Il giorno domenica 11 ottobre 2020 alle 17:37:15 UTC+2 Marco Paradisi ha
> Hi everyone,
> I have the following instruction:
> forms.models.inlineformset_factory(Covata, Bird, fields=('rna_ucc',
> 'sesso', 'nascita', 'anella
Hi everyone,
I have the following instruction:
forms.models.inlineformset_factory(Covata, Bird, fields=('rna_ucc',
'sesso', 'nascita', 'anella', 'razza', 'mutazione', 'portatore',),
can_delete=True, extra=1)
I want to initialize two fields of the model "Bird" to values taken from
the form of
Hi Everyone!
I need to filter the choices for a foreign key.
My Model has an attribute SEX that could be M or F, and two Foreign keys (
FATHER and MOTHER ), I want both filtered for sex.
How can I achieve it?
Thanks in advance
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Hello, my partners and I are working on a Django project using git, a
partner begin the project and committed it on github, then the rest of us
copy the project on their respective computers, but when we run the "python
manage.py runserver" command (or any other command using manage.py) the
"revision"), partition_by=F("pn")))
result = Article.objects.filter(revision= Subquery(window_query)
I've tried also with OuterRef, to use the max_rev annotation as a join, no
I'm out of ideas!
Il giorno giovedì 7 giugno 2018
FROM en_articles) maxart
WHERE revision = max_rev;
I cannot understand how to do the same with Django's ORM, i've tried every
combination of Subquery/Window without getting anywhere.
Does anyone know how to do it?
Thanks in advance
You received this mes
can anyone please explain how I get off this list?
I have tried to click the link at the jottom of this mail, where it says
'unsubscribe' but the reply i got was that I couldnt be unsubscribe because
myemail address would not belong to the list (unknown).
Who is the owner of this list? who
I have several critical systems, each run a django server witch users use
trough the local network(192.168.xxx.xxx) to control and monitor the
system. The goal would be to create a more powerfull remote server, that
could unify several local servers, so that regular use would be only tr
Maybe this can help you
terça-feira, 30 de Agosto de 2016 às 07:33:14 UTC+1, Web Architect escreveu:
> Hi,
> I am looking for an elegant and efficient mechanism to have a query filter
> or a solution for the following one to many
oh, it was you that fixed the warning in django-cms so... thanks again
Il giorno lunedì 15 febbraio 2016 22:06:05 UTC+1, Marco Badan ha scritto:
> ok,
> I was able to isolate the url: it's from django cms 3.2.1.
> The django cms devs have alrea
For reference:
the url is here
<https://github.com/divio/django-cms/blob/develop/cms/wizards/urls.py> and
the related view is WizardCreateView
ed (once) after migrating to 1.8." but you said you
> upgraded from 1.8 to 1.9, so I guess it isn't relevant.
> If you could bisect Django's commit history to find where the behavior
> changed, that might yield some insight.
> On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 8:3
I've upgraded a project to Django 1.9.
LANGUAGES = (('it', 'Italian'),)
With Django 1.8 after running makemigrations I got the no changes detected
On 1.9 makemigrations creates migrations for all of my apps and all third
party apps.
I had a look at
Hi All,
For those collegue beginners who also where searching. :-)
In my search of the sollution i found this:
Works great.
Op dinsdag 7 juli 2015 18
Hi all,
I would like to make a registration form with the User SignUp form and
extra UserProfile fields.
So after saving the user is created and the data is saved in the
UserProfile model.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advacend.
Marco neumann
Thanks for your response.
I need a extra pair of eyes. :-)
Op zaterdag 20 juni 2015 00:27:07 UTC+2 schreef Marco Neumann:
> Hi There,
> Im stuck on above error. Anyone a hint? Many thanks
> My code in models.py:
> from django.db.models.signals import post_sav
Need a extra pair of eyes. :-)
Thanks for your answer
Op zaterdag 20 juni 2015 00:43:00 UTC+2 schreef James Schneider:
> Check your spelling for receiver...
> -James
> On Jun 19, 2015 3:26 PM, "Marco Neumann" > wrote:
>> Hi There,
>> Im
Hi There,
Im stuck on above error. Anyone a hint? Many thanks
My code in models.py:
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.One
The models module is not limited to back-end data, it can include all kinds
of models so your Page class can definitely be in it.
For the helpers, it really depends on your code.
If they are simple enough and used only in your views, it may be OK to
place them in views.py whereas if they are co
A few things might be causing the problem:
- is settings.SECRET_KEY empty? If so, it's easy enough to fix
- in your settings, you might be importing a custom module *before* defining
the SECRET_KEY causing dependency problems
- you're doing something wrong in your settings (e.g. impor
Hi, In my models I want to have an optional field to a foreign key. I
tried this: classe = models.ForeignKey('Classe', null=True)
But i am getting this error:
Table has no column named classe_id
i am using sqlite edit
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
Hi everyone,
I'm still wraping my head around class based views and I'm trying my first
project with class based views. I'm having trouble deciding how to write a
view that will display a two Modelforms, one having a foreign key over the
I will need to do the .save(commit=False) part t
ty form.
Is there some pre-made formset-like library to automate this kind of form
generation and handling?
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"Django users" group.
To view this discussion on the web visit
elements that
have the same model1.
Which is the best way to do it?
Thanks so much.
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"Django users" group.
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so happy
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 5:34 PM, bruno desthuilliers <
bruno.desthuilli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23 mar, 07:15, James Bennett wrote:
> > It's here!
> >
> > Django 1.3 has been officially released.
> Yay great ! Congrats guys.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscri
y project tree (settings.py, views.py, __init__.py )
but in vain.
where should i put it?
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"Django users" group.
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hello all,
django 1.2.4 with oracle_xe vrs. and debian filesystem
i received the following error when search data on a table
Caught an exception while rendering: ORA-00932: inconsistent
datatypes: expected - got NCLOB
Sorry for my bad English. I'm Italian :-)
I'm starting to study Satchmo.
I followed all the installation process (http://
docs/dev/new_installation.html), after which
I followed the command:
python manage.py satchmo_check
Result? This:
Checking your satchmo configuration
you should use the 'context' parameter.
from link
"Sometimes, your inclusion tags might require a large number of
arguments, making it a pain for template authors to pass in all the
arguments and remember their order. To solve t
(or on a blog)?
> On Jan 13, 1:31 pm, marco carminati wrote:
> > solved.
> > thank you all
> > On Jan 12, 8:59 pm, marco carminati wrote:
> > > Dear all,
> > > i'm trying to improve the performance during the modify of one of my
thank you all
On Jan 12, 8:59 pm, marco carminati wrote:
> Dear all,
> i'm trying to improve the performance during the modify of one of my
> models'
> I've the classic province and city structure.
> In the 'insert form', using jquery, I
> the onchange event and it does not seem to work. So is there anyway to
> find out what event(s) are fired by the dropdown box so my code works?
if you active the console in firebug you could see anything..
you could always put an alert('hello') in your javascript code
> Is it legal to code mul
atabase you could put in your
mail directly the user.id
hello {{ user.id }}
unfortunately I cannot test this solution now (sorry, i've not django
in this machine)
hoping this help,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" gro
Dear all,
i'm trying to improve the performance during the modify of one of my
I've the classic province and city structure.
In the 'insert form', using jquery, I can update the city queryset
after the user choice the province.
In the 'update form', I would like to set the city's queryse
i'm reading the djangobook, and doing the example(s).
in chapter 7 (forms), when i try to run :
>>> from contact.forms import ContactForm
the shell gives me this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ImportError: No module named contact.forms
can you help me to fix th
Thanks for your reply Justin,
I'd like to avoid having multiple tenants in the same database, I feel
multi-database is easier to scale, and simpler in a code maintenance
sense. It does required to run database migrations once per tenant,
but I still see it as the better solution.
One solution I s
I'm wondering if Multi-DB supports some kind of multi-tenancy on the
DB level (one app instance supporting multiple databases - one per
client - 2 on
I don't think it does, but just want to be sure.
I'm thinkin
i'm reading the djangobook, and it ocurred to me this drawing, to
graphic the mtv concept.
hope you like it, and you are free to use it!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Django users" group.
Mmm yes it seems you are right. But I think this is a bit confusing
thinking about object oriented programming, it is not? Then the only
way to avoid this seems to be use an abstract base class or use some
not so clean way to simulate this behavior.
On 21 Nov, 01:36, Ramiro Morales wrote:
> On
Thanks a lot Bruno!!!
2010/9/15 bruno desthuilliers
> On 15 sep, 18:35, marcovic wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > i'm trying to do a simple task with Django but evidently it is not so
> > simple...
> It is - when you understand how things work.
> > I have my model:
> >
> > class Mymodel(models.Model)
y project tree (settings.py, views.py, __init__.py )
but in vain.
where should i put it?
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ll not have any of the properties there
were put on the Group and Item subclasses. Because the Node class
doesn't know about them. This is a problem I've had with django for a
while now and i would love to see a solution that addresses it.
On Feb 24, 5:01 pm, bruno desthuillier
han a "filter these and then filter these" type of
The name "update" conflicts with the api for dict.update which updates
in place. Maybe that's okay or maybe it needs a new name.
On Feb 22, 3:15 am, Russell Keith-Magee
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at
Definitely use python csv and do it yourself. It's really very
simple. shaner's links above should help. One thing I would add is
make sure you convert all of your model values to unicode because
otherwise the csv module will choke on bad characters.
unicode(value, 'utf8
ou'll need to make sure your production
server has access to a real mail server.
On Feb 17, 6:05 am, andreas schmid wrote:
> this doesnt seem a django problem but a failure in the connection to the
> mailserver.
> check your email setup in your settings.py
Hi Rachel,
I can't help your problem but I'm curious after you said "it seems to
be working just fine" - how did you manage to make it work?
You just followed the site instructions and it works?
I got a problem here when i click "register" it will complain that
there's missing a parameter on regi
I had a need for this at one point because my main model had an
overridden save method that would modify the inlines. But it didn't
work because the inlines weren't there. I had to reverse the save
method and put it on the inline model. But in my case, there was no
reason not to do tha
ur clean method you would grab the submitted inlines and check
them against the is_approved field on the Clip. I'm not a django
expert, but that's where I would start. Good luck.
On Jan 14, 6:45 pm, Gabriel Reis wrote:
> Hi people,
> I am having some problem to va
I'm trying to find a solution to this very same issue. At the very
least, I think inlines should support custom callables.
The inline I'm displaying is an intermediary table for a ManyToMany
relationship. So I have a selector for the related object, but what I
would like to do in the inline is al
return admin.site._registry[model]
return None
I haven't testing this because I'm doing something slightly different
On Jan 11, 4:37 pm, Matt Schinckel wrote:
> On Jan 12, 4:11 am, Tomasz Zieliñski
> wrote:
> > On 1
I'm reposting this from earlier to see if I have better luck. I need
to be able to get the ModelAdmin associated with a model at runtime.
Similar to how django.db.models.get_model allows you to retrieve a
admin_class = get_admin(Model)
Is this possible?
The original post has more info
I was looking for some convenient method like this to use with the
object_list generic view. But writing my own wrapper view only took 2
def speaker_list(request, session_month):
if not session_month in settings.SESSIONS:
return HttpResponseNotFound()
I'm retrieving a model using django.db.models.get_model. The view is
receiving a post from a form generated by the ModelAdmin. How can I
get a hold of that ModelAdmin instance so can then get a hold of the
ModelForm? This will allow me to process the post (validation,
related objects, etc). The
Hi Everybody,
I would like to add a complex search form in the change_list.html admin
template (for example to add possibility to search something from date
to date)
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Marco Minutoli
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On Oct 29, 9:04 pm, Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Oct 29, 5:32 pm, Marco wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I going a little bit crazy that's why I'm posting here ...
> > I have a view :
> > def index(request):
> > request.session
Hi all,
I going a little bit crazy that's why I'm posting here ...
I have a view :
def index(request):
request.session['hello'] = 'world !!!'
print "hello!!!"
return render_to_response('index.html')
in this page index.html I have
value : {{ request.session.hello }}
But nothing is dis
Ok thanks a lot justind!
On Sep 15, 8:40 pm, justind wrote:
> Marco,
> See this portion of the
> docs:http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/admin/#overriding-ad...
> You can override change_form.html template and display what you need
> there.
> On Sep 1
I saw in Django's tutorial that it was possible to display some data
coming from a method of your model (for example
'was_published_today'). You just have to use list_display and call
your method.
But what if I want to display this in the edit form? Is there a way to
do that?
t; (2nd edition):
They are complementary. The first is a wonderful book, mainly suited for
beginners, and the second is very useful for more advanced readers.
Marco Buttu | www.pypeople.com
You received this
th the value of "none" I think
because the value of the fields is not yet in the database
moreover I should need translatable slug too so I can request the page
with all its urls for example
/news/hello-I-am-a-news/ -> content in english
As long as you trim start and trailing spaces, there shouldn't be any
problem, but personally I wouldn't use spaces in usernames at all.
On Jun 12, 2:42 pm, Wiiboy wrote:
> Do you think I would have problems if I disabled the checking for
> spaces?
> When I register users, I have it done auto
05:57, Rishabh Manocha wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Marco Bazzani
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 23:19, V wrote:
>> >
>> > On Jun 1, 6:50 pm, Marco Bazzani wrote:
>> >> I'm trying to extends django-registration app with some m
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 23:19, V wrote:
> On Jun 1, 6:50 pm, Marco Bazzani wrote:
>> I'm trying to extends django-registration app with some more fields in
>> the moment of registration
>> those fields are saved in a subclass of User
>> for ref
ch the order of the inheritance.
I've also modified some django registration to use my Model instead of
User ( but shouldn't be the origin of the problem)
any clue ?
You received this message because you are subscr
t. I don't want to change backends, but I need to
configure at least different database names for each subscriber.
My question is, is it possible right now, and worth to try and hack a
solution or is this something that will be supported soon?
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:25 PM, koranthala wrote:
> On Apr 16, 6:41 pm, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 6:39 AM, koranthala
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > >I was comparing between signal and save() and came across this
> > > following mail chain -
> >
> > >http://groups.google
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
pub_date = models.DateField()
Marco Buttu
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"Django users" group.
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On Feb 26, 10:28 am, Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2009, at 6:23 PM, marco sedda wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to select a "single" field from a table, i've read the
> > QuerySet API reference but i can't find anything to so
I want to select a "single" field from a table, i've read the
QuerySet API reference but i can't find anything to solve my query.
Just to explain:
If i've a table like:
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
how i can execute
i'm newbie in django and i'm writing a model to record a general
booking in a particular date for a particular item
The booking model looks like this:
class Booking(models.Model):
item = models.ForeignKey(Item)
startDate = models.DateField("From")
endDate = models.DateField("To")
so seems that the answer is no, and If you would share your work I
(and probably many other) will appreciate it very much :)
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 8:47 AM, DrMeers wrote:
> I have developed a Django site for an open source project, with
> contributors around the globe.
> A brief as
here is how
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Marco Bazzani
> you can open a patient modify it and save it as new
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:00 AM, Adam Woodbeck
> wrote:
>> Would it b
you can open a patient modify it and save it as new
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:00 AM, Adam Woodbeck wrote:
> Would it be possible to extend the ModelForm for my encounter model,
> automatically filling the form when I add a new entry?
> On Feb 9, 9:51 pm, Adam Woodbeck wrote:
>> I'm building
and include it in
> View.py. I have many links like this and would prefer that the links
> go directly to the page ignoring the django requests.
If you want to bypass the view you can try direct_to_template:
Hi, I've a problem with unittest in django:
I've described a models.py:
class Season(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30, unique=True)
startDate = models.DateField("From")
endDate = models.DateField("To")
and the test.py:
def testSeasonCreateEmp
S': '2', # the number of forms rendered
'addresses-INITIAL_FORMS': '0', # the number of forms with initial data
'addresses-0-name': 'Test test',
formset = inline_formset(data, instance=org)
> tweaking for Windows.
I am using PySmell to autocomplete Django code, but I think omnicomplete
is better. Tomorrow I'll try it :-)
Marco Buttu
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Marco Pantaleoni
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On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:42:19AM -0800, bruno desthuilliers wrote:
> > i'm trying to display a nested array with no luck.
> >
> > that's my tries:
> >
> > --- python manage.py shell ---
> > from django.template import Template, Context
> > list_parts = {
> >
Does django template engine supports nested dictionary?
i'm trying to display a nested array with no luck.
that's my tries:
--- python manage.py shell ---
from django.template import Template, Context
list_parts = {
'root': {'value': [{'tag': 'a'},
Please give it a try! Comments, suggestions, bug reports and patches
are very welcome!
Check also the other libraries on Launchpad:
Marco Pantaleoni
You received th
with easy_install)
Please give it a try! Comments, suggestions, bug reports and patches
are very welcome!
Check also the other libraries on Launchpad:
Marco Pantaleoni
You received
t I hope to ship a "more final" release in a few days,
with the help of your feedback :-)
Please give it a try! Comments, suggestions, bug reports and patches
are very welcome!
Marco Pantaleoni
You received this m
I guess the subject sums it up.. Basicly, in the admin we have:
But oustide there is no 'class="required"'. Is there a way to define
this so that it shows up? That would make my life much easier since I
could just code some javascript to do client side validation based on
css classes.
Well, i've spent countless hours on this, and it was so easy.. I guess
it could be added to the docs since It's a really nice feature.
I've posted my very bad view code at dpaste, but it might be enough if
anyone who has a similar problem
On Dec 8,
Exception Value:
'NoneType' object has no attribute '_meta'
Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/
contenttypes/generic.py in __init__, line 295
On Dec 8, 4:07 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun,
I'm trying to use generic_inlineformset_factory. There are no docs for
it except a Generic Relations Model example @
on the bottom (GenericInlineFormSet tests)
My question here is how to pass the POST vars to it?
In a mode
@Daniel and Bruno,
Thanks a lot it is working !
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I have this in my models.py :
class Device(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
class DeviceProperty(models.Model):
key = models.CharField(max_length=30)
value = models.CharField(max_length=80)
device = models.ForeignKey(Device)
In my vie
The assigned_to is correctly insert into the db.
Sorry for my bad English..
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"Django users" group.
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On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 03:22:02AM -0800, huw_at1 wrote:
> An update on this.
> 'which python' returns:
> libpython2.5.so.1.0 => not found
> libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x0039a4a0)
> libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x0039a460)
Marco Buttu
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On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 11:32 PM, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> zjffdu wrote:
> > I am a newbie of django, and want to know which IDE is suit for
> > django?
> >
> I'd say that it'd be good to continue using whatever IDE you use for
> your other Python development. Django is, after all
them by ``save and continue editing'').
Here's what happens when I try to add another person:
I don't have any problem adding more than two persons
in a group by shell instead.
Any sugge
> Error while importing URLconf 'csp.urls': No module named csp.urls
Why in the ROOT_URLCONF ``CSP'' is uppercase and in the error message it
is lowercase?
Marco Buttu
You received this message because
I thought my symlink might be bad so I tried executing the command
> using the full path to django-admin.py which gave me the same message.
You can try without use env:
python /usr/local/Django-0.96.2/django/bin/django-admin.py startproject
Hi, all
I'm a beginner on Django. I wanna know are there some studycase
website core for learning?
Thank you!
Canon EOS
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"Django users" group.
To p
I was a refresh problem coused by the use of fastcgi
I was use the wrong setting.py.. I restarted the server and it work great !
2007/8/18, Chris Hoeppner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hash: SHA1
> > File
> > "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/ba
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): marco_db1
META:{'DOCUMENT_ROOT': '/accounts/marco/fastcgi/cit2',
'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/xml,application/xml,applica
Where I can find a sample where a view pass a query and other models to a
template and the temmplate show them.
I need that for undestand how this part work
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