DateField format

2008-06-01 Thread shocks
Hi I'm using pluging into Django with a binary format based on SOAP (AMF) into Flex. I'd like to format the date field as DD-MM-YY however the date object returned from my Django gateway is of the format: Sun Jun 1 01:00:00 GMT+0100 2008. How do I go about changing this in the model? My views

Model Setup for Admin

2008-05-06 Thread shocks
Hi I'm trying to figure out the structure of a model that has singleton elements within it. I guessing this should be 2 seperate models that are bound together. I would like to use the admin utility to present the following to the admin user: Clients Section - Client Section Title - Clie

IIS 6 PyISAPIe problems

2008-05-05 Thread shocks
Hi I have followed the Django IIS installation guide on the Django website but I'm getting the following error when I point to the example: Internal Server Error An error occurred processing this request. Request handler failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python

Migration from Linux to Windows Setup

2008-04-17 Thread shocks
Hi I've been using Django for a while on a Linux setup. For this next job, Django will have to run on Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6 and MySQL. The question I have relates to migrating a project from Linux/ OS X to Windows. I don't have a local Windows box setup at the moment and I will develo

Returning a method property rather than the object

2008-02-23 Thread shocks
Hi I'm using PyAMF with Django. I've just got started with it. My Django CMS I've setup currently exports XML using render_to_response to a template in my import django.http as http import django.shortcuts as shortcuts import models def xml(request): # References to Model

Modify file.html widget

2008-01-15 Thread shocks
Hi I'd like to make some modifications to file.html in contrib/admin/ templates/widget/ but would only like them per project rather than globaly. I moved file.html into project_name/templates/portms/admin/ widget (I assume this is correct?) but it's not picking up my local changes. Is this eve

ManyToManyField - referencing attribute

2008-01-14 Thread shocks
Hi I'm trying to get a ManyToManyField working in my model. It all works fine apart from the functionality in my view template. I'm using it to export some XML and have an 'ifeqaul' condition to test which category(ies) a client is associated with. A ForeignKey setup works fine for my template

XML Rendering. Template issue - sub cats

2008-01-06 Thread shocks
Hello I've been using Django for a week. Really liking its flexibility. I'm using it to create a CMS for an ActionScript 3 app. The Flash will read an XML file outputed from Django and maintained through the admin interface. It's all working well but I have a problem structuring the XML output