the field to the model. Ran manage.py sqlall & got the
(very simple) SQL to add the
On May 25, 1:07 pm, Andrási László (g) wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a problem with an Oracle DB version 10g Release, Django
> latest svn version and cx_Oracle 5.0.1-2
> "select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';"
> returns US7ASCII
> We tried to change
I am new to django.I have a requirement where in have to access tables
which are not created using django models, using django APIs.
For eg: I already have tables "book_111" and "book_222" created in
sqlite db by some different process. Both having same schema.I want to
access them to retriev
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:07 PM, ds99 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to django.I have a requirement where in have to access tables
> which are not created using django models, using django APIs.
> For eg: I already have tables "book_111" and "book_222" created in
> sqlite db by some different proce
Well, I fixed it. Downloaded the latest version of pgAdmin. Think
I'll probably throw it away & buy Navicat for my home office ASAP
My old beta of pgAdmin III (the only one that would work w/SSL
tunneling) apparently *changed the name of the table* when I added the
field-- from artists
Thanks guys, I appreciated it all.
It's just that I have tried a couple things mentioned here without any
luck. It might not be very hard but I am not a unix programmer so it's
harder for me, and I don't wanna invest lots of time in this.
On May 22, 11:06 am, Skylar Saveland
> >
Hi there,
How can I can cancel a model instance "save()" call from inside a
"pre_save" handler? Do I really have to reimplement the "save" method in
the model class to accomplish it?
You received this message because you are subscr
Diogo Baeder wrote:
> Hi there,
> How can I can cancel a model instance "save()" call from inside a
> "pre_save" handler? Do I really have to reimplement the "save" method in
> the model class to accomplish it?
> Thanks!
> >
> Hi there,
> How can I can cancel a model instance "save()" ca
OK, but is it garanteed that I can delete the instance without raising
an exception later, at the other methods, like "save" and "post_save"
handler? For me, overriding the "save" method seems a bit too much
code to do a very simple thing...
On May 26, 2:15 am, Ankit wrote:
> Dio
diogobaeder wrote:
> OK, but is it garanteed that I can delete the instance without raising
> an exception later, at the other methods, like "save" and "post_save"
> handler? For me, overriding the "save" method seems a bit too much
> code to do a very simple thing...
> Thanks!
> Diogo
> On M
OK... I'll manage to do this, then...
Thanks a lot, Ankit! :-)
On May 26, 2:39 am, Ankit wrote:
> diogobaeder wrote:
> > OK, but is it garanteed that I can delete the instance without raising
> > an exception later, at the other methods, like "save" and "post_save"
> > handler? For me,
Ok, well I took at look at the two links and they were pretty much the
same thing; just access to the choice list as text, not the checkbox
I was able to generate the checkboxes manually, but they break the
form system silently and just don't work (don't map to the usertype
object for
I have used ModelForm to create a form for a model class. In the
template rendering the form I just have:
that is very neat, compared to writing out all the form elements in
the template manually, but it is of course not as flexible. What is
the common thing to do?
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