Re: Forbidden fix

2016-10-14 Thread Ricardo Prado
Hi Mike! Are you using SSL certificate? What's your SO? Ubuntu, Debian, Win? Please get apache log, you can found this in typing: cat /etc/var/log/apache2/error.log (if ubuntu or debian) and type this an copy and past the permission: stat -c "%n %a" /substance/wsds/7291 check in octal permissi

Re: Forbidden fix

2016-10-13 Thread Ricardo Prado
Can You send an image or log about this problem? Check virtualhost, APACHE 2.2 - use in dir "Allow All" APACHE 2.4 - use "Require All Grant" Em quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2016 04:47:58 UTC-3, Mike Dewhirst escreveu: > > I have two similar servers behaving differently. This is the staging

Forbidden fix

2016-10-13 Thread Mike Dewhirst
I have two similar servers behaving differently. This is the staging server ... You don't have permission to access /substance/wsds/7291/ on this server. The production server is fine running Ubuntu 14.04 and Apache 2.2. The difference is that I have just upgraded staging to Ubuntu 16.04 and