Hi,Check out http://nerdierthanthou.nfshost.com/2005/09/soaped-django.html and
http://nerdierthanthou.nfshost.com/2005/09/xmlrpc-support-for-django.html before you go on implementing something.On 2/18/06, mateja <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Chaos,I too am interested in adding XML-RPC functionali
On Saturday 18 February 2006 03:12, bsnipes wrote:
> I finally see! What is returned by get_object() is dependent upon
> the results of the __repr__ method in the model setup. Hmmm. now
> to get it into a parsable format...
No, get_object() gets the object itself, with .name and all the oth
Well this is more of a python question I guess, but here goes.
Let's say that I am using the example model from
page in the documentation.
I decide to add a _pre_delete function to class Reporter that will
delete any articles f
On 2/18/06, Rock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
def _pre_delete( self ):articles = articles.get_list(reporter_id__exact=self.id)for article in articles:article.delete()The problem is that this won't compile since articles is undefined.
What is the preferred way to deal w
You would think so, but somehow that didn't work...
Precisely what import statement would you use.
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from django.models.myapp import articlesOn 2/18/06, Rock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-- Amit UpadhyayBlog: http://www.rootshell.be/~upadhyay+91-9867-359-701
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On Saturday 18 February 2006 13:03, Amit Upadhyay wrote:
> from django.models.myapp import articles
You will have to put thus inside the _pre_delete function, not at the
top of the module.
"My capacity for happiness you could fit into a matchbox without taking
out the matches first."
Ahhh. That makes sense. Thanks!
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Sure that's what I used to solve the problem :)
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Adrian H. suggested I post a note explaining that I'm very interested
in talking to Django developers who have experience with interactive
publishing projects. I'm trying to gauge the suitability of Django for
a major big-city newspaper site and find some really smart developers
who might be inte
I changed my model, ran "python manage.py init" , "python manage.py
install myapp" , "python manage.py createsuperuser" again, and when I
logged in, the
"Exception Value: no such table: django_admin_log" error came up. I
checked the model's schema, there is no table django_admin_log in it.
BTW: I am running on magic-removal revision 2330
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Well, it seems like I should run "python manage.py install admin"
again, since admin tables are in the same database. Sorry for the
newbie question.
in the half day', Django did impress me. great work.
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On 2/17/06, Roberto Aguilar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a person model I keep track of a person's address. I wanted to add
> a list filter, has_address, that shows yes or no depending on if the
> person has an address listed. I added 'has_address' to the
> list_filter tuple, but it just cras
Rock wrote:
> Ahhh. That makes sense. Thanks!
footnote: also note that all uses of "articles" in the function refers
to the
same object, so your first line
articles = articles.get_list(reporter_id__exact=self.id)
replaces the module with a sequence. it doesn't matter in this
simple ca
I would be interested in hearing what sort of replies you get. I have
a similar interest.
On 2/18/06, Arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Adrian H. suggested I post a note explaining that I'm very interested
> in talking to Django developers who have experience with interactive
> publishing p
Thanks for clarifying that for me. I can access all of the info in the
detail view now.
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I'm trying to use the contrib.comments in the magic-removal branch.
Is this broken?
TemplateSyntaxError at /
'comments' is not a valid tag library: Could not load template
library from django.templatetags.comments, No module named template
Request Method:
Request URL:
did you know about Ellington (http://www.ellingtoncms.com/) ?
Dan Mahoney wrote:
>I would be interested in hearing what sort of replies you get. I have
>a similar interest.
>On 2/18/06, Arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Adrian H. suggested I post a note explaining that I'm very
A few people had asked for the source to my django powered blog. So
here it is ... http://source.socialistsoftware.com/sssource/
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I'm trying to get apache 2.2 to not rewrite my Django urls with a trailing
slash using the "DirectorySlash Off" directive, but it seems to be
ignoring it. Has anyone else seen or solved this problem? This is the
relevant section of my apache.conf
DirectorySlash off
I'm sure I must be missing something obvious here folks, but perhaps
someone could shed some light for me.
Could someone please point me to some material on using Django in a
load-balanced environment?
The specific problem I'm facing is model ORM objects going "stale" (the
in-memory representati
Nicholas Matsakis wrote:
>I'm trying to get apache 2.2 to not rewrite my Django urls with a trailing
>slash using the "DirectorySlash Off" directive, but it seems to be
>ignoring it.
This is not Apache that does it since for Apache Django URLs are not
directories. This is Django itself:
Good catch, but this was just an example to show the poblem I was
FWIW, if someone really wanted to implement _pre_delete for Reporter as
discussed, they should add this version of the function to class
def _pre_delete( self ):
for article in self.get_article_list()
{{ form.error_dict|pluralize }} works fine by adding an s, but for
other languages like french its not good enought we have to adapt the
le journal = les journaux (newspaper)
so i m trying to check if my has several errors to display the
appropriate message.
This does work
{% if {
... just needed to take of the brackets.
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Would it make sense to upgrade the version of Trac that
http://code.djangoproject.com is running? I don't know much about Trac
yet, but just now when I tried to replace an attachment on a Django
ticket with a newer version of that attachment, I got an internal error
that seems to have been fixed i
Cool...thanks! (I have my own, wimpier implementation, so let's see
what I can stea...er, learn from!)
One note: It appears (and you've probably already noticed) that there's
a typo in the Technorati xmlprc ping:
reply = technoratiServer.weblogUpdate.ping('Socialist
28 matches
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