Hmm what i've done so far is:
in my view:
def arhiva(requesst):
arch = Post.objects.dates('data', 'month', order='DESC')
archives = {}
for i in arch:
tp = i.timetuple()
year = tp[0]
month = tp[1]
if year not in archives:
Check out Django's built-in "generic" views:
It sounds like this solution might work for you if you just want to
show an archive of your Posts. With this, you don't have to write any
views, you only have to configure the urls and tem
Hello, i'm new to Django and started an application, i did the models,
views, templates, but i want to add some kind of archive to the bottom
of the page, something like this
My model looks like this:
class Post(models.Model):
3 matches
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