Re: Customizing your project's templates

2013-10-26 Thread Sheharyar Hamayun
Hey Yes, thank you. It worked! Btw sorry for the late reply, my previous 'thank you' reply didn't seem to go through it seems. On Monday, October 21, 2013 2:52:48 PM UTC+11, Sheharyar Hamayun wrote: > > Ok, so i've copied the *base_site html* > to*lotus/pollapp/mysite/polls/templates/admin >

Re: Customizing your project's templates

2013-10-21 Thread Leonardo Giordani
I think that you are missing the absolute path part of the code comment *# Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths. * This means that you cannot use 'lotus/...' Usually you use code like ABSOLUTE_PATH = '%s/' %(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(locals()['__file__'])).replace('\\

Customizing your project's templates

2013-10-21 Thread Sheharyar Hamayun
Ok, so i've copied the *base_site html* to*lotus/pollapp/mysite/polls/templates/admin * . I've opened the html file in a text editor and changed * {% trans 'Django administration' %}* to *{% trans 'Pollapp' %}* However this change doesn't show on the website. My *Template DIRS* is: TEMPLATE_