Generating web-service API docs from

2007-11-27 Thread raminf
Say you're using Django to offer a public RESTful API (in addition to the normal HTML output) and want to generate developer documentation for the API part. Most Python doc-generation tools are designed to scan for Python classes and functions. But that's not what you're exposing to the consumers

DB scaling

2007-05-08 Thread raminf
Hi folks, There were some discussions on this list a while back on back-end database scaling and a support ticket for multi-database connections ( There appeared to be a lot of ideas but no definitive conclusions. The deployment chapter in the DjangoBook

Re: Recommended Editor/IDE

2007-04-30 Thread raminf
I've been using a mix of Eclipse with PyDev to do Django work. It works well except for Django code completion (none of the IDEs seem to support it well enough to be useful). I've also had pretty good luck with Komodo, but with Eclipse you can also do front-end javascript development with Aptana i