Actually It works, but there was somethin wrong in media query sizes.


Il giorno venerdì 11 marzo 2016 14:03:05 UTC+1, Rose ha scritto:
> Hi, 
> I need to use "@media screen" to display different background image sizes. 
> I was able to reproduce the correct output by using this code with wagtail 
> tags:
> <style>
>     {% image block.value width-1450 as carouselimagedata %}
>     @media screen and (min-width:1450px){
>     .img { background:url('{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ carouselimagedata.url }}') 
> no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;}
>     }
>     {% image block.value width-1200 as carouselimagedata %}
>     @media screen and (min-width:1200px){
>     .img { background:url('{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ carouselimagedata.url }}') 
> no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;}
>     } .......
> </style>
> output:
> <style>
>     @media screen and (min-width:1450px){
>     .img { background:url('/media/images/albergo_DPbX2EO.width-1450.jpg') 
> no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;}
>     }
>     @media screen and (min-width:1200px){
>     .img { background:url('/media/images/albergo_DPbX2EO.width-1200.jpg') 
> no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;}
>     }
>     @media screen and (min-width:992px){
>     .img { background:url('/media/images/albergo_DPbX2EO.width-992.jpg') 
>  no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;}
>     }
>     @media screen and (min-width:768px){
>     .img { background:url('/media/images/albergo_DPbX2EO.width-800.jpg') 
>  no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;}
>     }
>     @media screen and (min-width:767px){
>     .img { background:url('/media/images/albergo_DPbX2EO.width-550.jpg') 
>  no-repeat center center; background-size: cover;}
>     }
> </style>
> I can see background image but it doesn't change in responsive layout 
> view. It always seems to pick up the last image size, in my case 550.jpg. 
> Any ideas?
> Thx, 
> Rose

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